Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке для 5-6 классов "We are going to the zoo"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Бекленищева Лариса Юрьевна

Представление может быть показано в рамках проведения недели иностранного языка. Данная разработка подходит для учащихся 5-6 классов. Содержит стихи и песни о животных на английском языке.


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We are going to the zoo (исполняют все участники спектакля с движениями)

Hello, dear friends! Today we are going to talk about animals! And we want to invite you to go to London zoo! Do you agree? Good! We promise you  will have a lot of fun! You will learn a lot of interesting  facts about animals, hear songs and poems, see dances and plays! You will have a whale of a time!

Zoo,  zoo, who’s in the zoo?
Who’s in the zoo to visit?

Monkeys swinging on a tree,
Sheep and lions grazing free,
Tall giraffes, a sight to see!
All  in the zoo to visit.

Deer with antlers on their head,
Hippos waiting to be fed,
Peacocks with their feathers spread,
All in the zoo to visit.

Презентация  «London zoo»(Дети рассказывают о Лондонском зоопарке)

Стихи о животных.

Today when I was at the zoo

I watched the mother kangaroo.

Inside her skin she has a pocket –

She puts her baby there to rock it.

You  saw, You  saw, You saw

An emu at the zoo.

He  saw, he  saw, he  saw

A baby dingo too.

I saw, I saw, I saw

A grey big kangaroo.

You saw, You  saw, you  saw

you saw them at the zoo.

A buffalo is big,

A cockatoo is white.

A lyrebird is beautiful,

A dingo is wild


I know a bird                                                                     

That cannot fly:
Penguin is its name.
It cannot fly,
But it can swim
With speed that wins it fame!

I know a bird
That lives on ice
And waddles by the sea.
It looks so cute
In its black-and-white suit,
As handsome as can be!

If you ever, ever, ever meet a white  bear –

You must never, never, never ask him where

He is going - or what he is doing:

For if you ever, ever dare

To stop a white  bear –

 You will never meet Another white  bear


There live white bears  somewhere in the world(на мотив «Где –то на белом свете». Танец)

There live white bears  somewhere in the world,

Swimming in the water though it is very cold

They like white snow , they like to play on ice

 Because on their bodies fur is thick and nice

La-La-La-La-La-La-La, they live very very far

Splashing in ice holes ,hunting and catching fish

 With walruses and sea horses  eating tasty dish

Bears  enjoy their freedom, they don’t want  to the zoo

They hate living  in cages  and being  trained …too

People, please ,don’t hurt bears , let them enjoy being free

Let them live in nature splashing in the sea

And let them live together with their mum and dad

And they will be happy and thankful  for  all  that


The lion roars with a fearful sound,                                                           

Roar, roar, roar!
The lion creeps, its prey to catch,
Creep, creep, creep!
The lion pounces with a mighty leap,
Leap, leap, leap!
The lion eats with a crunching sound,
Crunch, crunch, crunch!
The lion sleeps with a gentle snore,
Snore, snore, snore!

If you meet a crocodile.

If you meet a crocodile                         

Don’t take a stick and poke him;
Ignore the welcome in his smile,
Be careful not to stroke him.
For as he sleeps upon the Nile,
He thinner gets and thinner;
And whene’er you meet a crocodile
He’s ready for his dinner.

Tommy Turtle   

Tommy Turtle, Tommy Turtle!  look at it, how it can  go.                       
Tommy Turtle, you are so slow.
But when danger come, it’ll stay well,
By pulling it’s  body into it’s shell.

Tiger Poem.

I see a tiger in the jungle                               

and his eyes are shining bright.
I see a tiger in the jungle
and his teeth are big and white.
I see a tiger in the jungle
and he’s running fast and free.
I see a tiger in the jungle
and he is going to eat. . me.
I am running away to hide on a tree

Have you ever seen panthers? No? You have a chance to see them right now!

Песня In the Jungle prompt animals live (на мотив «Жил да был черный кот за углом» Танец пантер.)

In the Jungle prompt animals live

Very beautiful , you must believe,

They are flexible, brave and strong,

Eyes are yellow, tail is long.

 People say that they are cats,

But of course, of course, we don’t believe in that!

We are sure , they are panthers!

Very marvelous, terrific, great hunters!

They can growl and climb, and crawl,

Can’t be frightened or startled at all!

And this song is about all that

How cool is this kind of cats!


I’m a little zebra,
White and black,
Big bushy mane
Riding down my back.
I like to gallop
And run and play
Out on the African plains all day

My dream

I love all kinds of animals

Dogs and cats and rabbits

I love all kinds of animals

Despite their  habits.

If I had a lot  of money

D’you  know what  I would do?

I would buy lots of animals

And have my own zoo

But they wouldn’t live in cages

They would be free to run around

And they would be

safe and  sound !

Песня  «The world is full of animals»

We think   that you liked our performance and we managed to  give you some minutes of fun!

We wish you to be in high spirits all  day long!

Good luck to you!

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