"Защита окружающей среды"(8 класс) Подготовила учитель английского языка Елисеева Маргарита Николаевна МАОУ СОШ №31
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Подготовленный урок направлен на


  •  умение работать в команде
  • воспитание чувство любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде.
  • формирование чувства ответственности за сопричастность к проблемам экологии.



Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Environmental Protection Тамбов 2016 по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой , О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубаневой « Enjoy English » (8 КЛАСС) Подготовила: учитель английского языка Елисеева Маргарита Николаевна МАОУ СОШ №31

Слайд 2

Match the meaning with the word: The scientific study of the natural relations of plants, animals, people . The act of making air, water, land dangerously impure . Too many people in one place. The act of destroying, putting an end to the existence of something. The act of throwing things away untidily. Plants , animals, people. Living things Ecology Overcrowding Pollution Littering Destruction

Слайд 3

Match the meaning with the word: The natural home of a plant or animal. Surroundings , circumstances and influences. Something which can help in doing something, that can be turned to for support and help. To use something up completely. No longer in existence; having died out. That which produces an effect or event. Extinct Resources Cause Habitat Environment Exhaust

Слайд 4

Fill in the blank P rotect, home, keep, pointed out, environment. The Earth is our ______. We must take care of it. The importance of this task is ____ by the ecologists, scientists, who study the relations between living things and their ____. Each of us must do everything possible to ____ the land, air and water clean. Of course, people undertake some measures to _____ the environment, but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.

Слайд 5

Read and translate the saying We do not own the Earth, we have borrowed it from the future generation . « take care of …», « think only about today », « keep … for your children » .

Слайд 6

About rhinos The weight - three-to five tons A speed – 45 km per hour Rhinos live in eastern and southern Africa

Слайд 7

Green-cheeked parrots They live in Mexico and in the USA They are really good at copying people’s voices

Слайд 8

Freshwater turtles They live in North America It is the largest freshwater turtle

Слайд 9

The Tambov region’s ecological situation rivers : the Vorona , the BITYUG AND the savall HAVE poor QUALITY WATER due to THE hard water of IRON SALTS. WE HAVE TO BUILD HUNDREDS OF PONDS AND RESERVOIRS to provide settlements and industrial ENTERPRISES WITH PURE WATER. 1. The main problem is the use of soil. Only 60% of agricultural land are used by farmers because of the disposing it by former collective and state farms. 2. The Second group of environmental problems is connected with water, its quality and quantity. Every year about 70 million cubic meters of wastes are dropped into the rivers and lakes by industrial enterprises.

Слайд 10

Complete the sentences 1 ) Try not to buy pre-packaged food because… 2) Use less washing up liquid because… 3 ) Use public transport because… 4) Never light fires in forests because… 5 ) Do not drop rubbish in the streets because… 6) Do not throw plastic bottles into the sea because…

Слайд 11

Test 1. Environmental protection is an ___ problem . a)easy , b) important , c) pleasant 2 . Factories pour a lot of ___ into air and water . a shortage , b) waste , c) pollution 3) What caused the ___ of wildlife . а) destruction , b) poison , c) population 4) Many rivers and lakes are ___ . а ) poisoned , b) filled , c) used 5) Many scientists try ___ ecological problems . a) to solve , b) to know , c) to protect

Слайд 12

homework Why people worry environmental problems nowadays. What the most serious environmental problem in the place where you live is What young people can do to improve the ecological situation.

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение                      «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №31»

Комбинированный урок по английскому языку

«Защита окружающей среды»

(8 Б класс)

По УМК М.З. Биболетовой, О. А. Денисенко, Н. Н. Трубанева.               «Английский с удовольствием», 8 класс

                                             Подготовила: Елисеева Маргарита Николаевна,                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

                                                                        учитель английского языка

Тамбов, 2016 год

Дата: декабрь, 2016 год.

Тема: «Защита окружающей среды»

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель урока: подготовить учащихся к устному монологическому

                        высказыванию   по теме «Защита окружающей среды».



  • развивать учебно-познавательные и коммуникативные компетенции учащихся.
  • активизировать лексику по видам деятельности- чтение и письмо.


  • развивать навыки чтения и говорения по теме урока
  • совершенствовать произносительные навыки с помощью аудирования
  • вырабатывать логическое мышление, умение сопоставлять, давать оценку, выражать своё мнение, приводить свои аргументы (за и против)
  • мотивировать учащихся на умение сопоставлять. сравнивать, находить нужное слово.


  • развивать умение работать в команде, развивать чувство взаимопомощи
  • воспитывать чувство любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде.
  • формировать чувство ответственности за сопричастность к проблемам экологии.

Режим работы: фронтальный, индивидуальный, групповой

Виды упражнений: языковые, условно-речевые, речевые.

Оснащение урока: УМК «Enjoy English» ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, карточки, презентация к уроку английского языка в 8 классе по теме» Защита окружающей среды»

План урока:

  1. Начало урока

1.Организационный момент


3.Фонетическая зарядка

4.Речевая зарядка

  1. Основная часть
  1. Этап формирования рецептивного лексического навыка
  2. Этап формирования лексического навыка говорения
  3. Этап применения знаний и способов действий
  1. Заключительная часть

3.1 Домашнее задание

3.2.Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия


  1. Начало урока

Организационный момент, целеполагание.

Hello, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please! Who is absent today? All are present. Then, I think, we can start our lesson.

The sun is shining brightly today. We have a lot of guests at our lesson. I hope you’ll work hard and will learn a lot of new things.

Well, the theme of our lesson is “Environmental Protection”. (Слайд 1) But we are going to speak not only about the global situation in ecology. We’ll speak about what we can do with it and how we can help our environment. At the lesson we can also try to discuss some environmental problems in our town Tambov.

Актуализация знаний лексического материала и фонетическая отработка их. (фронтальная работа).

Teacher: At the beginning of our lesson we’ll start with our words. Now, I’ll say the words and you must give the similar meanings. Children, please, pay attention to their pronunciation.

Учитель:                                           Учащиеся

amazing                                               wonderful

people                                                  human being

die out                                                 disappear

nature around us                                 environment

make                                                   create

vital problems                                     serious

forecast                                               prediction

frightening                                          alarming

unhealthy food                                   junk food

rubbish                                               litter

everywhere                                        all over the world

damage                                              destroy

gases                                                  fumes

Активизация лексического материала и речемыслительной деятельности обучающихся. (Слайд 2).

Now I want you to read the definition and according to the meaning you must guess the word.

e.g.1) A scientific study of the naturel relations of plants, animals,         people (ecology)

2).The act of making air, water, land dangerously impure (pollution)

3).Too many people in one place (overcoming)

4).The act of destroying, putting an end to the existence of something (destruction)

5) The act of throwing things away untidily (littering).

6). Plants, animals, people (living things).etc.  см. слайд № 2.

II.Основная часть

Этап формирования рецептивного лексического навыка (речевая отработка лексического материала). Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой по образцу (Слайд3)

Now I offer you to read a short text yourselves then I would like to fill in the blanks and then try to give the best title of the text.

Этап формирования лексического навыка говорения. Расширение темы.

(Слайд 5)

Now let us look at the screen. There is a nice saying at the blackboard. Will you read and translate.

--We do not own the Earth, we have borrowed it from the future generation”.

--What does it mean?

-How do you understand it? (Pupils’ answers).

Teacher: still the developing human civilization harms the environment. Everything is in danger. Why? Why do people kill them? (Pupils’ answers).

Этап самостоятельного, творческого использования сформированных умений и навыков с использованием дополнительных источников и литературы. (Слайд 6- 8)

Today some pupils have prepared their own projects about animals. Let us listen to them. I think it will be interesting for you. (Презентации учащихся о животных).                                            

   Динамическая пауза.

It is time to have a rest and do some exercises with music. Will you stand up and do some exercises.

Этап.  Отработка грамматического материала (Conditional 2) в контексте с изучаемой темой. (Слайд 9)

             Teacher: What do we need to keep our environment clean?

                             (фронтальный опрос).                                                                                

               Pupils’ answers:-we need to stop making acid rain

                                         -we need to stop polluting streets

                                         -we need to feed animals and birds

                                        - we need to clean playgrounds

                                       - we need to make water and air clean

                                       - we need to stop greenhouse effect

                                       - we need to use less energy

                                        -we need to protect and plant trees

                                       -we need to stop the ozone layer from disappearing. Etc.

              Teacher: Everybody understands that it is necessary to undertake some                  

Measures in order to save our planet, to make our cities safe to live in, to make water clean to drink it. Now, please, take your notebooks to answer my question.  – What would you do to improve the situation, if you were the president? (in writing form).

     Let us start with the phrase: If I were the president, I would…                                                                                                  


Этап применения знаний. умений и способов действий в новой ситуации.

Ecological situation in Tambov. (Слайд №10-15).

-Children could you tell me, please, about the environment situation in our town?

   Pupils’ projects. (приложение №1).

Good day our participants and of course our guests. My name is Dasha and I    am the student from school №31. As you know, this year was proclaimed as a year of ecology. I think each of us can ask a simple question: Why is the year of ecology? We can suppose some answer such as: there are a lot of rubbish in our town, people smoke a lot and these damage our nature. But unfortunately, these facts aren’t the only cause. We do not pay attention for today’s situation and we even don not want to notice it. I would like to tell you about my native town. On the 12-th of June 2017 the people of our town are going to celebrate the 381-st anniversary of Tambov. The name of Tambov went down in the history as an eternal symbol of Russian people’ courage and heroism. The memorial complex- the” Eternal Fire”  was  built as a great monument to all who defended our Motherland, leaving or dead. Many years passed, it is 2017 now. Tambov has changed greatly, but our life has not become safer. Many problems are facing our people now. The most urgent problem is an ecological problem one. Human activities have made the environment unhealthy. The gasoline burnt inside car engines produce liquid wastes that run into the river “Tsna”. These wastes contain poisons. Fish is dying in the river or it is poisoned. This   situation influence to our monuments because they are being ruined by acid rains. The main problem is the use of soil. Only  60% of agricultural land is used by farmers because of disposing it by former collective and state farms. The second group of environmental problems is connected with water, it is quality and quantity. Every year about 70 million cubic meters of wastes are dropped into the rivers and lakes by industrial enterprises. Rivers: the Vorona, the Bitugh and the Savall have poor quality water due to the hard water of iron salts. We have to build hundreds of ponds and reservoirs to provide settlements and industrial enterprises with pure water.

Этап.  Обобщение темы. (Cлайд №16)

Учитель: All in all, I want you to sum it everything up and say what we can do to keep the Earth clean. Now I want you to complete the sentences.                                                    

                                   (фронтальная проверка).

--Try not to buy pre-packaged food because (it creates a lot of rubbish)

--Use less washing up liquid because (it pollutes the seas and rivers)

-- Use public transport because (cars pollute the air)

--Never light fires in forests because (trees will burn)

--Do not drop rubbish in the street because (it looks horrible, use rubbish bins)

--Do not throw plastic bottles into the sea because (fish will die)                                                                                                                                        

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Заключительная часть урока.

Домашнее задание

Well, your home task is to tell 10-15 sentences about environmental problems nowadays, the most ecological problems in the place where you live and young people’s activities to improve the ecological situation.

Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия.

А теперь я хочу, чтобы вы оценили наш урок и свою работу на уроке. Выберите одно предложение из списка и закончите его

  1. сегодня я узнал…
  2. было интересно…
  3. было трудно…
  4. я выполнял задания…
  5. теперь я могу…
  6. я научился…
  7. у меня получилось …
  8. я смог…
  9. меня удивило…
  10. мне захотелось…

Ученики выполняют задание учителя.

XI. Подведение итогов.

T: You have worked hard today and I liked the lesson, and you? Did you like the lesson? Please, show me your smiles.

Your marks are…Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.  Good-by

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