Тест для 9 класса по английскому языку
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Львова Оксана Михайловна

Тест для 9 класса по английскому языку


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Предварительный просмотр:

1. Поставьте один из предложенных вариантов, подходящий  по смыслу.

0 A realism B realisation C reality D realist

Becoming a nurse: the interview

The (0)..... of a interview is never as bad as your fears. For some (8)..... people imagine the interviewer is going to jump on every tiny mistake they (9)..... In truth, the interviewer is as (10)..... for the meeting to go well as you are. It is what (11)..... his or her job enjoyable.

The secret of a good interview is preparing for it. What you wear is always important as| it creates the first impression. So (12)..... neatly, but comfortably. Make (13)..... that you can deal with anything you are (14)..... Prepare for questions that are certain to come up, for example: Why do you want to become a nurse? What is the most important (15)..... a good nurse should have? Apart from nursing, what other careers have you (16)..... ? What are your interests and hobbies?

Answer the questions fully and precisely. (17)....., if one of your interests is reading, be prepared to (18)..... about the sort of books you like. (19)....., do not learn all your answers off (20)..... heart. The interviewer wants to meet a human (21)....., not a robot. Remember, the interviewer is genuinely interested in you, so the more you relax and are yourself, the more (22)..... you are to succeed.

8 A reason

B idea

C explanation 

D excuse

9 A perform


C make 

D have

10 A keen

B wanting

C interested 

D delighted

11 A does

B causes

C happens

D makes

12 A dress

B wear

C put on 

D have on

13 A evident

B sure

C definite 

D clear

14 A requested

B questioned

C inquired

D ask

15 A character

B quality

C nature

 D point

16 A thought 

B regarded 

C considered

D wondered

17 A For instance

B Thai is

C Such as 

 D Let's say

18 A say 

B talk

C discuss

D chat

19 A However

B Although

C Despite

D Therefore

20 A at 

B in 

C on

D by

21 A character 

B being

C somebody

D nature

22 A easy

 B possible

C likely 

D probable


2. Выбери один из предложенных вариантов.

23. The growing numbers of visitors _____ the photographs.
A is damaging;  B damages ; C are damaging ; D was damaging

24. Jane ______just a few minutes ago.

A left ; B has left ; C leaves ; D had left

25. If I were, I ______ that coat. It's too much expensive.

A won't buy ;B don't buy ;C am not going to buy; D wouldn't buy

26. _______ Robert lately?

A Did you see; B Have you seen ;C Do you see ;D Are you seeing

27. We________ Switzerland four times during 1970s.

A used to visit;  B would visit;  C visited;  D will visit

28. Jenny _______ leave the hospital only six hours after the baby was born.

A was able to; B could ; C can D is able to

29. The car broke down and we _______ a taxi.

A must have got; B have got to get;  C had to get ; D must get

30. You ________ whisper. Nobody can hear us.

A needn't;  B don't have to ; C mustn't ; D need to

31.1 remembered _______ the race.

A the horse's winning;  B the horse to win;  C the horse winning ; D the horse's to win

Ключи к заданиям. 9 класс. 

1. 0-c.8-a,9-c,10-d,ll-d. 12-a,13-b. 14-b. 15-b.l6-d.l7-a.l8-b.l9-a.20-d.21-b.22-c.

2. 23-c,24-b,25-d,26-b.27-c,28.a, 29-c,30-b, ,31-b

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