Spotlight 10 контрольная работа 8
материал по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа по 8 разделу к учебнику Spotlight 10


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Form 10 Module 8

№1. Match the words

1. digital  2. memory  3. guarantee  4. send  5. burn  6. listen  7. fully  8. voice  9. store  10. techno

a.  songs onto a CD  b. to the news  c. recorder  d. the information  e. certificate  f. card  g. camcorder  h. charged  i. a message j. freak

№2. Fill in : considering, jammed, admit, saying, charge, missing

1. My headphones are…, I can’t listen to music.

2. James is … a career as an architect.

3. Have a look at the printer; the paper is … again.

4. I have to … that I have a lot of problems.

5. I think it’s time to … the battery in my mobile phone.

6. It’s go without … that we can’t do without different devices.

№3. Use the correct preposition: back, out of, on, up, on, at

1. The lift is ... order again.                                   2. Be quiet! I’m … the phone.

3. We were brought  … in Manchester.                4. The stress from his job brought … a heart attack.

5. I want you to bring … the DVD I lent you.      6. … first, I didn’t like the song.

Form 10 Module 8

№1. Match the words

1. digital  2. memory  3. guarantee  4. send  5. burn  6. listen  7. fully  8. voice  9. store  10. techno

a.  songs onto a CD  b. to the news  c. recorder  d. the information  e. certificate  f. card  g. camcorder  h. charged  i. a message j. freak

№2. Fill in : considering, jammed, admit, saying, charge, missing

1. My headphones are…, I can’t listen to music.

2. James is … a career as an architect.

3. Have a look at the printer; the paper is … again.

4. I have to … that I have a lot of problems.

5. I think it’s time to … the battery in my mobile phone.

6. It’s go without … that we can’t do without different devices.

№3. Use the correct preposition: back, out of, on, up, on, at

1. The lift is ... order again.                                   2. Be quiet! I’m … the phone.

3. We were brought  … in Manchester.                4. The stress from his job brought … a heart attack.

5. I want you to bring … the DVD I lent you.      6. … first, I didn’t like the song.

№4. Choose the correct word

1. I love foreign languages and I usually learn / teach very fast.

2. He told / said / asked me to ask the teacher.

3. They told / said / asked on TV that the price of computers would go down soon.

4. This is my friend, Mary, who / which / whose father is a doctor.

5. The shop which / where / when I bought the DVD is closed now.

6. My camera, which / whose / who costs 200 $, takes brilliant pictures.

7. 2005 was the year which / where / when I bought my first mobile phone.

8. You need to enshort / shorten / shortenise this skirt, it’s too long for you.

№5. Turn the sentences into reported speech.

1. The signal is very poor today. (Tom)

2. I bought a new camcorder yesterday. (Helen)

3. Don’t touch the wire. (John)

4. Have you got a laptop? (Tina)

5. What gadget will you buy next? (he)

6. Show me your MP3 player. (she)

№4. Choose the correct word

1. I love foreign languages and I usually learn / teach very fast.

2. He told / said / asked me to ask the teacher.

3. They told / said / asked on TV that the price of computers would go down soon.

4. This is my friend, Mary, who / which / whose father is a doctor.

5. The shop which / where / when I bought the DVD is closed now.

6. My camera, which / whose / who costs 200 $, takes brilliant pictures.

7. 2005 was the year which / where / when I bought my first mobile phone.

8. You need to enshort / shorten / shortenise this skirt, it’s too long for you.

№5. Turn the sentences into reported speech.

1. The signal is very poor today. (Tom)

2. I bought a new camcorder yesterday. (Helen)

3. Don’t touch the wire. (John)

4. Have you got a laptop? (Tina)

5. What gadget will you buy next? (he)

6. Show me your MP3 player. (she)

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