Открытый урок по английскому языку в 5 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Коротченкова Вера Петровна

Материал содержит план открытого урока по английскому языку в 5 классе


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Предварительный просмотр:

5 класс


Topic: Activities in the kitchen

Aim: to present new vocabulary on the topic “Food verbs”, to practise the vocabulary on the topic “Food”, to practice telling the recipes, to develop speaking, reading and writing skills, through various creative activities, to foster students speech competence, to foster student’s desire to learn English, to help in cooking in the kitchen.

Equipment: a notebook computer, textbooks, pictures on the topic “Food”, cards, object on the topic “Fruit and vegetables”.

Lesson structure

I. Introduction


T: Good morning, dear boys and girls! Glad to see you here!

P-s: Good morning, Vera Petrovna! We are glad to see you, too!

T: We have many guests at our lesson. Would you like to greet them?

P-s: Good morning, dear guests!

T: Sit down, please! Look at each other. Smile, please! How are you, children?

P-s:We are fine, thank you! And how are you, Vera Petrovna?

T: So am I, thank you. And I think it’s time to start our lesson! Are you ready to start our lesson?

P-s: Yes, we are.

                  -Reporting the aims and the subject of the lesson

T: Today we are going to remember we learned at the previous lesson: vocabulary on the topic “Food”, “Fruit and vegetables”. Today we are going to learn new words on the topic “Activities in the kitchen”. We are going to practice telling the recipes, to develop speaking, reading and writing skills.

As usual we are going to practice in pronunciation. Let’s practice the sounds.

T: Say the sound.

P-s: [b]…

T: Say the words

P-s: brown, bread…

[b]- brown, bread, bake, boil, butter

[w]- white, water. Wash

[r]- right, rice, drink.

[ð ]- this,  that, birthday, together

[i: ]- eat, meet, tea, sweet, peel

T: We learned the poem at the previous lesson. Let’s recite this poem all together:

Some of us like brown bread.

Some of us like white.

Some of us eat a lot of milk.

Some don’t think it’s right.

Some of us like apples.

Some drink juice at night.

Some of us eat many sweets.

Some don’t think it’s right.

T: who wants to recite the poem at the blackboard?

P: I do.

T: What is the poem about?

P: about food.

T: What is the main idea of the poem?

P: Every person has different tastes.

T: You are right. “Tastes differ”, says the saying. У каждого свой вкус. Open your exercise-books and write down the date, please, the saying.

Do you agree with the saying?

P-s: yes, we do.

T: There are a lot of pictures on the topic “Food” on my desk. Choose the pictures of the food from the poem and name the food. (Children go to the desk and choose the pictures and name: bread, meat, apple juice, sweets).

II. Check on homework

T: We discussed fruit and vegetables at the lesson


        T: What fruit do you like?


T: Who likes grapes and oranges?


T: Do you like sour fruit?

P-s: …

T: What vegetables do you like?

P-s: …

T: Do you have a garden?

P-s: …

T: What fruit-trees do you have in your garden?

P-s: …

T: So, tastes differ! And now we are going to check your homework. You have ex. 5,p. 56. You have to act the dialogues about fruit and vegetables. Please, we would like to listen to you.

III. Main part

T: My dear children, I know exactly you are very good children and love your mothers. And you help your mothers at cooking in the kitchen. Today we are going to speak about activities in the kitchen and learn the food verbs. Write the name of the topic in your exercise-book. (На доске написана тема)

-Presentation of new vocabulary

-  Write down in your students’ vocabulary, please

      - Practising the new words. Ex. 1, p. 57.

Chorally and individually

To wash, to peel, to slice, to grill, to mix, to pour, to sprinkle, to chop, to bake, to decorate, to boil, to mash.

      - Practising the new vocabulary. Speaking- ex. 2, p. 57.

      - Play “How we cook it”

The class is divided into 2 teams. The teacher gives the pictures with the names of food to the members of each team. Pupils have to name the food and say what they can do with this food. You get 1 point for the right answer. If you have many points you are the winner. The pictures with cheese, bread, milk, cake, pizza, meat, eggs.

        -Listening Comprehension

The teacher gives the cards with the tasks and reads the dialogue twice. Pupils have to tick the right answers.

Text “Cooking”

-After listening activity

T: What does Ann do?

P: …

T: What does Mark do?

P: …

-Physical warming up

Clap, clap, clap your hands,

Clap your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,

Stamp your feet together.

Nod, nod, nod your head,

Nod your head together.

Dance, dance, dance a dance,

Dance a dance together.


T: Now you have to write a recipe of tomato salad. There is a picture of tomato salad. Look at it. At first you tell me how you cook the salad and then you write down it in your exercise-books.

Wash some tomatoes and green onion. Slice tomatoes, chop green onions. Put some salt and add some sour cream and mix all ingredients. The salad is ready. Enjoy it.


T: I know you can cook, too.

Play “Try to guess”

T: We have two teams. I give the pictures with the dish to each team. You have to tell us the recipe of cooking. Another group must guess the name of the dish.

                   -Mashed potatoes

                   - Vegetable soup

Mashed potatoes: wash some potatoes. Then peel them. Put them into cold water, add some salt, boil till they are ready. Take the water out. Boil milk. Add some milk and butter. Mash everything. What is it?

T: Let’s listen to the recipe of the 2-nd team.

Wash some vegetables: potatoes, carrots and greens. Slice potatoes and carrots, chop green. Put vegetables into cold water, add salt. Boil them. Add greens. What is it?

IV. Homework

Look at my picture. What is it?

P-s: varenyky.

T: Is it the national Ukrainiandish?

P-s: yes, it is.

T: Your homework is to write how you cook varenyky using new words. And you have to read the text ex. 3, p. 57.

V. Summary

Complete the chart. What can we boil?



Стихотворение на доске

T: I’d like to finish our lesson with such words:

“Coming together is the beginning,

Keeping together is a progress

Working together is a success!” (Henry Ford)

That’s all for today. We worked really hard together and had a great success today. Your marks are…

The lesson is over. Good- bye!


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