Презентация для 7 класса по английскому языку. Учебник Биболетовой "Enjoy English"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Ибраева Кристина Юрьевна

В презентации представлены 11 уроков как сопутствующий учебнику и рабочей тетради материал для наглядности и лучшего усвоения знаний.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Do you have any superstitions?

Слайд 2

Цели и задачи урока ПРЕДМЕТНЫЕ ЛИЧНОСТНЫЕ МЕТАПРЕДМЕТНЫЕ Ознакомление с новой лексикой, чтение страноведческой информации. Контроль грамматических навыков по теме «Герундий» Активизация навыков устной речи и аудирования по теме «Суверия» Привитие любви к английскому языку Умения оценивать свою работу на уроке

Слайд 3

The popular superstitions It is not common to kill spiders in the house, because these insects are believed to bring good luck and money.

Слайд 4

The popular superstitions Broken mirror leads to seven years of misery or seven disasters.

Слайд 5

The popular superstitions Good luck if a white cat crosses your path.

Слайд 6

The popular superstitions Lucky to find a clover plant with four leaves.

Слайд 7

The popular superstitions Friday the thirteenth is a very unlucky day. Friday is considered to be an unlucky day because Jesus was crucified on a Friday.

Слайд 8

The popular superstitions Unlucky to open an umbrella in doors.

Слайд 9

The popular superstitions Names of your classmates Believe in Don’t believe in … … . … .

Слайд 10

Homework Text “Halloween”, translate.

Слайд 11


Слайд 12

How can we communicate with each other?

Слайд 13

Do you like to talk? Do you like to talk a lot? Can you talk for hours? What do you like talking about?

Слайд 14

Grammar Each other for two people or things One another for more than two people or things

Слайд 15

Molly and Jim! Everybody in the world love one another. Molly and Jim love each other. Molly and Jim will do everything for each other .

Слайд 16

Molly and Jim! Molly and Jim don’t love each other any more – they argue all the time and get on each other’s nerves.

Слайд 17

Homework To make a short story with “each other” and “one another”

Слайд 18

Telephoning Each Other

Слайд 19

Let’s check your homework To make a short story with “each other” and “one another”

Слайд 20

Have you got a telephone? Do you like talking on the phone? What do you talk with your friends, parents about on the phone?

Слайд 21

Talking on the telephone Saying your name: This is Helen. / It's Martin here. Asking to speak to someone: Can I speak to Wendy, please? Passing the call to the right person: Hang on a moment, Jane. I'll just get her. Giving a message: Can you tell him Martin called? Can you ask him to call me back?

Слайд 22

Work in pairs. Read the situations and dramatize the dialogues 1. Your elder brother Steve is playing computer games in his room. His friend phones him. Ask Steve to speak to his friend. 2. Your sister Ann is playing tennis in school. Take a phone message from her friend. 3. You are at your friend's party. Phone home and tell your mother that you'll come home later.

Слайд 23

Telephone number

Слайд 24

Каждая цифра номера телефона произносится отдельно 25916 — two five nine one six; 57402 — five seven four oh [ э y ] two; 38861 — three double [dabl ] eight six one. Read: 90035647 65359902

Слайд 25

What’s your telephone number? 1. 2.Say what you think are the advantages and disadvantages of talking on the phone.

Слайд 26

Make up and write down a telephone dialogue between a) two old ladies watching the same soap opera; b) a boy and his friend's parents; c) two teenagers speaking about their hobbies.

Слайд 27

Put in each other or one another 1. They didn't understand __ 2. We'd like to talk to __ Could you wait for us a few minutes? 3. The twins usually live with__ and help __ 4. Why are you looking at _ ? Would you like to tell me anything? 5. In a team people have to support __ 6. Do you write letters to __? — Not very often. 7. Language helps us to communicate with ___

Слайд 28

Choose the correct answer 1. My brother hates ... the dishes. to wash b) wash c) washing 2. I would like ... my chance a) to try b) try c) trying 3. Could you, please, stop ... to the walkman? to listen b) listen c) listening 4. The book is worth ... . a) to read b) read c) reading

Слайд 29

Computers for communication!

Слайд 30

Computers We can communicate with each other by telegraph, phone, mail. We do this by sending pieces of information to our partners.

Слайд 31

Computers – pros and cons. I really enjoy using my computer. I am learning how to use the computers. I think that young people spend too much time using computers. I hate computers.

Слайд 32

Work in pairs a) Choose the most important means of communication. b) Discuss and write down its advantages. c) Tell your classmates about your choice. Explain your choice.

Слайд 33

Say “Hello” to the winners of the international competitions

Слайд 34

Homework Make up a dialogue and dramatize it. 1) You are playing an interesting computer game. But you haven't done your homework. Your mother is angry. She wants you to stop playing. 2) Your friend is fond of computer games. He spends all the time playing. Ask him to go for a walk with you / to play football in the afternoon / to go to the school party.

Слайд 35

It is important! How do you do? How are you? Where are you from? Where do you come from? Let me introduce myself. Pleased to meet you.

Слайд 36

Article “the” Continents Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica Countries France, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, America, Brazil Cities, towns Samara, Kirov, Kiev

Слайд 37

Article “the” We use “the” in names with “republic”, “kingdom”, “states”, “federation” The Russian Federation, The Czech Republic, The United Kingdom, The United States. Don’t forget “the: Canberra is the capital of Australia.

Слайд 38

Homework P. 35 ex.4, 6

Слайд 39

Talking about countries and nationalities Поговорим о странах и национальностях

Слайд 40

Article “the” The English = the people of England The French = the people of France The Russians = the people of Russia The Italian = the people of Italy The Germans = the people of Germany

Слайд 41

P. 36 ex. 8 Countries – Seas and oceans – Continents – Rivers and lakes – Make the conclusion use we article “the” with it or not.

Слайд 42

Which language do people speak in …? In … people speak …

Слайд 43

Homework P. 37 ex. 14 Представьте, что вы приехали из одной из стран, упомянутых в упражнении 4 на стр. 35. Представьтесь. Скажите, на каких языках люди говорят в вашей стране.

Слайд 44

People speak English all over the world

Слайд 45

Why do I study the English language? For me this question has several answers and each of them is important to me. I want to learn English to visit the places such as the United Kingdom and The United States of America. There are my plans. Now my knowledge of English allows me to have friends abroad, but I will need to know English better to find friends on a professional level. The English language is my future. It will make my world more interesting.

Слайд 46

Compare who The girl who has a book. which The book which was written in 1990.

Слайд 47

Homework Монолог на тему «Зачем нужен английский язык»

Слайд 48

English-speaking countries

Слайд 49

Translate. To consist of .. To look like .. To be spoken.. To include .. To be bit different .. The capital ..

Слайд 50

Use the questions as a plan: 1. Where is it situated? 2. What's its population? 3. What's its capital? 4. What's its official language (or languages)?

Слайд 51

Think. What country do you want to visit? Why?

Слайд 52

About Russia Write down some facts about Russia.

Слайд 53

How many languages can a person know?

Слайд 54

Translate. Мы не должны думать, что только великие люди могут выучить много иностранных языков. Если человек не знает иностранного языка, если он или она ждет перевода, он может не надеяться, на то, что будет владеть всей информацией. Как я смогу выучить так много? Для меня трудно выучить хотя бы один иностранный язык. Ответ в том, что когда мы выучили один иностранный язык, нам не составит труда выучить и еще один.

Слайд 55

Why is it not easy to learn foreign languages? I am not good at remembering new words. I'm lazy. I have no time to learn English, I've got too many different things to do. I don’t like my English teacher. I don’t like learning English without friends. I don’t have enough money to buy English books. …

Слайд 56

The easiest way to learn foreign language is… to have a good textbook to have a good teacher to go to an English-speaking country to have an English-speaking pen friend to chat on the Internet to phone your friends abroad …

Слайд 57

Homework P.57 ex. 11, 14, 16

Слайд 58

Is Russian an international language?

Слайд 59

Passive Voice Пассивный залог

Слайд 60

Алгоритм правильного рассуждения Пример: Эта одежда изготавливается в Испании. Определить подлежащее. (Над кем производится действие? Что изготавливается? – ЭТА ОДЕЖДА) Определить временную форму глагола. (Когда изготавливается? – Обычно, постоянно, регулярно – Present Simple)

Слайд 61

Алгоритм правильного рассуждения Изменить временную форму глагола в Present Simple Active на Present Simple Passive. Обратить внимание на подлежащее, в каком оно лице и числе (Make – изготавливать. are made – изготавливается.) Записать предложение, соблюдая порядок слов. (Эта одежда изготавливается в Испании – These clothes are made in Spain)

Слайд 62

Translate. Компания была продана. ( to sell) Вечеринка была испорчена. (to spoil) Новые законы будут обсуждаться завтра. ( to discuss) Много писем пишется каждый день. ( to write)

Слайд 63

Passive Voice.

Слайд 64

Check yourself. The roads are covered with the snow. Chocolate is made from cocoa. The Pyramids were built in Egypt. This coat was bought four years ago. The stadium will be opened next month. Your parents will be invited to a meeting. Where is your car? – It is being mended at the moment.

Слайд 65

Correct mistakes. The museum were opened in 2005. 2. 3000 books are sell every week. 3. The parcel will delivered tomorrow morning. 4. This wine will not be produce next year. 5. Paper are made from wood. 6. Coffee is not grow in Russia. 7. The New Year tree is decorated last night.

Слайд 66

Check yourself. 1. The museum was opened in 2005. 2. 3000 books are sold every week. 3. The parcel will be delivered tomorrow morning. 4. This wine will not be produced next year. 5. Paper is made from wood. 6. Coffee is not grown in Russia. 7. The New Year tree was decorated last night.

Слайд 67

Round-the-world-tour. Lesson 2.

Слайд 68

Translate correctly! We were warned by a policeman . The door will be locked with another key . The paper is cut with the knife . Were you told to come in the morning? Are the mistakes corrected? Will I be invited to the party? Is my hair going to be cut?

Слайд 69

People – peoples. People – persons. Peoples – nations. Were there many … at the concert? In Russia there are more than 100 … .

Слайд 70


Слайд 71

Translate. Сколько лет, сколько зим. - ? Я только что приехал. - ? Neither bus nor car could go through those narrow paths. - ? It's worth visiting. - ?

Слайд 72

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму. This book (write) many years ago. His car (break) so he had to take a taxi. This castle (build) in the 16th century. 6. Toyotas (manufacture) in Japan.

Слайд 73

Преобразуйте предложения из активного залога в пассивный. They build new hospitals in the provinces. Will they publish her new novel next year? They cut the gas off. They will open a new hotel next week. Our managers discuss important matters every Tuesday. The government closed the plant last year.

Слайд 74

Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. 1. Marmalade is made of oranges. 2. This town was built a century ago. 3. My neighbor’s car was stolen last night. 4. His winter boots were made in Germany. 5. The building was ruined by the earthquake. 6. Italian is spoken in Italy and on Malta.

Слайд 75

Looking at teenage problems

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