упражнения на Passive Voice
тренажёр по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Сагеева Алия Рустемовна

Презентация состоит из 3 видов  заданий на тему Passive voice (с ответами)


Office presentation icon uprazhneniya_na_passive_voice.ppt98.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Составьте предложения в пассивном залоге. Например: 10 schools/ build/last year. – 10 schools were built last year. (10 школ было построено в прошлом году.) 1. The museum/open/in 2005. (Музей был открыт в 2005 г.) 2. 3000 books/sell/every week. (3000 книг продается каждую неделю.) 3. The parcel/deliver/tomorrow morning. (Посылку доставят завтра утром.) 4. The flight/not cancel/because of the rain. (Рейс не отменили из-за дождя.) 5. This wine/not produce/next year. (Это вино не будет производиться в следующем году.) 6. Paper/make/from wood. (Бумагу изготовляют из дерева.) 7. Coffee/not grow/in Russia. (Кофе не выращивают в России.) 8. The New Year tree/decorate/last night. (Елку украсили вчера вечером.) 9. The airport/surround/by soldiers. (Аэропорт окружен солдатами.) 10. I/tell/to keep silent. (Мне сказали молчать.)

Слайд 2

Ответы 1. The museum was opened in 2005. 2. 3000 books are sold every week. 3. The parcel will be delivered tomorrow morning. 4. The flight wasn’t canceled because of the rain. (или: The flight hasn’t been canceled because of the rain.) 5. This wine will not (won’t) be produced next year. 6. Paper is made from wood. 7. Coffee is not grown in Russia. 8. The New Year tree was decorated last night. 9. The airport is surrounded by soldiers. (или: The airport has been surrounded by soldiers.) 10. I was told to keep silent. (или: I have been told to keep silent.)

Слайд 3

5. Измените предложения в активном залоге на пассивный залог, обращая внимание на грамматическое время глагола. Используйте предлог by. Например: French priests built this cathedral. (Французские монахи построили этот собор.) – This cathedral was built by French priests. (Этот собор был построен французскими монахами.) 1. The headmaster sent a letter. (Директор школы прислал письмо.) 2. Our children will organize the Christmas party next Friday. (Наши дети организуют Рождественский вечер в следующую пятницу.) 3. Mary trains the dogs in the garden. (Мэри дрессирует собак в саду.) 4. Mrs. Simpson has cleaned all the windows today. (Миссис Симпсон помыла все окна сегодня.) 5. Frank has packed the suitcase. (Фрэнк упаковал чемодан.) 6. Bob paid the bills. (Боб оплатил счета.) 7. The doctor will examine her tomorrow. (Доктор осмотрит ее завтра.) 8. My granny paints the door every year. (Моя бабушка красит дверь каждый год.)

Слайд 4

Ответы: 1. A letter was sent by the headmaster. 2. The Christmas party will be organized by our children next Friday. 3. The dogs are trained by Mary in the garden. 4. All the windows have been cleaned by Mrs. Simpson today. 5. The suitcase has been packed by Frank. 6. The bills were paid by Bob. 7. She will be examined by the doctor tomorrow. 8. The door is painted by my granny every year.

Слайд 5

Write sentences. Use the past simple passive and present simple passive 1. my laptop / steal / last week. 2. Coffee/not grow/in Russia. 3. the painting / sell / for £500 4. The airport/surround/by soldiers. 5. these cars / make / by robots / last month 6. Paper/make/from wood. 7. the men / arrest / by the police / in 2006 8. The New Year tree/decorate/last night. 9. the goal / score / by Raul / at 7 o’clock 10. I/tell/to keep silent.

Слайд 6

Ответы: 1. My laptop was stolen last week. 2. Coffee is not grown in Russia. 3 The painting was sold for £500. 4 The airport is surrounded by soldiers. (или: The airport has been surrounded by soldiers.) 5. These cars were made by robots 6. Paper is made from wood. 7. The men were arrested by the police. 8. The New Year tree was decorated last night. 9. The goal is scored by Raul. 10. I was told to keep silent. (или: I have been told to keep silent.)

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