Урок внеклассного чтения по теме: "Фразер, Рождественский дракон"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Гейдарова Светлана Лаврентьевна

Цель урока  познакомить учащихся с произведением шотландской детской писательницы Марго Фоллис  «Фразер, рождественский дракон».


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Предварительный просмотр:

Гейдарова С.Л., учитель английского языка

Тема: "Фразер, рождественский дракон" по УМК М.З. Биболетовой в 6-м классе

Тип урока: урок внеклассного чтения.

Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с произведением шотландской детской писательницы

                           Марго Фоллис  «Фразер, рождественский дракон».



 - читать художественный тест (аутентичную сказку) используя разные стратегии:

   с пониманием основного содержания, выборочным и полным пониманием;

 - предвосхищать возможные события, устанавливать последовательность основных событий


 - находить запрашиваемую информацию;

 - игнорировать незнакомые слова не мешающие понять основное содержание текста;

 - передавать основное содержание прочитанного с опорой на текст, выражая своё

    отношение к происходящему.


 - развивать и совершенствовать навыки беглого, осознанного чтения, умения анализировать,

    высказывать точку зрения;

 - развивать речевые и творческие способности учащихся;

 - развивать память, внимание, творческое воображение, языковую догадку;

 - способствовать формированию рефлексивно-оценочных навыков.


 - поддерживать  интерес к изучению английского языка;

 - воспитывать чувство дружбы и взаимопомощи;


Оборудование: презентация Power Point, проектор, экран, рабочая тетрадь УМК Биболетовой М.З. «Enjoy English. 6 класс», открытки, видеоролики

Форма урока: урок практикум

Формы организации работы учащихся: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная, парная, коллективная.

Ход урока:

  1. Орг момент: T: - Good afternoon!

Cl: - Good afternoon! We are all in our places

      With sun shining faces

      Oh, this is the way

      To finish this happy day!

T: - I’m fine today, and you?

Cl: - We are fine too!

T: - Are you ready for the lesson?

Cl: - Yes, we are!

T: - Let’s begin!

Cl: - OK!

( duty report)

T: - Who remembers, what the theme of our lesson is?

P: -“Fraser, the Christmas Dragon”, part III (Slide 1)

T: - And what is the aim of our lesson?

P: - I think that the aim of our lesson is to read the fairy tale till the end and

      do all exercises after the text.

T: - OK! But before it let’s see what names of your groups are. So make

       puzzles from these pieces of postcards and tell us your names.

T: - (Slide 2) Yes, the name of this group is “Merry Christmas”, and that

      group is “Happy New Year”. Look here! You see there are two

      Christmas bags on the table, one is for “Merry Christmas”, and another

      for “Happy New Year”. I’ll put a sweet into your bags for each right

      answer. At the end of the lesson we’ll know the winner!  Let’s start!

T: - Do you remember the main characters of this story?

Cl: - Of course, we do!

  1. Речевая зарядка:  -  Name the main characters of this story!  

                                                                                               (Slide 3)

P1: - Fraser, a fairytale dragon!

P2: - Carly, a highland cow!

P3: - Siobhan, a highland sheep!

P4: - Rabbie, a raccoon!

P5: - Harry, a hedgehog!

P6: - Gillian, a grouse!

  1. Фонетическая зарядка: - Let’s work with the new words!

                                                                                               (Slide 4)

Clumsy – неуклюжий

Blanket – одеяло

Knit – вязать

Nodded – кивнули

Sewed each strip together – сшили полоски вместе

Rowan berries – ягоды рябины

Icicles – сосульки

Leeks – зелёный лук

Boiled eggs – варённые яйца

  1. Работа с текстом:  - Now read and translate part III! While reading try to answer the question: What Christmas present did Fraser get? (Slide 5)

(читаем и переводим текст P1 – P15)

  • Now, answer the question: What Christmas present did Fraser get?

(a blanket) (Slide 5, нажать на анимацию)

  1. Релаксация. Физминутка. (The Skeleton Dance)  - Fraser, a fairytale dragon has prepared a Christmas present for you! It’s a video dance! Stand up and dance with Skeletons! (Включить видеоролик)

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. [Skeleton dance.]

 Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. [Skeleton dance. Move to the right.]

 Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. [Skeleton dance. Move to the left.]

 Doin' the skeleton dance. [Skeleton dance.]

 The foot bone's connected to the leg bone. [Point to your foot, then to your lower leg.]

 The leg bone's connected to the knee bone. [Point to your lower leg, then your knee.]

 The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone. [Point to your knee, then your thigh.]

 Doin' the skeleton dance.

 The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone. [Point to your thigh, then your hip.]

 The hip bone's connected to the backbone. [Point to your hip, then your back.]

 The backbone's connected to the neck bone. [Point to your back, then your neck.]

 Doin' the skeleton dance.

 Shake your hands to the left.

 Shake your hands to the right.

 Put your hands in the air.

 Put your hands out of sight. [Put your hands behind your back.]

 Shake your hands to the left.

 Shake your hands to the right.

 Put your hands in the air.

 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,

 wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,

 wiggle, wiggle...wiggle your knees. [Wiggle your whole body, moving your hands all the way down your body until they reach your knees.]

 Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.

 Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.

 Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.

           Doin' the skeleton dance.

  1. – You are good dancers! Let’s work again!

            Take your pages 44-46 and say who said:

 -“I know who it was!” - Gillian, a grouse!

 - “I’ve never tasted such delicious shortbread and pastries before” - Siobhan, a highland sheep!

 - “It’s nice and thick and warm, and we’ll make him a blanket” - Siobhan, a highland sheep!

 - “I’ll make the decorations if you find the tree.” - Harry, a hedgehog!

 - “Come in, all of you. I’m about to fix supper. Would you like to stay?” - Fraser,

    a fairytale dragon!

   - “It’s the best Christmas I’ve ever had!” - Fraser, a fairytale dragon!

(Slides 6 - 11)

  1. Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences! (Slides 12 - 13)

  1. Gillian saw the animals,

  1. All the friends liked the shortbread and pastries

  1. They made a nice blanket from the wool

  1. The friends put the present and the Christmas tree outside the cave

  1. It was the best  Christmas for Fraser

  1. Now the animals of the valley often visited the dragons cave
  1. which they had found in the morning.

  1. because they wanted to give Fraser a surprise.

  1. who were standing together and discussing something.

  1. which they took from the highland sheep.

  1. who was happy to see them.

  1. because he has a lot of guests this time.

  1. c; 2 a; 3 d; 4 b; 5 f; 6 e

  1. Arrange the sentences in the correct order. The first one has been done for you.

(Slides 14 - 15)


The animals found a pine tree and decorated it with nuts and berries.


Fraser went out of the cave and saw a present and a Christmas tree.


They took wool from the sheep and made a warm blanket.


The animals discussed their delicious Christmas presents.


He cooked a Christmas meal in the cave.


The guests spent the whole day in Fraser’s cave.


The dragon found some real friends.

  1. Now we’ll see who is the smartest and bravest in your class. Tell this part of the story as if you are Fraser. Use: (Slide 16)

  • gave Christmas presents to the animals;
  • returned to the cave;
  • fell asleep;
  • was cold;
  • couldn’t feel the tail;
  • went out of the cave;
  • saw a big wrapped present and a nice Christmas tree;
  • opened the present;
  • a warm blanket;
  • began to cook Christmas dinner;
  • had guests on Christmas Day;
  • had a real Christmas;
  • wasn’t cold during winter nights anymore;
  • made friends with the animals of the valley.

  1. Заключение. – Who can tell me what the main idea of the story is? (Slide 17)

  • All is well that ends well.
  • Scratch my back and I will scratch yours.
  • The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

  1. Write down your homework for the next lesson: p.169 verbs; p.57-68 words

           (Slide 18)

  1. Tomorrow is a great holiday – Christmas! Let’s relax and sing a song “Jingle

          Bells”.  Look at the screen!

Dashing through the snow

On a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way;

Bells on bob-tail ring,

making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight.


Jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way!

O what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh.

!3. T:  - Do you want to know who the winner of the lesson is? I think that friendship has

            won!  Take your Christmas presents. (Раздаю пакетики с конфетами) The

            lesson is over, have a nice day! Good bye!


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