Учим английский язык с мультсериалом "Over the garden wall" (лексико-грамматические задания по материалам второй серии)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Мясникова Антонина Александровна

вопросы для обсуждения, лексико-грамматическое упражнение, словарик урока


Предварительный просмотр:

Методическая разработка для урока английского языка. Раздаточный материал с упражнениями урока по 2 серии мультсериала «Over the garden wall»

                                                                     "Hard Times at the Huskin' Bee"                                                    

1. Translate the phrases

  1. Help me out of here, and I'll owe you a favor.
  2. How about I bring you to Adelaide of the pasture, the good woman of the woods?
  3. Hey, not to be obnoxious, but an abandoned ghost town doesn't seem like it's gonna be that useful getting you guys home.
  4. Say, you folks ought to don your vegetables and celebrate  the harvest with us.
  5. Pumpkins can't move on  their own... can they?
  6. You guys find this place as creepy as I do, right?
  7. So it's some kind of weird cult where they wear vegetable costumes and dance around a big thing.
  8. Okay, you're in denial
  9. I can't leave. I'm honor-bound to help you since you guys helped me.
  10. bluebird rules.
  11. Let's not jump to any conclusions.
  12. Enoch, what shall we do with them?
  13. Keep stalling.
  14. So we were like, "we should - get rid of these rocks."
  15. I guess we're even now, huh?
  16. That's vague.

2. Change the word into brackets to get a grammatically correct form.

  1. Help! I ________! (stick)
  2. I'm not ______________. I'll just do you a good turn. (magic)
  3. So, um, you two are _____________ kids with no purpose in life, right? (lose)
  4. Magic ____________ birds leading us to fairy godmothers in the mysterious... (talk)
  5. All right. Let's rejoin ___________. (social)
  6. Hey, not to be obnoxious, but an _________________ ghost town doesn't seem like it's gonna be that useful getting you guys home (abandon)
  7. Okay, you're in _________. (deny)
  8. Um, I'm really just looking t-to leave here as fast as _________ (possibility)
  9. Use your little ___________ to pick our locks! (foot)
  10. Have the holes been ___________? (dig)
  11. Oh. Are they ____________us? (chase)
  12. Well, I sure hope Adelaide is __________ than that woodsman was. (helpful)
  13. I think his _____________ were... not very good. (direct)

3. Read the dialogue

- How did you end up in this little town of ours?

- Well, we were trying to get home. We came into town from the woods. Uh, we saw your farms and

your houses and thought, "hey, here's a normal place with normal people." And we both stepped on pumpkins. Yeah, a-and then we heard  the music from the barn, and, well, uh ... h-how aboutwe just leave?

- Now, let me get this straight ... you come to our town, you trample our crops, you interrupt our private engagement, - and now you want to leave?

- Uh... Yes.

- Children, it saddens me that you don't wish to stay here with us, particularly because I simply have to punish you for your transgressions.

- I told you this place was bad news.

- So, by order of the Pottsfield chamber of commerce, I find you guilty of trespassing, destruction of

property, disturbing the peace, - and murder.

- Murder?

- Oh, no, not murder. But for those other crimes, I sentence you to... - a few hours of manual labor.

- Wait. What? Really? That's it?  

                                                              Lughnasadh Beliefs & Traditions

Lughnasadh is an ancient Celtic festival _________ (honor) the Celtic god Lugh, hence the name Lughnasadh. Lughnasadh is a festival said to have begun by the god Lugh in _______________ (remember) of his mother who had died of "exhaustion after clearing the plains of Ireland" for harvest. The __________ (cut) of the first of the corn is an ancient tradition and assured for a ___________(bounty) harvest that year and the year following. It was also believed that Lughnasadh was celebrated on the hilltops, closer to the ever-dying Sun and closer to the shining god Lugh. ______________ (tradition)  foods included bread and bilberries.

Other Irish Celtic traditions of Lughnasadh included sacred pilgrimages to holy wells and springs, as well as the traditional __________ (light) of bonfires in honor of the Sun, the spirits of ancestors, and the gods.

In England, Lughnasadh was called Lammas which means Loaf-mass. It was traditional to bake a loaf of bread using the first crop yielded at the first harvest. Many people would take that loaf to church as an _____________ (offer), while others still would use it in magic practices to _____________ (sure) for a __________ (plenty) harvest over Autumn. The idea behind harvest festivals is to honor the earth - that the grain dies so that the people may live. While using the first harvest's bread in pagan practice was common, believe it or not the Church also used the first loaf of harvest bread in a type of magic too. They would split the bread into four pieces and then place each of the four pieces in the corners of a barn or field to bring about a good _________ (harvest)  season.

In ___________ (add) to these traditions, both the _____________ (Ireland)  at Lughnasadh and the English during Lammas celebrated their ancestors with dancing and games. The games played at Lughnasadh are theorized by some to be the ___________ (begin) of the Olympic Games. It is also thought that the ______________ (celebrate) of Lughnasadh gave way to the annual state fairs in the United States today!

The main idea behind celebrating this beautiful sabbat is that you are acknowledging your ______________ (grateful)  to the earth for giving us her __________ (die) bounty this year. We are also preparing for the rest of the harvesting season and henceforth the winter. We also should be paying homage to the ever-dying Sun, who is making way for the Moon's triumphant reign of the sky.

Примечание: уроку предшествует просмотр серии мультсериала (10 мин)

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