A project about Australia 3 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Справцева Людмила Николаевна

План-конспект урока по УМК "Forward" 3 класс.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Lesson Plan

«Forward -3» М.В. Вербицкая \Unit 5 «A project about Australia»\Lesson 1.

Aim:     By the end of the lesson the children will be able:

            understand the text and some new words;

             answer  teacher’s questions using the pictures;

            discuss the text about Australia;

             describe an animal  providing  a model ;

             use  new words  and new structures;

Skills:   listening, reading, speaking, writing

New Language: Words :  desert, original, (the) outback, famous, aborigine, sleep, climb;  

                             Structures :     Sydney is famous for its bridge.

                             Alice Springs is in the middle of  Australia.

Revision    Words: nice, long,  short,  tall,  back, strong, leg, tail, body,  ears, eyes, teeth

                    Grammar :Present Сопtinuous Tense, General  Question




Teacher Does/Says

Pupils Do/Say

5 min


To revise  geographic names on the global map and  animals.

10 min

To introduce the topic

Look at the map and point to Australia .

Look at the map and point to Australia

 map :

SB. ex.7, p. 13

-Is Australia big\beautiful?  

-Yes, it is.

Look at these photos. Point to Sydney. Poiпt to the bridge. Poiпt to the Opera Ноusе.  

Point to Sydney. Poiпt to the bridge. Poiпt to the Opera Ноusе.  

5 min

Listening for gist


Listen to the text about Australia, look at the pictures and follow the text.

SB p.29

5 min

To introduce the new words  

Read the words below the text.

Read: desert , origiпal, outback, middle, famous, aborigiпe

Find these words in the text. Read the sentences. What do they mean?

Guess the meaning of desert ,origiпal, outback, middle, famous, aborigiпe

5 min

To develop pronunciation skills and reading skills

Listen to the speaker and repeat

 Listen to the text, follow  the text in their SB and repeat

SB p.28-29

5 min

To check understanding

 Answer my questions:

Who are these people?

Where do they live?  

What is the capital of Australia? 

-These are aborigiпes.

 -They live iп the outback.

Look at the pictures.

What do you know about Australia?

Say what they know about  Australia.

Can speak Russian

2 min.


Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes, knees and toes! Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Eyes, ears, mouth and nose!

Repeat and move.

3 min

 To develop listening skills for details

Listen to the track «Australian animals», guess the animal and point to the pictures  

 Listen to the track and point to the pictures .They look to the pictures and guess the meaning of the words walk\climb\ sleep

SB p. 30 ex.4

3 min

Poiпt to diпgo. Let's say diпgo\  kangoroo\koala\wombat\crocodile\platypus. 

Work in pairs. Speak to your friend like this:

What's this?  It's а crocodile.

Point  to the animals in their SB and repeat .

Work in pairs .


5 min

Read the text  and find the animal.

Read the text silently

SB p.30 ex.5

Look at these pictures. Ask your friend which animal has long  (short ) legs?  

Use the words: long, short ,back legs, strong,  tall, tail, body, What colour is … dingo/wombat/platypus/ crocodile

Choose an animal and describe it like this (see ex.5)

Describe an animal (3 -4 sentences).

SB p.31 ex.6

7 min

To develop grammar skills and writing skills

 Write  a question about  the crocodile providing  a model Has it got a strong tail? 

Can it run?

Write some questions (3-4):

Has it got  strong legs?

Has it got strong teeth?

Has it got big eyes?  

Can it swim? Can it run?

Can it sleep in the river?...

Write on the blackboard.

Answer them.

Do we use Yes\No?

Answer and write 1-2 answers on the blackboard.

Compare the question and the answer. What’s changed (Что изменилось)?  Есть ли в этих вопросах специальные вопросительные слова? Как называются такие вопросы?

-Порядок слов.


-Общие вопросы.

Speak Russian. The teacher can speak Russian.

2 min

To develop   writing skills

Homework: crossword (animals)

Look at the crossword in their WB.

Post-lesson reflection note  

  My pupils are 9-10 years old and they like saying, hearing and seeing words,  moving , touching and crafting. So, in the classroom activity I try to provide opportunities  to learn the language this way. This will give everyone a chance to feel comfortable and show what they really know, I hope. In this lesson we worked the new words from the first part of Unit 5 “A project about Australia»: desert, original, (the) outback, famous, aborigine, sleep, climb. We listened them in context,  than pronounced  and finally  they used these words  to answer the questions about  the text.  I used listening for gist, listening for details and reading for details.  We listen to the text about Australia: nature, animals, landmarks, cities, people.   At the practice stage we read and spoke about Australian animals. The children enjoyed this activity.

I’m satisfied with this lesson, but next time I’ll  complete it with some interesting facts about Australian animals. The children are very interested in animals’ life.   I think they will enjoy it and develop their listening skills.

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