Контрольная работа, 5 кл., модуль 6
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Балобанова Наталья Анатольевна

Контрольная работа, 5 кл., модуль 6


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Test 6

Surname ____________________Name____________

Class_____ Date_______

1. Translate:

1) делать уроки__________________________________

2) вставать  __________________________

3) ложиться спать ____________________________________

4) обедать___________________________________

5) выпить чашку чая______________________________________

6) Выйти на пробежку_______________________________

(6х2=          )

2. Put the words in brackets into the Present  Continuous:

1) Diana………………………………. (plant ) flowers in the garden.

2) Matt  ………………………………………..(not/ wash) the car. He’s sleeping.

3) Jane and Phil ………………………………….. ( drink) tea. And you? What………..you……………….. (drink)?

4) Mom …………………………………………….(work) on the computer and dad ……………………….. (read)

5) Look! The elephant …………………………….( swim).

(5х2=          )

3. Put the words in brackets into the Present Simple :

1. Sid usually …………………………….(help) me with my homework.

2. My Mom and Dad   ……………………………(go) to work by car.

3. We always ………………………………………….. (have) lunch at school.

4. My Grandfather ………………………………………….. (not / work) in the garden every day.

5. ……………..  your mother……………………..( watch) her favorite talk show on Saturday?

(5х2=          )

4. Put the words in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous:

1) Garry usually……………………………….. (ride) his bicycle but  Alan always ………………………………….....(walk).

2) Look! The dolphin  …………………………………………………( swim) behind the boat!

3) Our grandmother often ………………………………….. (cook) dinner when my  parents  work.

4) I never ……………………………………………. (sleep) in the afternoon.

5) What are you doing? I………………………………………. (help) my Dad to clean the car.

(5x2=         )

5) What time is it?

            7:00- seven o’clock

1) 9:00……………………………………………………………3) 12:30………………………………………………..

2) 10:15………………………………………………………….4) 8:45………………………………………………….

(4X2=         )

6. Listen and tick the correct option.

1) What is Dave doing at the moment?

a) Doing homework                                    b) doing shopping                                      c) having lunch

2) What time does Fiona usually get up?

a)7:00                                                             b) 7:30                                                          c) 10:00

3) What does Fred’s Dad do?

a) He is a waiter                                             b) He is a baker                                          c) He is a postman

4) What does Jane usually  do in the evening?

a) Works on the computer                           b) has a cup of tea                                    c) watches films

5) What does Mike usually do at the weekends?

a)   visits friends                                              b) writes emails                                        c) does his homework

6) What does Kate never do in the morning?

a)She never has a cup of tea                b) She never has a cup of coffee             c) she never has breakfast

(6x2=           )



9 Complete the sentences

●tea    ●friends   ●bed    ●email   ●shopping     ●lunch   ●breakfast    

1) I do the …………………………… with my mom.

2) What time do the children go to…………………………………..?

3) Mary is writing an …………………………………to John.

4) It’s half past one. Do you want to have…………………………………?

5) The children are playing with their……………………………….. in the garden.

6) On Sundays we usually have…………………………………………at ten o’clock in the morning.

7) I want to have a cup of………………………………………………………

( 7x2=                  )

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