Рабочий лист к уроку "Интернет Вещей"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Томашпольская Ирина Эдуардовна

Рабочий лист может быть использован как основа для исследования новой глобальной технологии, Интернета вещей, и подготовки к написанию страницы Википедии на данную тему. Урок направлен на развитие познавательных и регулятивных метапредметных навыков, а также на практику навыков просмотрового и подробного чтения и говорения (диалог). 

Рабочий лист презназначен для использования вместе презентацией к уроку. 


Предварительный просмотр:

Student ____________________________________________________ Date ______________

The Internet of Things

The idea of the lesson.

The Future is already here. New technologies come up all the time, and we might not always understand them or even know about them.

The target of today’s lesson is to find out what the IoT is and discuss possible benefits it brings and drawbacks it might have. Then you will write a summary of your findings and assess that against the Paragraph Writing Rubric.

1. On the slide, there are a number of objects (some of them are household appliances6 others are not). In 60 sec, write down as many as you can. Which of them can collect digital data?

2. What is IoT? Find it out with the research online. Note down two definitions:  a scientific one and a simple one. Remember to write the websites you used as sources of information!

Definition 1:


Definition 2:


3. Using the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, check and write down the meaning of the following terms:

embedded (adj)

compute (verb)

countless (adj)

outcome (noun)

consumption (noun)

congestion (noun)

4. Watch the clip that explains what the Iot is and answer the questions / do the tasks.

1. What functions do the following parts of the IoT do in the example shown in the clip?

A smart traffic camera ___________________________________________________________

A cloud gateway ________________________________________________________________

An intelligent traffic system _______________________________________________________

2. What other transportation systems (apart from an intelligent traffic system) are included in the System of Systems?

3. What is the main benefit of all the intelligent devices connected and interacting?

4. Draw a diagram that shows connections between parts of the System of Systems (the IoT).

5. Look at the slide, illustrating more sources of digital data that could be collected in the cloud and might participate in System of Systems. What systems are likely to collect digital data in this house? Discuss in pairs, then put your ideas in the form of predictions:  (2 min).

A lot of data is likely to be collected by …

The Smart air conditioner might well be informed by ..

The System of systems is expected to ….

In 5 years, we will be getting …..

Water consumption is going to be controlled by …                                                          

6. Work in teams, collecting potential benefits (Team 1) and drawbacks (Team 2) of the IoT.

Then report your ideas to the other team, adding more ideas to Benefits and Drawbacks chart below:

8. You are going to type a wikipedia entry on “Internet of Things”, showing your understanding of IoT now. You must include:

  • Definition of the IoT (in your own words)
  • Potential benefits of the IoT
  • Its hidden threats
  • Your opinion or feelings about the IoT

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