Урок What makes you feel good?
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Немоляева Татьяна Ивановна

Урок разработан на основе учебника New English File (pre- intermediate level)


Файл Презентация к уроку2.07 МБ
Microsoft Office document icon Конспект урока27.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

They love playing tennis. They love … She … …

Слайд 3

Mention A plane takes off Storm It doesn’t matter

Слайд 4

Find the synonyms Eating - … Getting up - … Speaking to - … Leaving - … Cleaning - …

Слайд 5

Go-go ing Think-think ing Read-read ing Learn-learn ing Sit-si tt ing Swim-swi mm ing Us e -us ing Tak e -tak ing

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок «What makes you feel good»

The aims:

- read for detail and get 3/5 correct answers in What makes you feel good

- discover and practice grammar focus on Verb+ing

I. Look at the pictures. (slide 1)What are these people’s emotions? (funny, happy, merry).How are you today?

  • Why are they happy? Discuss the pictures.
  • (slide 2) What makes them feel good? (They love playing tennis. They love sitting at a café. She loves going shopping. They love talking.)
  • Now let’s vote: -Who loves playing tennis? Raise your hand. Count, please. (i.g. 6 persons love playing tennis.  5 persons love going shopping)
  • Tell, please, what is the most popular answer?

Discuss Theme and aims.

II. Now open your texts. Talk to each other what these words mean? What does the word “mention” mean? ”Storm”?

Slide 3.  To mention =to say smth about

A plane takes off= to leave the ground

Storm = bad weather with rain and wind

 Do you agree with each other?

Can you repeat the wright answer?

  • After the text there is a task. Read it aloud. Any volunteers? Who wants to read?
  • What is the weather?
  • What are holidays and travelling?
  • Can you give examples?

OK. Look through the text and find out how many people mention the weather, holidays, travelling, housework, other people. If you have done the task, speak about your friend. What does he like doing?

1.3(paragraphs 1,4,6)





  • Read the article again. Tick three things you agree with most. Then put a cross next to any you don’t agree with. Compare  with your partner.
  • (I agree … I also like V+ing).

III. Look at the text again and find the synonyms in the text.

(slide 4) having meals = eating

Waking up= getting up

Talking to= speaking to

Getting out of= leaving

Tiding= cleaning

IV. Today we often use some words with ing-ending/

Let’s make know when we use ing- form.


Look through the sentences and rules, try to match them. Read the rules in the exercise.

After these verbs “like, love, hate” we use -ing

Pay attention, some words are highlighted in the exercise. Can you remember the spelling rules for making the – ing form?

(slide 5) verb + ing: going, reading, thinking

Sit- sitting

Use- using

Let’s practice p. 135 5 B

How many verbs don’t you know?

Help them to understand.

  1. Remembering
  2. Teaching
  3. Learning
  4. Talking
  5. Being
  6. Going
  7. Studying

V. Return to our aims. Tick if you have reach them :

- we have read for detail and answered what makes us feel good

- we discovered and practice grammar focus on verb+ ing

Thank you. The lesson is over.

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