план-конспект открытого урока по теме"Let"s travel Australia" и презентация.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Панченко Айса  Нимгировна

презентация к  открытому уроку на тему "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Australia the smallest continent the largest island the Pacific Ocean the Indian Ocean

Слайд 3

The Commonwealth of AUSTRALIA

Слайд 4

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federal state within the Commonwealth. Its territories are the continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania and a number of smaller islands. It has an area of about 8 million square kilometres.

Слайд 5

It is the world’s largest island and its smallest continent.

Слайд 6

History of Australia The east coast of Australia was discovered by Captain Cook in 1770.

Слайд 7

What part of Australia was first used as a colony? 2. How did the early settlers behave towards the aborigines? 3. Why did very many people go to Australia after 1851? 4. When was the new nation born in Australia?

Слайд 8

The capital of Australia is Canberra

Слайд 9

There are 5 big cities in Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane.

Слайд 10

By whom was Australia discovered and when was it happened? When was the birth of the new nation celebrated? What is the official name of Australia? What landscape is typical of Australia? Name the greatest rivers of Australia? What animals live in Australia? Name big cities of Australia. What is the capital of Australia?

Слайд 11

Your home task is: to find information about Australia while doing ex.1-2 at p.36 (workbooks, U.5, L.1-2).

Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект  урока  английского языка в 9 классе по теме: «Путешествие в Австралию» к учебнику  New Millenium English.

Цель урока: обобщить материал по теме «Путешествие в Австралию».

Образовательные задачи: повторить лексический материал по теме урока и активизировать его употребление в речи, формировать социокультурную компетенцию учащихся; расширить лингвистический и филологический кругозор учащихся;

Развивающие задачи: развивать умение читать и аудировать, развивать монологическую и диалогическую речь учащихся, развивать способность к анализу, к догадке; развивать языковые, интеллектуальные и познавательные способности, ценностные ориентации, чувства и эмоции школьников;

Воспитательные задачи: воспитание интереса и уважительного отношения к культуре другого  народа; воспитание толерантности;  формировать интерес к предмету, положительное отношение к учебе, к самостоятельной работе.

 Ход урока:

  1. Оргмомент.
  2.   Good morning, children. Let's begin our lesson. Today we have an unusual lesson. We will use information technologies at our lesson.
  3. I’d like to call your attention to some information about one of the English-speaking countries.
  1. Вступительное слово учителя:

Then let’s begin. We are to continue our travelling to Australia. We have already spoken a lot about Australia and the aim of our lesson is to revise all the material on this theme. I think the lesson will be very interesting and useful for you.

2. Основная часть урока  We are going to Australia!

2.1 Представление слайдов презентации

Слайд 1.

English is spoken in many countries of the world. Do you know in what countries English is the national language? (…)

First of all it is Great Britain, and then you should remember about the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Слайд 2.

Today we shall speak about one of the English-Speaking Countries. Look at this picture and answer my questions:

-         What country is it?

-         Is it big or small?

-         Is this an island or a continent?

-         What oceans is this country washed by?

Well, let's speak about Australia.

Слайд 3

  • Let’s revise some information about Australia!

What’s the official name of Australia?

The official name of Australia is the Commonwealth of Australia.

Слайд 4.The Commonwealth of Australia & its territories

Слайд 5.

Read the information on the screen & say if it’s an island or a continent.

Слайд 6.

The history of Australia began many years ago.

Let's read the text about the history of Australia and then answer some questions (работа с раздаточным материалом - текст для чтения с охватом содержания)

Слайд 7.

History of Australia.

The east coast of Australia was discovered by captain Cook in 1770. It was then first used as a colony for convicts (каторжник). Other settlements of a few three settlers began to appear. Of these settlements Sydney was the most important; but other smaller settlements for convicts were in Tasmania, at Brisbane, and on the Swan River in Western Australia.

The early settlers were very cruel (жестокий) to the aborigines. They killed or drove them away from their lands. The discovery of gold in 1851 brought many people to Australia and the character of the colony began to change. But still, the raising (разведение) of sheep was for a long time the most important occupation for the Australians.

Towards the end of the 19th century, the Australian colonies began to discuss some form of union. They formed a federation, the new constitution was introduced on January 1, 1901; and the birth of the new nation was celebrated.

Слайд 8.

Answer the following questions.

1. What part of Australia was first used as a colony? (The east coast of Australia)

2. How did the early settlers behave towards the aborigines? (They killed or drove them away from their lands)

3. Why did very many people go to Australia after 1851? (because of the discovery of gold)

4. When was the new nation born in Australia?

Слайд 9.

Слайд 10. There are 5 big cities in Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane.

Слайд 11. Read the texts from travel booklets, match the texts and the phrases and say which of the places give a good opportunity (работа с раздаточным материалом - тексты A, B, C для поискового чтения):

Слайд 12.

Now let’s check up

2.3. Работа с лексикой.

a) Read the collocations with the words in texts A, B & C and answer the questions below:


a magnificent view, a magnificent
mountain, a magnificent building,
a magnificent dinner, a magnificent
tree, a magnificent sculpture,
a magnificent city

an impressive view, an impressive
show, an impressive essay, an
impressive building, an impressive
knowledge, an impressive result

a spectacular view, a spectacular
concert, a spectacular show, a
spectacular building, a spectacular
picture, a spectacular film, a
spectacular success

a picturesque view, a picturesque
landscape, a picturesque village,
a picturesque spectacle, a
picturesque church, picturesque

Which of these words would you use to describe:


that is pretty and interesting especially in an old-fashioned way?

that is good, important, that produces a great effect on you?

that is great, good, beautiful because of being big?

that is very exciting to look at?

b) Replace the underlined phrases in the sentences with the words or phrases in bold from texts A, B & C

1    The Great Barrier Reef is one of the main places that many tourists visit.

2   Sydney offers its visitors all sorts of places to stay: hotels, motels, hostels and apartments.

3   If you don't want to worry about anything, we advise you to book a completely planned holiday arranged by a company at a fixed price, which includes travel, hotels, meals etc.

4   Being the Olympic capital, Sydney offers opportunities to do all kinds of sport.

5   We advise all travellers to make an arrangement (preparation) for a seat on a plane, bus or train to be kept for you as early as possible.

And now I want you to read one more text and find the answers to some questions about what factors explain the following peculiarities of Australia. The seasons are the other way round in Australia. Why? — Let’s check up! etc.

Слайд 11.

The Commonwealth of Australia

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federal state within the Commonwealth. Its territories are the continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania and a number of smaller islands.  It has an area of about 8 million square kilometers.

The continent is mostly a great plain with mountains in the east and south-east. The western part of the continent forms a plateau which occupies half of the continent. The Central Lowlands is very dry. Through the eastern part of these Central Lowlands run Australia’s greatest rivers, the Murray and the Darling. A number of short rivers flow from the Australian Alps and the Blue Mountains into the Pacific Ocean.

Australia has several different climatic regions, from warm to subtropical and tropical. The winds from the sea bring heavy rainfalls, especially in tropical summer. The climate in the west is very dry and more than half of Australia gets very little rain. In the south-west and east the winds bring rain in winter.

The tropical forests in the north and north-east are displaced by savanna or grassland. In the south-east and on the sides of the mountains there are forests of eucalyptus and other evergreen trees. There are two hot deserts in the central and western parts of the continent.

There are many wild animals in Australia. Some of them, such as the kangaroo, the dingo and the koala are not found in any other country of the world.   Australia has been called the land of differences and the continent of contrasts. There are many ways in which it is different from other countries. Australia was separated from the other continents long ago and its animals developed differently. The strangest of the animals are the water-lovingplatypus and the echidna. Australia is also the home of the kangaroo. The koala is a tree-loving animal that lives on the leaves of eucalyptus trees. It will eat nothing more. The dingo is the only killer among the native animals. Most of them now live in mountains or hills. The native birds of Australia are very interesting. The emu, for example, which with kangaroo, is represented on the Australian coat-of-arms, is the next-tallest bird in the world after the ostrich.

The capital of Australia is Canberra. There are 5 big cities in Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane. There are about 15 million people in Australia. The Commonwealth of Australia consists of six states and two territories: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, the Federal Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. The Commonwealth of Australia is a self-governing federal state. Formally the head of the state is the king or queen of England represented by the Governor-General. The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The federal government of the country is headed by the Prime Minister.

Слайд 11.

Answer the questions you can see on the slides.

  1. By whom was Australia discovered and when was it happened?
  2. When was the birth of the new nation celebrated?
  3. What is the official name of Australia?
  4. What landscape is typical of Australia?
  5. Name the greatest rivers of Australia?
  6. What animals live in Australia?
  7. Name big cities of Australia.
  8. What is the capital of Australia?
  1. (Australia was discovered by Captain Cook. 
  2. The birth of the new nation was celebrated on January 1, 1901.
  3. It is the Commonwealth of Australia.
  4. Much of the land is a useless desert, it is mostly a great plain with mountains too.
  5. They are the Murray and the Darling
  6. They are the kangaroo, the dingo, the emu, the platypus, the koala, the echidna.
  7. There are 5 big cities in Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane.
  8. The capital of Australia is Canberra)
  1. Слайд 13-16
  2.  Закрепление лексики:

Let’s play “Guessing game”:

-It’s a room in a hotel where the bathroom is joined to the bedroom ( en suite).

-It’s a room where only one person can stay in (Single)

-It’s for two persons (Double).

-This hotel offers its visitors the morning meals (Bed-and-breakffast).

-Payments for all meals is included, so you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner (Full board).

-These are some things which make you staying in a hotel more convenient and comfortable (Facilities).

-You can use this room as it is free (Available).

-You can stay in this room with your father and mother ( Triple).

(2ой слайд)

Ok! Well done!

3. Заключительная часть урока.

Подведение итогов.

Let’s analyze what we have learnt about Australia at our lesson.

  • the official name of the country
  • its history
  • cities and territories

2.Представление познавательного объекта: (1ый слайд)

  • Let’s revise some information about Australia!

What’s the official name of Australia?

What’s its capital?

Do you know any other big cities of Australia?

How do we call the native Australian people?

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