Тест для 10 класса по учебнику "Rainbow English"
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Аминева Гюзель Рафаэловна

Тест для проверки лексических навыков


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test (Form 10, Unit I)


  1. Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.
  1. I left the classroom as soon as I (had written/had been writing) the test.
  2. I (have learnt/have been learning) English for nine years.
  3. They agreed they ( had read/had been reading) the text for more than two hours.
  4. I (have known/have been knowing) Andrew for ten years.
  5. I (will take/would take) my umbrella if it rains.
  6. We were sure he (will win/would win).
  7. I don’t know if I (see/will see) you next Sunday. I think I (am/will) out of town.
  8. If Helen (reads/will read) the text, she (know/will know) what it is about.
  9. Jane ( did/was doing) her homework when the telephone (rang/was ringing).
  10.  You (are always talking/always talk)  while writing  texts.
  1. Complete these sentences with would  rather or had better.
  1. You …write to her: she loves getting your letters.
  2. She says she … do the work now than tomorrow.
  3. … you … go out tonight or stay at home and watch TV.
  1. Use the appropriate function words to complete the sentences (down, out, off, up).
  1. The drums were beating … a new rhythm.
  2. Even in the late autumn with the rain beating …, it is nice and cosy.
  3. I wonder how the girl managed to beat … the attack of the dog.
  4. He was badly beaten … by a gang of thugs.
  1. Complete these sentences with the appropriate prepositions (about, at, in, of, with, on, to).
  1. Victor spent an hour trying to do the sum but.. vain.
  2. You should come at 7 o’clock … sharp.

 (Form 10, Unit I)


  1. Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.
  1. Andy came and said that they (had written/had been writing) their essays for an hour and a half.
  2. They (have learnt/have been learning) poems by heart this year.
  3. When I got to the party, it already (had started/had been started).
  4. It (has been snowing/has snowed) since morning. When will it stop snowing?
  5. Do you think it (will snow/would snow) tomorrow?
  6. I thought you (will visit/would visit) your granny tomorrow.
  7. They don’t know when Mr Green (return/will return).
  8. Jane (comes/will come) if you (ask/will ask) her.
  9. Jack (was putting/put) on his coat when the telephone (was ringing/rang).
  10. Fred constantly (comes/is coming) to school unprepared for his classes.
  1. Complete these sentences with would  rather or had better.
  1. He … talk to someone who can help him.
  2. We … fly than go by train: it will take us less time.
  3. … you … have  the blue balloon than the green one?
  1. Use the appropriate function words to complete the sentences (down, out, off, up).
  1. My friend was asked to beat… the rhythm of the song on a small drum.
  2. He had to beat the dog … with a sack.
  3. I could feel the sun beating … on my head.
  4. He said that he had beating … the police.
  1. Complete these sentences with the appropriate prepositions (about, at, in, of, with, on, to).
  1. She is always shy … speaking in public.
  2. We could hardly see each other’s faces … the twilight.
  3. I am not familiar… these papers. Where have you found them?

3)  Further research … the topic has not produced any result.

4)  Where is the key … the front door?

5) She always returns …  twilight.

5.  Translate into Russian.

1)  blue-eyed, 2) old-fashioned, 3) broad- shouldered, 4) absent-minded, 5) hand-written, 6) home-made, 7) weather-beaten, 8) well-paid, 9) poorly-dressed, 10) heart-breaking.

  1. According … my estimation we’ll arrive… Rome in two hours.
  2. I sent her an e-mail … vain hope that she might call back.

5.  Translate into Russian.

1)  progress-making, 2) well-educated, 3) easy-going, 4) low-paid,

5) low-lying, 6) well-meaning, 7) sea-loving, 8) narrow-minded, 9) smart-looking, 10)fast-developing.


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