The USA in the 1920th. Roosevelt
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Roosevelt and his "New Deal for American People"


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T he USA in the 1920s. Roosevelt and his "New Deal for American people"

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On a cold, grey Saturday in March 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt took the oath as President of the United States. In The 1920s, The USA Became A Major Industrial Power In The World

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The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) found work for many thousands of young men. " agencies"

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gave individual states government money to help their unemployed and homeless. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)

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set out to raise crop prices by paying farmers to produce less. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

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built a network of dams to make electricity and stop floods in a poor southeastern region of the United States. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

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worked to make sure that businesses paid fair wages and charged fair prices. And the National Recovery Administration (NRA)

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Roosevelt believed that his most urgent task was to find people work. He was especially anxious about the young. Roosevelt set up the CCC to help them. By August 1933, the CCC had already placed 250,000 young men in camps all over the country. They were hard at work cutting fire-lanes through forests, strengthening river banks against flooding, planting trees in places where the soil was being blown away. Roosevelt's most urgent task

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The government gave the CCC workers food and shelter and a wage of a dollar a day. Many sent this wage home to help their less fortunate relatives.

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A later alphabet agency was the Works Progress Administration (WPA). Roosevelt set up the WPA in 1935. Like the CCC, it aimed to set people to work on jobs that were useful to the community. By 1937 its workers had built thousands of miles of new roads and thousands of schools and hospitals. Works Progress Administration (WPA)

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The WPA even found work for unemployed writers and artists. The writers produced guidebooks to states and cities. The artists painted pictures on the walls of post offices and other public buildings .

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Between 1935 and 1942 the WPA alone provided eight million jobs. This meant that people were able to support themselves once more. They regained their independence and self respect . This was not all. The money they were paid helped to bring trade back to life. Shops had customers again. Factories became busy once more. Farmers had someone to buy their produce. Alphabet agencies like the CCC and the WPA put millions of people to work.

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Some said that the country could not afford the money that he was spending. Others said that much of the money was being wasted anyway. They feared, too, that Roosevelt's policies would make people idle and stop them standing on their own feet. " You can't make the world all planned and soft," complained one businessman. "The strongest and best survive - that's the law of nature after all." Not all Americans supported Roosevelt's New Deal policies.

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Roosevelt's efforts as "Dr. Win-the-War" wore him out. By 1945 he was a sick man. A few weeks before the end of the war, on the morning of April 12, he suffered a stroke. Within hours he was dead. His Vice President, Harry Truman, took over as President of the United States. By this time nearly all Americans were better off than they had been in the dark days of the Depression. Some argued that this was due mainly to the coming of war. But many thought the main cause was the New Deal. People still argue about this. But there is no argument about the importance of the New Deal in other ways.

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Roosevelt taught Americans to look to the government to see that everyone had a fair chance to obtain what he called "the good things of life." Many Americans still remember him with respect and affection .

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