Technological civilization: the greatest inventions
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Солодовникова Евгения Васильевна

Данный урок занимает важное место в системе других уроков по теме "Современные технологии", так как он носит обобщающий характер. По типу - это урок закрепления языкового материала по указанной теме.

Для достижения поставленных целей отобрано следующее содержание:

                   Лексические единицы: civilization, technology, invention, imagine, calculation, recognition, evolve, collapse, CPU, RAM, Motherboard и т.д.

                   Грамматический материал: использование условных предложений 2 типа.

                   Речевой материал: разговорные фразы (клише), выражение личного мнения.

Содержание урока отобрано с учётом коммуникативных потребностей детей данного возраста.

Урок строится традиционно, имеет простую структуру, носит игровой характер. При подаче учебного материала используются следующие приёмы и средства обучения:

                   Работа с текстами.

                   Выполнение интерактивного теста.

                   Элементы игры.


Предварительный просмотр:

Мультимедиа-урок  по английскому языку

Technological  civilization:  the greatest inventions

Подготовила: учитель английского языка

Солодовникова Евгения Васильевна


Краснодарский край

Ленинградский район

станица Ленинградская

Класс: 10 А


Образовательная цель:      развитие эрудиции и общего кругозора учащихся

Развивающая цель:   развитие у учащихся языковых и познавательных способностей, памяти, воображения, коммуникативной компетенции, развитие навыков монологической речи по теме "Современные технологии"

Воспитательная цель:   поддержание и развитие у детей интереса к изучению иностранного языка, воспитание культуры общения.

Учебно-методическое обеспечение:   Статья с сайта , текст о современных технологиях, пустая коробочка.

Техническое обеспечение:   компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, приложение VerdiCt, пульты по количеству учеников в классе.


Этап урока

Действия учителя

Учебный материал

Время, мин

Действия учеников


Начало урока

Централь-ная часть урока

Завер-шение урока

  1. Введение в языковую среду.

T: Good morning boys and girls! Glad  to see you!

Today we'll speak about our civilization and technological progress. You know that our life would be very hard without  modern devices. Many people use them every day. They wake up with the signal of the alarm clock built inside the  mobile phone. They turn on TV to listen to the news or watch the weather  forecast in the Internet.  Nowadays almost everyone has got a mobile phone and connection to the Internet.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

T: 1) And what about you? Do you like modern technologies?

     2)What devices do you prefer?

  1. Name the device you can do without.
  1. Do you use Skype for communication?
  2. How many hours a day do you spend in the Internet?
  3. If you could create a new device, what would it be?

1. Развитие речевых навыков.

Учащимся демонстрируется предмет (это может быть банка, пустая коробка, точилка) и предлагается использовать этот предмет как устройство. Называть его нельзя, можно только использовать фразу "I use it to/for..."

T: (беря коробочку и печатая на ее поверхности) I use it to type messages.

T: Yes, you're right. And now it's your turn.

2. Let's read the text  now.

(На доску проецируется текст, взятый из упр. 3 стр. 126 в учебнике). Учащимся предлагается выйти к интерактивной доске и обвести/подчеркнуть верный вариант ответа.

/Задание типа Multiple choice/

3. And now let's talk about the future  technologies - robots. But at first I want to show you the article about them.

T: Would you like to have a robot? If so, what functions would it have?

Одному из учащихся предлагается выйти к доске и фиксировать письменно те функции, которые должен выполнять домашний робот по мере того, как остальные эти функции называют.

4. Физкультминутка : зарядка для глаз

5. Выполнение интерактивного теста с помощью приложения VerdiCT. В нем 20 вопросов о технологиях, информатике как науке и известных людях в этой области.  Материалы для теста взяты на сайте

  1. Подведение итогов .

   Today at our lesson we've spoken about technologies and their progress in the modern world, knew more about robots and did the test. How d'you like it?

2.Оценка работы.

3.Домашнее задание.

Your hometask is to prepare a story about your personal robot. What would happen if you had such an opportunity? Some of you may try to draw your robot and describe his functions.

The lesson is over now. Goodbye.

Вербальные опоры        











Ученики отвечают на вопросы, используя разговорные фразы "Выражение личного мнения"

I think ...                          To my mind ...

I believe that ...             In my opinion ...

I feel that ...                  It' s my opinion that ...

Ученики угадывают : A keyboard?

Учащиеся по цепочке продолжают игру, передавая коробочку друг другу.

P1: I use it to turn the TV on and off.

P2: A remote control?    etc.

Выходят к доске и выделяют из 4 вариантов верный. В выполнении задания могут быть задействованы 10 человек - по количеству слов в предложениях.

Читают статью о роботах. (Просмотровое чтение с целью извлечения информации: в каких сферах можно использовать роботов). Ключевые слова выделены белым цветом.

P1 : If I had a robot, it would help me about the house.  etc.

P2   Записывает на доске : Help with my homework, Do the washing up, etc.

Выполняют упражнения

Рефлексия: учащиеся оставляют отзывы об уроке.

Записывают домашнее задание.

Презентация Robots in our life  Слайд №2

Презентация Robots in our life  Слайд №3 (продублирован отдельным файлом для интерактивной доски - ROBOTS)

Слайды №5-14

Отрабатываются в речи условные предложения 2 типа.

Прилагается отдельная презентация

Файл приложения VerdiCT (The IT test-10), задания и ответы  приведены ниже, см. Приложение 1

Приложение 1.

The IT-test (интерактивный тест с использованием приложения VerdiCT)

После урока учащимся, которые заинтересовались более детальными ответами, можно дать адрес сайта с онлайн-тестом, содержащим те же задания, но на русском языке. Кроме того, там дается подробное описание верных ответов.

Вопрос 1. How many bits are there in one byte?

  1. from 6 to 9
  2. from 7 to 9
  3. from 8 to 9
  4. from 5 to 10

Вопрос 2. In which country  free file sharing was officially accepted  as Religion?

  1. Switzerland
  2. Sweden
  3. England
  4. England

Вопрос 3. A lot of modern printers use their serial number, date and time of printing encoded as small yellow dots which we hardly can see. What Company doesn't print these yellow dots?

  1. Samsung
  2. HP
  3. Canon
  4. BBK

Вопрос 4. What animal is on the logotype of Linux?

  1. A Dog
  2. A Duckling
  3. A Penguin
  4. A Bear

Вопрос 5. To which territory does the domain .aq belong?

  1. Africa
  2. Antarctica
  3. Australia
  4. Arctic

Вопрос 6. The computer programme Nero Burning ROM has got its name after the Roman Emperor....

  1. Nerva
  2. Caesar
  3. Nero
  4. Romul

Вопрос 7. Only in Russian the sign @ is called "the dog". How is this sign called in the other countries more often?

  1. Snail under a fur coat
  2. Marinated herring
  3. Moon ear
  4. Monkey

Вопрос 8. Who is known as the first programmer in the world?

  1. Charles Babbage
  2. Ada Lovelace
  3. Jozeph Jacquard
  4. John von Neumann

Вопрос 9. What company's name was at first the name of its own searching programme which needed only one second to get the information?

  1. Apple
  2. Corel
  3. Oracle
  4. 1C

Вопрос 10. In honour of what king was the technology Bluetooth named? ( Имена написаны по-русски, т.к. английская версия очевидна)

  1. Харальд I Синезубый
  2. Фридлейф I Быстрый
  3. Хьюглаук
  4. Ивар Широкие Объятья

Вопрос 11. Which classical task from the I.T. science can the bees solve with the computers' efficiency?

  1. Bookkeeping
  2. Perform complex calculations
  3. Selection of the optimal route
  4. Play

Вопрос 12. The name of what worldwide known corporation appeared due to the orthographic mistake?

  1. Rambler
  2. Google
  3. Yandex
  4. Yahoo

Вопрос 13. 7500 of the British sold their souls in 2010. To whom?

  1. Game Station
  2. Empire Interactive
  3. Rebellion Developments
  4. Electronic Arts

Вопрос 14. The first e-mail was sent in 1971 by the programmer Ray Tomlinson. In what net did he work the e-mail out?

  1. Internet
  2. Fidonet
  4. Frame Relay

Вопрос 15. The best scientists of the companies invented Cds - Sony and Philips - thought about the CD diameter. The vice president of Sony decided that CD should be able to contain the most popular piece of music. Which one?

  1. Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven)
  2. The Nutcracker (Tchaikovsky)
  3. The 4th symphony (Mozart)
  4. The 9th symphony (Beethoven)

Вопрос 16. The appearance of this popular video game hero was created by Shigeru Miyamoto. Thanks to the simple game design and poor graphics of the 1980's his clothes was brightly coloured to separate different parts of his body visually. Who was this hero?

  1. Mario
  2. Mickey Mouse
  3. Santa Claus
  4. Luigi

Вопрос 17. What computer company reflects the ecological purity?

  1. Irbis
  2. Apple
  3. Imango
  4. Depo

Вопрос 18. What hardware for the shuttles did NASA buy via eBay in 2002?

  1. CPU (processor)
  2. Hard drive (winchester, HDD)
  3. ROM (random access memory)
  4. Motherboard

Вопрос 19. In what country has the first voice recognition system appeared?

  1. the USA
  2. England
  3. India
  4. Russia

Вопрос 20. What code name did the creative group of IBM PC have?

  1. 12  PC friends
  2. 12 months
  3. PC Group
  4. the Dirty Dozen

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Robots in our life by Solodovnikova E.V.

Слайд 2

Do you like modern technologies? What devices do you prefer? Name the device you can do without. Do you use Skype for communication? How many hours a day do you spend in the Internet? If you could create a new device, what would it be? Questions: Use: I think ... I believe that … I feel that … To my mind ... In my opinion … It’s my opinion that …

Слайд 5

The Rise Of Robots In Our Everyday Lives Robot love, robot work, “killer robots” - we get the latest on robots moving deeper into life. Kaname Hayashi, a project leader of Humanoid Robots “Pepper,” talks with the robot at SoftBank Mobile shop in Tokyo, Friday, June 6, 2014. The cooing, gesturing humanoid on wheels that can decipher emotions has been unveiled in Japan by billionaire Masayoshi Son who says robots should be tender and make people smile. (AP)

Слайд 6

Robot Reality: How Robots Will Change Our Lives The Robotic Future The robots are coming and their presence will eventually bridge the digital-physical divide , dramatically impacting human life, experts say. While a lot of attention has focused on how robots could hurt employment by replacing some human jobs , there are a number of positive ways robots may impact human life. Here are some ways robots may change your life in the future.

Слайд 7

Robo Service As robots become more social, humans will encounter more and more robots in the service industry , said Illah Nourbakhsh , a professor of robotics at Carnegie Mellon University and author of Robot Futures . At first, humans will increasingly encounter robots more via telecommunications and it will become harder for them to distinguish robots from humans. And eventually, robots will begin to replace more service jobs—like waiting tables . There are already novelty robots in some places, including Japan where robots act as servers, taking and delivering orders.

Слайд 8

Medical and Rehab Robots Robots used for medical purposes will also dramatically change the way we treat ailments. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon are experimenting with using robots that are just millimeters in size to perform heart surgery . Engineers at Autodesk are also working with medical researchers to help them develop nano -robots that could be injected into cancer patients to selectively kill cancer cells. For people with impairments like a spinal cord injury or partial paralysis caused by a stroke, robotics may also be able to assist in the rehabilitation process.

Слайд 9

Robo Cops Robots have played a role in the military for some time. But in the future we will see a growing presence of robots used in the law enforcement, as well. The robot maker Robotex , which is partially backed by PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel , has deployed its AVATAR robots across the U.S. SWAT teams, first responders and other law enforcement use the devices to quickly assess dangerous situations to help them engage in action.

Слайд 10

Beam Yourself Anywhere If you think humans are distracted by their smartphones now, wait until they have a remote robot that they can tap into and control from anywhere at anytime from their handheld device. "Today we are already not all there, but telepresence robotics makes more compelling ways to visit your home, an other places when you are not there," Nourbakhsh said. One use for a telepresence robot would be be to beam yourself to work from a remote location, another – for entertainment.

Слайд 11

Let the Robot Drive Robots may be impacting your commute sooner than you think. According to Google , we are only about three to five years away from an autonomous car that is roadworthy. But before driverless cars are able to freely chauffeur humans around, there is still some work to do

Слайд 12

Robot Teachers A number of schools in the U.S. are already adopting robots into the classroom, not as replacements for teachers, but as teaching assistants. And it won't be long before robots play a bigger role in the educational system, experts say. Robots can be programmed to teach just about anything, making them an effective classroom tool.

Слайд 13

Robot Entertainers A big shift in the entertainment industry will spur from telepresence robots because it will allow people to travel and attend events just about anywhere. However, robots will also be able to perform music and make artwork for humans to enjoy. An all robot band called Compressorhead recently performed at a Gibson booth during the Frankfurt Music Fair in Frankfurt, Germany .

Слайд 14

Longer Lives via Avatars Robots may also be key in helping humans dramatically extend their lifespan , according to Russian tycoon Dmitry Itskov . Itskov is the founder of the 2045 Initiative, which is a non-profit organization focused on creating an international research center for scientists to research and develop technologies in the field of life extension. His vision consists of humans eventually being able to transfer their human consciousness in an artificial form to avatars .

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Выполни гимнастику для глаз по схеме:

Слайд 6

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