Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса 3 четверть (Spotlight- Английский в фокусе)
методическая разработка (английский язык, 9 класс) по теме

Иниева Ирина Павловна

Контроль усвоения лексики и упражнения на употребление настоящего, прошедшего времени


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Предварительный просмотр:

9 КЛАСС    III четв.

I.Fill in the gaps with still, artistic, hall, remain, private, recovery, foster, burst, involved

1.No one knows the author*s name, as he chooses to… anonymous.

2.The children had to sit perfect … while the photographer was taking their picture.

3.You cannot draw graffiti on that man*s house, it is … property.

4.Children often express their … creativity through finger painting and drawing.

5.Mr Anderson is giving a presentation on green transport at the town … this evening.

6.Sarah has joined a community action group which helps find … homes for homeless animals.

7.John looked after the injured bird until it made a full … .

8.She loves children and often gets … with children*s charities.

9.Cindy … into tears when a car almost ran over her dog.

II.Choose the right form

1.The Eiffel Tower( is/has been) visited by about 6 million people each year.

2.The exhibits in the museum must not (be/are) touched.

3.Luckily, the fire (had been/ was) put out before anyone got hurt.

4.This film (was/was being) shown to the students when I came into the classroom.

5.Do not worry. A fax (is/is being) sent by my secretary  right now.

III.Fill the right form of the adjectives

1.John is the …(talented) in the art class.

2.Which of Beethoven*s compositions do you think is the …(famous).

3.She has been practicing a lot, so her artwork  is getting …(good) and …(good).

4.Nick*s sculpts are much … (accurately) than I do because he pays attention to every little detail.

5.Willard Wigan*s sculptures are the … (tiny) works of art in the world.

6.The … (much) Ann practiced the … (easy) it became for her to paint portraits.

IV. Fill in the gaps with whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever

1…. Country she visits, Ann always buys a souvenir to take home with her.

2…. You do, do not forget to take a seaplane tour when you are in Sydney.

3.Annabel*s puppy follows her … she goes.

4.Alex always visits Red Square … he is in Moscow.

V.Use …self

1.I made the costumes for the charity Fun Festival … .

2.Behave … , children, or we will leave the party.

3.We were happy with … when we found the puppy a new home.

4.The kitten is too young to take care of … .

9 КЛАСС    III четв.

I.Fill in the gaps with still, artistic, hall, remain, private, recovery, foster, burst, involved

1.No one knows the author*s name, as he chooses to… anonymous.

2.The children had to sit perfect … while the photographer was taking their picture.

3.You cannot draw graffiti on that man*s house, it is … property.

4.Children often express their … creativity through finger painting and drawing.

5.Mr Anderson is giving a presentation on green transport at the town … this evening.

6.Sarah has joined a community action group which helps find … homes for homeless animals.

7.John looked after the injured bird until it made a full … .

8.She loves children and often gets … with children*s charities.

9.Cindy … into tears when a car almost ran over her dog.

II.Choose the right form

1.The Eiffel Tower( is/has been) visited by about 6 million people each year.

2.The exhibits in the museum must not (be/are) touched.

3.Luckily, the fire (had been/ was) put out before anyone got hurt.

4.This film (was/was being) shown to the students when I came into the classroom.

5.Do not worry. A fax (is/is being) sent by my secretary  right now.

III.Fill the right form of the adjectives

1.John is the …(talented) in the art class.

2.Which of Beethoven*s compositions do you think is the …(famous).

3.She has been practicing a lot, so her artwork  is getting …(good) and …(good).

4.Nick*s sculpts are much … (accurately) than I do because he pays attention to every little detail.

5.Willard Wigan*s sculptures are the … (tiny) works of art in the world.

6.The … (much) Ann practiced the … (easy) it became for her to paint portraits.

IV. Fill in the gaps with whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever

1…. Country she visits, Ann always buys a souvenir to take home with her.

2…. You do, do not forget to take a seaplane tour when you are in Sydney.

3.Annabel*s puppy follows her … she goes.

4.Alex always visits Red Square … he is in Moscow.

V.Use …self

1.I made the costumes for the charity Fun Festival … .

2.Behave … , children, or we will leave the party.

3.We were happy with … when we found the puppy a new home.

4.The kitten is too young to take care of … .

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