School uniform
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Солодовникова Евгения Васильевна

Данная презентация по теме "Школьная форма" была подготовлена старшеклассниками как мини-проект. Она содержит теоретическую часть, мнения за и против ношения формы, а также включает опрос, проведенный в соц.сети. 


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Слайд 1

School uniform

Слайд 2

School uniform is an essential part of school life in many countries. Most schools in Russia also require school uniforms. However, some school accept freestyle outfit. There are different opinions on how the standard school forms should look like .

Слайд 3

Some schools have dark blue uniforms, while others use dark red or dark green colours . Some schools in Russia accept white shirts and black skirts for girls and black trousers for boys. Nevertheless, all these school uniforms have something in common. They all look rather smart and strict. Children’s opinions on school uniform differ .

Слайд 4

Some say they like wearing it, while others prefer to wear a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. In my opinion, the school uniform has both advantages and disadvantages. First of all when children wear a school uniform, they realize that they are at school, not at a swimming-pool or a stadium.

Слайд 5

It adjusts them to school atmosphere and helps to study harder. Secondly, school uniforms prevent social inequality. It means that both rich and poor children wear the same clothes. Furthermore, children don’t have such problem as what to wear in the morning. The disadvantages of school uniform include the loss of individuality.

Слайд 6

Everyone becomes alike and children look similar. The second problem may be untidiness. As children wear the same clothes every day their uniform starts to look a bit untidy and faded. Last but not the least school uniforms have become rather expensive lately. So, not every parent wants to buy it.

Слайд 7

As for me, I don’t support the idea of school uniform. I believe that at school we can wear anything.

Слайд 8

W e held an opinion poll among the students of our school and high school . The result is the following:

Слайд 9

As we see the majority does not approve school uniform.

Слайд 10

We want to offer their own variants of the school uniform:

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