Фразовые глаголы. УМК "Spotlight 9"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Гордон Ольга Демидовна

Методическая разработка по применению в английском языке фразовых глаголов - одной из наиболее сложных категорий лексики. Содержит справочный материал и упражнения по развитию навыков по использованию фразовых глаголов в устной и письменной речи, необходимые для подготовке к занятиям  и экзамену.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Module 1

Phrasal verb: turn

  • turn into: to change into, to become sb/sth else
  • turn down: to refuse an offer, etc.
  • turn on: to switch on
  • turn up: to arrive
  • turn off: to change direction, to leave the road
  • turn out: to be in the end, to empty, to produce
  • turn over: to upset, to change the position, to give the control

1.Match the columns:

Turn off –       return

Turn back –    refuse

Turn up –        increase the volume

Turn up –        become  

Turn into –      arrive 

Turn down -    switch off

2.Paraphrase the underlined verb using the proper phrasal verb:

1. I  applied to join the Air Force, but they refused  me  because of my eyesight.

2. It started as the holiday of a lifetime but soon became  a nightmare.

3. Why has the air conditioning been switched off when it’s so hot?

4. Our cat appeared unexpectedly after we put posters up all over the neighbourhood.

5. I can barely hear the TV. Can you increase the volume a little?

3.Choose the correct word:

1. The quiet little town turned into/up a busy cultural centre during carnival time.

2. We are too far from home: we can`t turn out/off to get the camera now.

3. I don`t believe how many people have  turned up/over for the music festival.

4. It`s not a good idea to turn down/up their offer before you think about it properly.

5. Don`t  turn on/off the TV, please

4.Put in the proper phrasal particle:

  • It’s getting dark, let’s turn__the light.
  • Turn __the radio, if you are not listening.
  • He turned__in bed.
  • The boat struck the stone and turned__.
  • Don’t despair, turn__a new leaf in your life.
  • She was plain when a child, but she turned__remarkably pretty.
  • In this book the mysterious stranger turns__to be the long-lost son of the duke.
  • Please, turn__the gas-fire before you leave.
  • The wind turned my old umbrella inside__.
  • The initials "PTO“ at the bottom of the page mean "Please turn__".

Module 2

Phrasal verb “make”

to make of - думать, иметь свое мнение / to think of, to have an opinion about/. E.g. He’s a complete mystery to me. I don’t know what to make of him.

to make off with - украсть / to steal and escape with something. E.g. The thieves made off with over one million dollars in cash.

to make out - 1) различить, разглядеть, расслышать, разобрать (слова и т.д) / to distinguish; to manage to be able to see or hear some­thing. E.g. He was speaking very quietly. I couldn’t make out what he was saying.                      2) воображать, притворяться / to pretend that something is true. E.g. He made out he was very rich when, in fact, he wasn’t.      3)составлять документ, выписывать/ to write out, to fill in. e.g. Please make your cheque out to this bank.

to make up - 1) придумывать, сочинять / to say or write some thing that is not true, to invent a story. E.g. It wasn’t true at all. They just made it up. 2) наносить косметику, краситься / to put cosmetics on. E.g. She made herself up before she went out.

to make it up with somebody - помириться с кем-либо.

to make up for - компенсировать / to compensate for somethi bad that they have done or that has happened. E.g. He bought me some flowers to make up for being late.

1.Complete the sentences:

She often makes ... she is the boss when, really, she is only an assistant. (to pretend that something is true)

What can I do to make ... forgetting your birthday. (to compensate)

Ruth’s writing is very small. I almost need a magnify glass to make it.... (to distinguish)

Thanks goodness they have made ... after their quarrel. (to reconcile)

What do you make ... his new girlfriend? (to have an opinion about)

She made ... the story because she was afraid to tell the truth. (to invent a story)

2.Match two columns:

make of -           компенсировать ч-л

make off with –       понимать

make out -                изобретать

make up -                 четко видеть

make up for -           убежать c   украденным

make of ––        steal and run away with

make up for –                               think of

make off with -               compensate for

make up –                                see clearly

make out –            go in the direction of

make for -                                        invent

3. Put the correct particle:

Stephen gave his sister a big bunch of roses to make … forgetting her birthday.

One minute my next-door neighbour is really nice to me, and the next he’s extremely rude; I don’t know what to make         …  him!

According to the newspaper report, the thieves made … goods worth over ten thousand pounds.

Can you make … what it says here? The letters are too small for me to read.

You don’t need to make … an excuse for being late; just tell your teacher the truth.

When we got to the park, the children make … the swings.    

4.Correct the mistakes with the  phrasal verbs.

As soon as we had checked in at the hotel, we made straight to the beach.

She made out some story about the bus being late, but I’m sure she just overslept.

How do you make  for being late to your own wedding?

Can you make of the words of the song?

It took the clown 10 minutes to make out his face.

Module 3

Phrasal verb: come

to come down with something - страдать от чего-то, заболеть / to become unwell, ill.

to come over - 1) охватывать, захватывать. 2) неожиданно появиться, зайти

to come across – натолкнуться/ to run into

to come out - 1) появляться в печати, выходить (о книге) / to be released, to be available to the public.

  1. выходить откуда-либо (из дома, здания) / to leave a room or a building.
  2. распускаться (о цветах) / to begin to blossom.
  3. исчезнуть / to be removed from something, such as clothing or cloth by washing or rubbing

                          5)обнаруживаться /to become easy to notice.

to come up with найти (ответ, решение), обдумать (идею, план) / to think of,to imagine a solution or idea.

  1. Match the columns:

come across  -              affect sb strongly

come up with –            become available to the public

come out  -                   think of

come down with –      find by chance

come over   -                get ill

2. Complete the sentences:

1. I love this painting. I came ... it in the attic when I was cleaning up. (to find something by chance)

2. Their new CD came... only a few weeks ago and has already sold millions.  (to be available to the public)

3. Would you like to come ... to me my place for a coffee? (to visit casually)

4. She has taken some aspirin so her temperature has come ... (to decrease)

5. When I tried to open the door, the handle came ... in my hand! (to become unstuck)

3. Choose the correct particle:

I came ... some old photos when I was tidying my bedroom.

1) across            2) into        3) for

I’m sorry but I haven’t come ... any solution yet. I don’t know what we can do.

1) up with            2) into        3) for

Everything came … all right in the end.

1)out            2)across          3)up with

Some friends came … last night, which was nice.

1)out            2)over             3)across

My nephew came down with chicken pox this weekend.

1)out            2)down with   3)for

4. Complete the sentences:


Have you come …        any mysterious looking figures lately? Send us your pictures.

Can you write imaginative stories? Send in the scariest stories you can come …        .

Have you ever walked into a room or house and had a weird feeling come … you? Share your experiences with us.

We are looking for articles, stories and pictures for our Scary & Mysterious issue that comes … next month.

I        asked Larry for some suggestions and he came ... a lot of very good ideas.

George won’t be at the office today. He came ... the flu over the weekend.

I can’t wait until the next Harry Potter book comes ... .

Module 4

Phrasal verb  break

To break down – 1) выходить из строя (о механизмах) / is used when a machine or vehicle stops working.

  1. не выдержать, потерять самообладание, разрыдаться / is used when someone starts crying uncontrollably or becomes very ill when they cannot cope with their problems

to break in/into - 1) вламываться (когда речь идет о ворах, грабителях и т.д.) / to enter a property by force or illegally

2) вмешиваться в разговор / to interrupt someone when they are speaking

to break off - прервать контакты, внезапно прекращать, обрывать (разговор, дружбу, знакомство), сорвать переговоры / to end а relationship, agreement, talks

to break out - 1) освободиться от чего-либо, убежать (из тюрьмы) / to escape from prison.

                  2) вспыхивать, разразиться, начинаться (о войне, пожаре, эпидемии) / to begin suddenly (war etc).

to break to - сообщить неприятную новость / to tell bad news in a kind way.

to break up - 1) закрыться на каникулы / to stop for holidays (school etc)

                         2)положить конец, прекратить (отношения, дружбу и т.д.)/to end a relationship

                         3)разбивать на более мелкие кусочки, разрушать / to break something to make smaller pieces 

                         4)расставаться, расходиться / if a meeting or other event ends and people leave.

  1. Match two columns:

break out of–

break up –

break down –

break into –

break out –

start, happen suddenly

get out of somewhere, get away

enter by force to steal

separate, split

go wrong, not work

  1. вспыхивать, разразиться (о войне, пожаре, эпидемии)
  2. отламывать, внезапно прекращать, обрывать
  3. отделиться от какой-либо группы из-за несогласия
  4. вламываться
  5. сообщить неприятную новость
  6. не выдержать, потерять самообладание, разрыдаться
  7. прорваться
  8. разбивать на более мелкие кусочки, разрушать

  1. Choose the proper particle:

  • The TV station broke... to report the tragic news.

                 l) in                         2) down           3) off

  • Our car broke ... at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.

                1) up                        2) down            3) into

  • It seems that the fire broke ... in the kitchen.

                 l) up                        2)        down           3) out

  • When we told her what had happened she broke ... and cried.
  1. up                       2)        down            3) in
  • My boyfriend and I broke ... before I moved to America.
  1. up                                 2)  down               3) off
  • We were talking about Ralph when Sue broke ... and said we didn’t know anything about him.
  1. in                                2) down                 3) off
  • His house was broken ... last week.
  1. up                           2)        down                     3) into

     He had to break the bad news her.

1) up                      2) off                 3) into

  1. Put in: down, up, into/in, into, out

The amount doesn’t seem quite so bad when you break it... into monthly payments.

Break that old wardrobe ...; then I can put it on the fire.

am nervous about using the washing machine in case it breaks ... again.

When did Diana and Fred break ...?

Somebody broke ... Jane’s apartment while she was at the movies.

What time did the party break ... last night?

We have broken the costs ... by area so we can see what regions are less profitable.

The prisoners broke ... of jail when the guards weren’t looking.

If you break ... the big jobs into individual tasks, they will be much more manageable.

The hut has been empty for a while and children have been breaking... it

Module 5

Phrasal verb run

to run away - убегать / to leave unexpectedly,to escape (often secretly, because you’re unhappy).

to run away with - похищать, украсть, убегать с чем-либо или с кем-либо, скрываться / to steal.

to run across/into someone - 1) столкнуться с трудностями / to meet or encounter difficulties/ problems.

                                                       2)случайно встретить, столкнуться с кем-либо / to meet by accident.

to run out of - кончаться, не хватать, истощать свой запас / to have по more left or по longer have a supply.

to run over - сбивать кого-либо, переезжать через кого-либо / to drive a vehicle over a person or thingto run through - 1) просмотреть, пробегать через что-то / to revise or rehearse something to practice or check. 2) использовать полностью / to use up.

  1. Match the columns:

Run through –            enter by moving quickly

Run over –                  escape,  go away

Run out of –               meet by accident, leave by running

Run into –                   rehearse, pass through

Run away –                knock down, visit a place for a short time

  1. Choose the proper particle:
  1. Can you get some coffee from the shops; I’m afraid we’ve run ... .

1) in            2) out        3) off

  1. She’s in hospital after being run ... by a car on Market Street.

1) down        2)        away        3) off

  1. Joan ran ... from home after an argument with her parents.
  1. in        2)        up        3) away
  1.  - The robbers ran ... when the, police arrived and haven’t been caught yet.

l)into        2)        away        3) out of

  1. - My dog always runs ... cats; she hates them.

1) after        2) into        3) over

  1. - I was walking down Regent Street the other day when I ran ... my old German teacher.

1) in           2) into        3) to

  1. - He lost his driving licence after he ran ... a child because he was driving too fast and couldn’t stop in time.

1) after        2) out of        3) over

  1. Fill in:

  • You`ll see what I mean when I`ve had this tune running … my head.
  • Don`t run … , I want to talk to you.
  • The ship had to run … the harbour for shelter when the sudden storm arose.
  • All the people ran … of the burning building.
  • Will you run … to the shop to buy some butter?
  • You`ll see what I mean when you run the film … .
  • Sara ran ... her ex-boyfriend in the supermarket. She said it was very embarrassing.
  • He ran ... difficulties when he tired to enter the country without a visa.
  • The old man was run ... by a bus.

Module 6

Phrasal verb check

сheck up on       убедиться/make sure

check out        пробовать/try

check in              (за)регистрироваться/register

check on             проверять (все ли в порядке)/ make sure smb/smth  is alright

check off             отмечать галочкой/tick

check out of       оплатить счет/pay the bill and leave

  1. Match the columns:

сheck up on                                  оплатить счет                                        try

check out                                      проверять (все ли в порядке)           make sure

check in                                         отмечать галочкой                              pay the bill and leave

check on                                       (за)регистрироваться                          make sure smb/smth  is alright

check off                                       убедиться                                               register

check out of                                 пробовать                                              tick

2.Choose the correct particle:

1.It is always advisable to check … early to get a good seat on your flight.

a) in                      b) off                  c) on

2.The teacher checked the children’s names … as they entered.

a) out                   b) off                  c) in

3.How can you check … whether it will rain that day?

a) on                    b) off                  c) in

4.Have you checked … each room to see if it is fit for a guest?

a)out                   b) on                   c) out of

5.The police are checking … him.

a) out                 b) up on              c) out of

6.What time do you have to check … at work?

a) out                b) in                      c) on

7.I am just going to check the book … the library.

a) on                 b) out of               c) off

3.Complete the sentences:

After you…        , someone will help you carry your luggage to your room.

Alice always…her children to make sure they are sleeping safely before she goes to bed herself.

Laura …the items on her shopping list as she went around the supermarket.

Would you like to …the new amusement arcade this weekend?

Peter was asked to return his room key when he …the hotel.

Every now and then my parents go to my school to …how I’m doing.

Module 7

Phrasal verbs keep

  • to keep back - 1) оставлять, откладывать / to conceal/

2) скрывать, задерживать, утаивать / to refuse to tell somebody something/

  • keep off – 1 )держаться в отдалении, не подпускать / to stay away from./

2) избегать, не касаться (темы) / not to talk about a particular subject/

  • keep on - продолжать, / to continue with something/
  • keep out of - держаться подальше, избегать/ not to get involved in something.
  • to keep up with - не отставать, держаться наравне/ to continue to be informed.

1.Match the columns:

  • Keep off –                                      prevent
  • Keep out of –                                not come
  • Keep back –                                  stay on schedule
  • Keep up with-                              continue
  • Keep on -                                       not go near

2.Complete the sentences:

  • Keep ... the motorway in the morning, there are always traffic jams at that time. (to stay away from)
  • Try to keep the wet dog ... of the living room. (to exclude sb/ sth)
  • If you keep those results ... you will get into a great college. (to continue at the same rate)
  • Sam walks so fast that no one can keep ... him. (to go at the same speed as someone or something)
  • It’s got nothing to do with me. I’m keeping ... it. (not to get involved in something)

3.Choose the correct particle:

  • She was walking so fast that I couldn’t keep ... her.

1) up with        2) out                3) off

  • - All night long he kept ... asking me questions about it.

l)up                        2) off                     3) on

  • We kept... some of the money for emergencies.

1) out                2) up                    3) back

             It’s not my business. I keep … their arguments.

              1) out of       2) up with           3)off

           Although he failed his exam, he kept … studying and retook it in May.    

  1.  on              2) out of             3) off

Keep … the benches. The paint is wet.

  1. Out of         2) on               3) off

4.Put in the proper adverb:

The notice should keep unwanted visitors … .

I`m glad you are keeping … your studies

Take a beach umbrella to keep the sun … .

Warm clothing helps to keep … … cold.

Keep … stray dogs.

He started talking about it. I tried to keep … the subject.

Keep … some of the cream to put on top of the dessert.

Module 8

Phrasal verb carry

  • carry away (be carried away) - возбуждать, волновать, тащиться (разг.)  /to be very exited, remove; inspire/.
  • carry off - успешно выйти из трудной ситуации / win, succeed, to handle а difficult situation successfully/.
  • carry on (with) - продолжать, вести (дело) / to continue with/.
  • carry out - проводить (эксперименты), выполнять / to conduct an experiment, make/
  • carry through - доводить до конца, выполнить с успехом / to complete successfully/.

  1. Match correctly:

to carry away-                      to fulfil

to carry off-                           to complete something in spite of difficulties

to carry on-                           to succeed in

to carry out-                         to excite

to carry through -                to continue

to carry through        продолжать, вести (дело)

to carry out                      отложить, перенести на другое время

to carry off                      доводить до конца, выполнить с успехом

to carry on                      возбуждать, волновать

to carry away                      успешно выйти из трудной ситуации

carry over                      проводить (эксперименты), выполнять

2.Choose the proper particle: 

The music was so cool that she was carried __

1) off        2)        away        3)on

 You carry ... painting this wall and I’ll go and get some more brushes.

1) off        2)        out              3) on

They carried ... some tests to see the effects on the new drug.

1) out           2)        on              3) away

The politician carried his hearers with his speech.

1) away   2) out       3) on

We all have certain duties and joins to carry … .

1) through      2) away           3) out

3.Put in the proper particle:

They were all carried … by his performance.

She carried her speech well.

I don’t think anyone but Denis can carry this project … .

 Carry … your work while I am out.

The investigators have been carrying … tests on the pieces of plane recovered after the accident.

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