План урока по английскому языку "The Best Place to Live"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) по теме

Чухнина Елена Игоревна

Урок - обощение  для учащихся 10-11 классов, студентов СПО, НПО. Содержит презентацию по теме "My Native Town Tambov'', задания к презентации, повторение лексики по теме "The City or the Countryside", учащиеся учатся составлять краткое письменное высказывание по теме "The Best Place to Live"


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Tambov Is My Native Town

Слайд 2

Historical Reference Tambov was built in 1636 as a fortress on the river Tsna to protect the place from the Crimean tatars.

Слайд 3

Roman Boborykin was the first governor of the province.

Слайд 4

The emblem of Tambov is a hive and three bees on blue and green background.

Слайд 5

Sights of Tambov Sobornaya Square is the place where the fortress was laid.

Слайд 6

the Eternal Fire

Слайд 7

the Drama theatre Regional Administration

Слайд 8

Lenin square the Concert Hall

Слайд 9

the monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

Слайд 10

The embankment of the river Tsna

Слайд 12

Aseyev's palace

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

,, G.R.Derzhavin A.M.Zhemchuzhnikov E.A.Baratynskii Poets

Слайд 3

Writer S.N.Sergeev-Tsenskiy

Слайд 4

diplomat G.V.Chicherin

Слайд 5

V.I.Agapkin Composers S.V.Rakhmaninov A.N.Verstovskii

Слайд 6

Scientist A.I. Ladygin

Слайд 7

Tambov Art gallery the Museum of Local History

Слайд 8

farming ( сельское хозяйство) machine manufacturing ( машиностроение) chemical industry (химическая промышленность) and others Regional Industries

Слайд 9

Several universities, many colleges and schools

Слайд 12

Be Happy!!! My native town TAMBOV !

Предварительный просмотр:

План урока

по английскому языку

в 11-х колледж классах

«Лучшее место для жизни » / “The Best Place to Live”

Цели урока:

-        образовательная: усвоение и тренировка в речи лексики по теме «Лучшее место для жизни»,

- развивающие: знакомство с достопримечательностями нашего города, выдающимися людьми, чьи имена связаны с Тамбовом;

- развитие логического мышления, внимания, памяти, любознательности учащихся.

-воспитательные: воспитание сознательного отношенияс выбору места жительства;

- сравнение преимущест и недостатков жизни в городе и селе;

- формирование такой ценности как «родной город /село»

 - формирование положительной мотивации для роста творческого потенциала учащихся и стимулирования их речевой и слуховой деятельности.


- тренировать навыки аудирования (просмотреть и прослушать презентацию, подготовленную учащимися по теме “My Native Town Tambov”)

- контроль понимания прослушанного материала (работа в группах)

-  обобщение лексики по теме “The Country Or The City” (работа в группах)

-  используя  план, написать эссе  на тему “The Best Place to Live”


Оборудование:  презентация Power Point “My Native Town Tambov”,  карточки с заданиями, учебник Безкоровайная Г.Т., Койранская Е.А., Соколова Н.И., Лаврик Г.В. Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО

Ход урока:

1. Organizational moment, familiarization with the objectives of the lesson. / Организационный момент, ознакомление с целями урока.

Today.we will summarize your  knowleges to the themes “The Country Or The City” and “Tambov”. The aim of our lesson is to answer to the question “What is the best place to live for you?”

We will listen and see a presentation to the theme “My native Town Tambov”, do tasks after it working in groups.

At home you’ll write an essay using a plan .

Be attentive and active please. Your note will consist of your active participation.

2. Warming-up.  / Речевая зарядка.

Answer the questions

1) Is Tambov your native town?

2)  Do you like your native town or country?

3)  Why do you like it?

4) Do you have many friends or relatieves there?

5) Can you lead a comfortable life here?

3. Developing listening and speaking skills. / Аудирование . Повторение лексического материала по теме “Tambov”.

1) Учащиеся просматривают и прослушивают презентацию, подготовленную одноклассниками.

2)  После прослушивания выступления, учащиеся в группах выполняют  задания по его содержанию:

1 . Answer the questions:

  1. When Tambov was built? (in the 16-th century /in the 17-th century)
  2. Who  was the 1-st governor of Tambov province? (Roman Bobarykin / G.R. Derzhavin )
  3. Who was  G.R. Derzhavin?  (a great  poet  and  public man,  a governer of Tambov / a diplomat)
  4. What is the emblem of the town?   (a hive and three bees on blue and green background / a hive and four bees on  yellow  and blue background)

  1. Where the Tambov fortress was laid? (at the place of Sobornaya Square / at the place of the Kazanskii Monastery)

  1. Translate these sights of Tambov into Russian:  

  • Lenin Square
  • the Drama theatre
  • the Concert Hall
  • the Art gallery
  • the Medical museum
  • the Eternal Fire
  • the Pushkin Library
  • the Kazanskii Monastery
  • Aseyev's palace
  • the building of  Regional Administration
  • the embankment of the river Tsna
  • the Museum of Local Historybeautiful churches
  • monuments to great people

  1. What are the main (главные) industries are developed (развиваются) in Tambov and Tambov Region? Choose from the list  (Выберите из списка)
  • machine manufacturing
  • metal working
  • textile manufacturing
  • power industry
  • food industry
  • sheep-breeding
  • chemical industry
  • farming
  • electronics manufacturing

  1. Match two columns:

a poet

S.V. Rahmaninov

a writer

G.V. Chicherin

a composer

A.I. Ladygin

a diplomat

N. Sergeyev- Tsensky

a scientist

G.R. Derzhavin

  1. Use of English / Повторение лексического материала по теме “ The Country Or The City ”.

Make 2 sociograms to the  themes "The City or the Countryside" from those  phrases, which translation you know. Work in small  groups.

Учащиеся в составляют ассоциограмму из фраз на карточках, перевод которых они знают. Работа  в группах.

  1. opportunities for making money
  2. Children can get a good education.
  3. You get used to making contacts.
  4. There are large shops, banks, offices, cinemas, hotels, clubs, hospitals
  5. better trasnsport facilities
  6. the facilities of electricity  
  7. the facilities of highways
  8. the facilities of communication
  9. the facilities of telecommunication
  10. the facilities of plumbing
  11. The cost of living is very high.
  1. Most goods and food products are expensive.
  1. The pace of life is high.
  2. The enviroment is polluted with dust and smoke.
  3. There is no  fresh air and pure water.

  1. The steets are dusty and unclean.
  2. Many criminal activities often take place.
  3. always busy and noisy
  4. It is hard to lead a healthy life.
  5. The enviroment is very beautiful.
  6. People are hospitable and friendly.
  7. People live in harmony and peace.
  8. has clean air, less (меньше) noise, pollution and rush
  9. travelling problems
  10. less (меньше) entertainments
  1. You can easily get fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and milk.
  2. People are not  well-educated.
  3. People have to face many difficulties in their everyday life, like travelling problems, entertainment and culture.
  4. People have to go to supply some of their needs (потребностей).

  1. Writing Skills.

Домашнее задание:  Написать эссе, используя план на тему “The Best Place to Live”

Учащиеся начинают работать в классе.

Fill  in the gaps to make a short essay to the theme “The Best Place to Live ” / «Лучшее место для жизни»

The best place to live fo me is …

  1. I like places where (which) …
  2. Living in … has both advantages and disadvantages.
  3. On the one hand there are  … in it.  
  4. Besides …
  5. But on the other  …
  6. So, I prefer to live in  …
  7. It’s the best place to live for me.

5. Reflection / Рефлексия.

1)  What tasks (задания) were difficult for you?

2) Were some tasks interesting? Which ones?

6. Summing up, rating / Подведение итогов, выставление оценок.

Предварительный просмотр:

Часть 1

  1. My native town Tambov.
  2. Tambov is one of the oldest Russian towns built in 1636 as a fortress to protect the place from the Crimean tatars.
  3. Roman Boborykin was the first governor of the province.
  4. In 1781 Tambov received its emblem --a hive and three bees on blue and green background. The emblem reflected the ancient occupation of the people - honey-making.
  5. There are many sights in Tambov. Sobornaya Square  is the place where the fortress was laid.
  6. In the middle of the square there is a memorial complex with the Eternal Fire.
  7. Opposite the Drama theatre there is a modern white building - the seat of our regional administration.
  8. Not far from Lenin square there is the Concert Hall.
  9. In Sovetskaya Street behind the monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya there is the Kazanskii Monastery.
  10. -11. The proud of  Tambovers is the embankment of the river Tsna.

12.-13. There are many other beautiful and unique buildings in our town such as Aseyev's palace on the bank of the river (now a museum)  and many others.

Часть 2

  1. Tambov is linked with the names of  poets Derzhavin, Zhemchuzhnikov, Baratynskii,
  2.  a writer Jergeev-Tsenskiy,  
  3. a  diplomat  Chicherin,  
  4. composers  Rakhmaninov,  Agapkin,  Verstovskii  
  5. scientist A.I. Ladygin and  other outstanding people of Russia.
  6. As a cultural centre Tambov often welcomes theatre and musical festivals. Different exhibitions take place in Tambov Art gallery and in the Museum of Local History
  7. Regional industries are machine manufacturing and metal working, power industry, food industry, petrochemical industry, chemical industry and others.
  8. There are several universities, many colleges and schools in Tambov.
  9. -23. We want our town  always to be beautiful and clean! We will do everything for our town!
  1. Be Happy!!!  My native town  TAMBOV!

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