“Animals in danger”
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Якимов Андрей Григорьевич

Урок английского языка в 6 классе на тему «Animals in danger»

Тип урока: комплексное применение знаний и умений.

Цель урока: Создать условия для формирования знаний, умений и применения их в практических целях по теме «Animals» (Животные)

Задачи урока:

1.     Формировать лексические навыки, совершенствовать навыки аудирования, устной монологической речи

2.     Развивать интерактивные и исследовательские навыки, развивать умение работать в группе

3.     Формировать уважительное и ответственное отношение к природе.

Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска, проектор, фото животных.
Раздаточный материал: лексические упражнения, информационные карты, текст «Животные в опасности».


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Учитель английского языка Якимов Андрей Григорьевич “ Animals in danger ”

Слайд 2

The plan of the lesson : Learn some about animals and endangered animals Work out an information list about the endangered animals Read the texts Collect all information for our project Revise the names of the animals.

Слайд 3

What animals do you know? A crocodile An elephant A duck A fox A bear A hare A wolf A snake A kangaroo A squirrel A frog A tiger

Слайд 4

a d…er a cr…c…dile an …wl a w…lf an el…phant a b…ar Sq…irrels …lks a f…x d…cks Complete the names. Squirrels elks a fox a deer a crocodile an owl a wolf an elephant a bear ducks a hamster Let us control our work. a h…mster

Слайд 5

Match the words and their descriptions. A zoo A zoological society Endangered animals Domestic animals Insects Pets 1) These animals live in the country. People take care of them and get some goods from the animals. 2) It is a place where people can see many kinds of wild animals from all over the world. 3) It is an organization that want to save wild animals. 4) These animals live at home. 5) These are very little creatures, there are millions kinds of them. 6) These animals can disappear soon, because people kill them.

Слайд 6

What is the plural form for the words? a sheep – a mouse – a fish – a n elephant – a monkey – a tiger- a crocodile- a fox- sheep mice fish ( fish es ) elephant s monkey s tiger s crocodile s fox es

Слайд 7

Describe these animals? Use the model: It is a(an)… You can see it (them) in the… Its colour(s)is (are)… They are(are not) endangered . climb (лазать) , jump, run, swim, fly, sleep, meat, fish, grass, nuts, milk, leaves (листья) , trees, forest, fields, lakes( озера) , houses. It is domestic (wild ). . They eat… They can…

Слайд 8

Please stand up! Let’s exercise! Jump like a squirrel. One, two three. Now we are fish. Swim with me! Run like a tiger . One, two three. Now sit down and look at me.

Слайд 9

People have lived on our planet for many years. They depend on their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around them. Many animals and birds on the Earth are endangered. Indian tigers, African elephants and many other animals are in danger . People kill tigers only for fun. Modern life is not comfortable for animals and birds. The air is not fresh and the water is not clean. Wild animals and birds have little space to live and things to eat. You can find the names of disappearing animals and birds in the Red Book. People must take special care of animals. Members of Zoological societies should help animals in any situations. There are many Wild animals’ parks where the scientists learn and understand more about the lives of the endangered animals and how to save them. Many wild animals are in danger nowadays. Let’s read the text about them .

Слайд 10

1) People have lived on our planet for many years. 2) But they never depend on their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around them. 3) Many animals and birds on the Earth are disappearing nowadays. 4) Only Indian tigers and African elephants are in danger. 5) People kill tigers only for fun. 6) People never cut trees in the forests. 7) African elephants can help people. 8) Nowadays African parks are fall of elephants. 9) Modern life is comfortable for animals and birds 10) The air is not fresh and the water is not clean. 11) Wild animals and birds have a lot of space to live and things to eat. 12) You can find the names of disappearing animals and birds in the Red Book. 13) People must take special care of animals. Agree or disagree. T F T F T F T F F T F T T

Слайд 11

Homework. Describe animals: -write about an animal using the model (6-7 sentences) -Tell about an animal. (find some interesting facts using the Internet) (10-11 sentences)

Слайд 12


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