The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Митяева Ольга Евгеньевна

Презентация по теме "

United Kingdom
 Great Britain

Northern Ireland



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Слайд 1

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Слайд 2

England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

Слайд 3

Scotland The national emblem is the Thistle. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.

Слайд 4

England The national emblem is the Red Rose. The capital of England is London.

Слайд 5

Wales The national emblems are leek and daffodils. The capital of Wales is Cardiff.

Слайд 6

Northern Ireland The national emblem is the shamrock. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

Слайд 7

The flag of the Union Kingdom The union flag is the symbol of the UK. The colours of the UK flag are red, white and blue. It has got three crosses that are from each nation of the UK except for Wales. The flag is on every government building on certain special days and holidays. The Union flag is also on the flags of some Commonwealth nations such as Australia and New Zealand. The U nion Jack is the nickname of the UK flag .

Слайд 8

Elizabeth II is the Queen of the UK and Commonwealth nations. Her full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. She has got 4 children: Charles, Prince of Wales, Anne, Princess Royal, Prince Andrew, Duke of York and Prince Edward, Earl of Essex. She has been on the throne since 1952.

Слайд 9

The royal family

Слайд 10

Buckingham palace is the official residence of Elizabeth II. It is the place where she lives and works.

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