Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 7 классе на тему "Английская еда"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
На уроке использовались современные инновационные обазовательные технологии.
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Предварительный просмотр:
- совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком;
- активизировать словарный запас учащихся по теме “English meals”;
- обобщить знания учащихся об особенностях приема пищи в Великобритании и о некоторых традиционных блюдах.
- воспитывать культуру общения на английском языке;
- повысить интерес учащихся к изучению иностранного языка;
- прививать уважение к традициям страны изучаемого языка.
Every nation and every country has its own traditions.
IN BRITAIN traditions play a more important role in people’s life than in any other country.
THE BRITISH are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up.
SOME BRITISH TRADITIONS are strange, some are funny, but they are all interesting. We are here to tell you about British food.
Food in Britain used to have a bad reputation abroad. But you may have a delightful surprise, if you face British food with an open mind and mouth.
The English proverb says: every cook praises his own broth. One cannot say English cookery is bad, but there is not a lot of variety in it in comparison with European cuisine. The English are very particular about their meals. The usual meals in England are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner (or supper).
BREAKFAST time is between 7 and 9 a.m. A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal. It consists of some juice, porridge, a rasher or two of bacon and eggs, toast, butter, jam or marmalade, tea or coffee. Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. Many people like to begin from porridge with milk or cream and sugar, but no self-respecting Scotsman ever puts sugar on it, because Scotland is the home of porridge. For a change you can have sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, cold ham or, perhaps, fish.
Next meal is between midday and 2 p.m. It’s time for a substantial meal, which is called а LUNCH. As a rule, a lunch consists of sandwiches. There are a lot of sandwich shops in London and you can buy all sorts of sandwiches there, you can get meat, salad, meat-and-salad, cheese, egg or fish, or even fruit sandwiches. Each sandwich has two thin slices of bread.
Hello, glad to see you! How are you?
Hi, happy to see you too. I’m just fine and you?
Oh, I’m fabulous. But you seem very hungry. You are eating your sandwich so greedily.
No, I’m not that hungry. I just like sandwiches very much and I was looking forward to my lunch to have one.
It looks delicious. Did you buy it in a shop or make it by yourself?
Of course I made it. I’m good at making sandwiches.
Oh, so nice! Tell me, please, how do you actually make a sandwich?
You need softened butter, which you put evenly on the slice of bread. Use a lot of filling to your taste. And remember, that you should use a clean knife while cooking sandwiches and wash your hands before you start making them!
Oh, thanks, you know so much! What type of bread do you need to make sandwiches?
Sandwiches can be made using lots of different types of bread – sliced white, brown bread, rolls, etc.
I think I have to go and make one sandwich! See you soon.
The British have a sweet tooth. That means they like eating sweet things like puddings and pies, jams, biscuits and buns, cakes and rolls.
For the British, any time is eat-a-sweet time: tea-break at work, break at school, watching TV at home, on a car journey, in the cinema or theatre. During such holidays like Easter and Christmas and on special occasions like Mother’s Day or St. Valentine Day they ear even more sweet things.
As for me, I have a sweet tooth. And what about you, children? Do you like eating sweet things? Please, tell us about your preferences.
Hi, haven’t seen you for ages! How’s your life?
I’m fine, thanks. And what about you?
I’m OK. You know, I watched an interesting TV program today. It was really exciting.
What was that about?
About cooking. They gave some recipes and explained how to make different dishes step by step. The program is useful for my future profession. I’m going to be a cook.
I’m keen on cooking too. I think you can make a lot of wonderful things already. By the way, what’s your favorite English dish?
I adore puddings, different kinds.
Oh, can you cook a pudding yourself?
For sure, it’s rather simple.
What do you need to make one?
Not too much. Here is my recipe, so you can cook my pudding any time you want.
It’s not difficult at all. I’ll try to make this dish today. Thanks for sharing your recipe.
You’re welcome. I wish you luck in cooking a pudding! Bye for now!
Good-bye! See you later!
Dear guests, I’ll give you my recipe. Try to do it at home.
Next meal is TEA. Tea is a very popular among the English; it may almost be called their national drink. Tea is welcome in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. The English like it strong and fresh made. They put one tea-spoonful of tea for each person. Tea means two things. It is a drink and a meal. Some people have afternoon tea at about 5 p.m. and it ‘s so called “HIGH TEA” with sandwiches, tomatoes and salad, a tin of apricots, pears or pineapples and cakes, and, of course, a cup of tea. That is what they called good tea. It is a substantial meal.
Tea has even been a part of the British Literature and History. Do you remember the Mad Hatter’s party in “Alice in Wonderland”?
As tea spread throughout the United Kingdom in the 19th century, people started to layout tea gardens and hold tea dances. The tea gardens lost their values after World War II, but tea dances are still held today in the United Kingdom.
The British are very fussy about how their tea is made. The teapot must be warmed before the tea is put in, the water must be boiled properly, the right quantity of tea – “one spoon for each person and one for the pot” – must be used and the tea must brewed for three minutes. They see drinking of tea as an opportunity to relax for a few minutes. It’s also regarded as a great comforter. If you just suffered a misfortune in Britain and you call on a friend, you are likely to be told: “Oh, well, just sit down and I’ll make you a nice cup of tea”!
Next meal is a DINNER.
Evening food in Britain may be taken at 7 p.m. (this time a meal is called dinner) or at 11 p.m. (in this case it’s called supper) and the time depends on the plans for the evening, whether people would stay at home after work or go out to relax. For dinner the British prefer to have something like chicken soup with onion, mutton soup with vegetables or vegetable soup with meat. For a garnish they have traditional Yorkshire pudding. A roasted turkey is also a traditional dish, it’s usually cooked on Christmas Day.
There is a joke, that instead of central heating the British have puddings. There are a great variety of them, for every occasion.
Here are some facts about puddings:
- Pudding most often refers to a dessert, but can also be a savory dish.
- The word “pudding” is believed to come from the French “boudin”, originally from Latin “botellus”, meaning “small sausage”.
- The word “pudding” is also used as a synonym for the dessert course.
Among the pudding’s time we may single out the following ones: Yorkshire pudding, black pudding, suet pudding, steak and kidney pudding, rice pudding, Christmas pudding and so on.
I guess that now you know a lot of useful and interesting information about British food. Let’s revise our knowledge. Look at the screen and answer the questions.
- How many meals a day do the English people have?
- What is the traditional breakfast like?
- When do the English traditionally have lunch?
- The English are fond of tea, aren’t they?
- What does a statement “the British have a sweet tooth” mean?
Now look at the blackboard. Here are the words on the topic “Meals”, but the letters in every single word are not on their place. Unscramble the words, read and translate them:
And now you are to match a meal with the time it’s usually taken. The time is given in the right column, the meals in the left:
7 – 9 a.m. | breakfast |
Midday – 2 p.m. | lunch |
5 p.m. | tea time |
7 p.m. | dinner |
And now, it’s high time to have a lunch…
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