Account about the project Sister schools
проект (9 класс) на тему

Решетникова Зоя Борисовна

The text gives the account about students participation  in the international project. Students of my school and from the school in the city Stuttgart (USA, Arkansas) helped orphans and veterans.


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of the Russian- American  school projects  “Sister – schools”

fulfilled by sister-schools in the USA, Arkansas Stutgart High School  and Secondary school № 62 Russia, Troizki    January 2014 – May 2014

The project was carried out by the draft we have done before the beginning of our project.

   We suppose that the main idea of the project was fulfilled. Our students had done a lot and they revealed positive human morals (warmth, kindness, charity) as well as they showed social habits and good human behavior. The participants from both sides involved other students of both schools in our social project.

     Team members of the project “Sister – schools” in Stuttgart High School have done the following work according to our plan.

*They raised money for gifts for the local orphanage. They raised 2100 dollars.

*The team also visited Dana’s house orphanage for foster children.

*The young girls and boys also supported the Community. They bought things for the family after a house fire.

* The members of the team visited nursing home and thanked them for their service to the USA.  

      As for sister school in Troitzki they also fulfilled a great work.

*The school children involved the pupils of school № 62 to collect toys, school things, books and sanitary accessories for the children living in the local orphanage house.

*They visited this house twice. The first time – to give the presents they collected, to play with kids and make crafts together.

*During the second visit they presented the puppet show and also played with kids and made crafts.

*Beginning  with  January the members of this team did much for veterans of the Great patriotic war and war conflicts with Chechen republic in 1994-1995. They visited these people and helped them with house chores. Veterans told the pupils about these wars.  

   At the beginning of the project both schools made the video about their educational institutions and sent them by e-mail for the students of both schools to know the information about each other.

     We also informed each other regularly about the fulfillment of the project.

Computer presentations about our work were demonstrated to children of both schools through local computer net.  

    School wall newspapers published the pictures and children articles about their participation in the project.

     We also decided to continue our friendship between two schools and give students the chance to get acquainted personally through Internet. We teachers of children of both teams hope that our students will be good friends and will know much new information about the life in both great countries.  


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