Контрольная работа в 8 классе
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Хомякова Олеся Владимировна

Контрольная работа в 8 классе по Кузовлеву В.П.


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 Would You Like to Go to Britain?

Контрольная работа ко 2-му уроку по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева для 8-го класса


Прочитайте текст, а затем выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Taxiing in the UK

I know that the first thing anyone should do when you visit any city is to get out and walk the streets and avenues to get a genuine feel for what the city has to offer, right? But I'm not going to say that. Instead, I say don't get out, make sure you get in - a taxi that is. For a true visceral experience, make an effort to take a load off those tired, tourist-worn feet and experience taxiing the way it should be done, by professionals. Now if you're from the States as I am, the thought of taking a taxicab sends your pulse racing about as much as a trip to the supermarket, but that's because a ride in a cab for us is being cramped sideways in back of smelly car while being ignored by the driver who is on the cell-phone to his girlfriend. The only qualification you need to be a cab driver in the States is to just have a face. This is why I was so taken aback by the experience my wife and I had this summer while traveling through the UK.

As soon as we were free of the congested Heathrow traffic, our driver, Terry, as we soon found out, engaged us in conversation. By the time we reached our B&B, we were old friends. He told us that we must try Yorkshire Pudding but keep away from any Shepherd's Pie that wasn't homemade, like his wife's. At the hotel Terry, didn't walk, but ran our luggage up to the front door. I wouldn't have been surprised at all if he would have checked us in and carried our bags straight up to our room.

On a separate afternoon, we went on a hunt for catalogs from some local magic shops to give to my dad, who dabbles in conjuring. When I asked the driver, Wallace, to take me to a shop I had found in the phone book, he asked me if I was in the "Brotherhood of Magicians? I know where they meet every week." After I told him my reason, he answered, "Oh no, Davenport's is where you want to go. If your dad knows anything about magic, he'd have heard of Davenport's." Dad was quite jealous that I had been to Davenport's. And I was jealous of London for having Wallace.

If you travel to London, there is definitely one thing that you must do. Tour the Tower of London? Certainly. See Buckingham Palace? Of course. Let yourself be covered with pigeons in Trafalgar Square? That goes without saying. But above all, ride the taxis - a tip rarely found in the travel brochures.

1. According to the author, any tourist in London should...

A. walk around the city B. go around the city in a taxi

C. use an underground

2. The author of this article is from...

A. the United States B. Australia C. Great Britain

3. The taxi drivers in the States are...

A. polite B. impolite

C. indifferent to their passengers

4. During the trip with Terry the author found out almost everything about...

A. British cuisine B. London sights C. London taxies

5. When the author asked the taxi driver to take him in a shop he had found in a phone book, the driver...

A. didn't know where the shop was

B. advised him of a better shop C. refused to go there

6. What, according to this text, is the one thing you should definitely do while in London...

A. see Buckingham Palace B. tour the Tower of London

C. take a ride in a London taxi


1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами и выражениями из рамки. cycling, arrived, are short of money, luggage, boating, travel agency, return, canoeing, are young at heart, arranged, travel card, accommodation, to get the most of, broadens

I like traveling because it (1)____my outlook and helps me to understand other cultures. I think that I'm already an experienced traveler. First of all everything should be carefully planned. I'm not an adult yet so I travel with my parents. This year we decided to-go to Britain. At first we went to a (2)____________that helped us to arrange our journey. They (3) _______for us an (4)________ in a British hotel and booked us a (5)_____ticket. Then we packed our (6) _______ and (7) ______ at the airport. We stayed in a small hotel near London. It offered us a wide range of different activities:

(8)________and (9)________for those who (10)_______. (11) ________is offered for those who want to get to remote places and are fond of scenic routes. Those who want (12) ________their holiday but (13)___________can buy a (14)_________which is a cheap way to see almost everything.

2. Прочитайте текст с пропущенными словами. Под текстом даны возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

London Double-Decker

The double-decker bus (1)______a famous symbol of London and Great Britain. While one critic once (2)______________________that these vehicles "(3)________like a brick", the fact is that the image of these buses (4)_________tremendously in our imaginations. The earliest double-decker "omnibus" around 1855 (5)______a horse-drown carriage with seats on the roof. The first motorized double-decker (6)_____into service in 1909, carrying 34 passengers. No other vehicles (7)__________hold so many men. The first mass-produced diesel buses (8) _______off the assembly line in 1932.

1. A. is B. to be C. are D. being

2. A. is remarking B. remarked C. remark D. had remarked

3. A. had looked B. are looking С. look D. looked

4. A. has grown B. grew C. grown D. had grown

5. A. to be B. was . C. is D. been

6. A. gone B. go C. went D. going

7. A. can B. was to C. would be able to D. could

8. A. being rolled B. roll C. rolling D.rolled

3. Прочитайте текст, преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

Isle of Wight

As you'll find out to your delight -

(1)________beaches are WE

amongst the cleanest and (2)__ GOOD

kept in Europe. The Island has 60 miles

of coastline (3)___from shingle to RANGE

golden sandy stretches. Most are

(4)________ accessible by car EASY

or bicycle. The network of tracks and footpaths allow you to cover the Island's

(5)_________interesting places on MANY

foot, at (6) _______ own place. YOU

4. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я бы рекомендовала вам купить билет туда и обратно.

2. Вы бы лучше заказали отель в турбюро.

3. Вам понравится верховая езда.

4. Мы бы предпочли путешествовать самолетом.

5. Я, пожалуй, поеду на метро.

6. Перед поездкой вы бы лучше почитали туристические проспекты.

7. На каникулах я бы хотела научиться стрельбе из лука.


Составьте диалог.

Why do you like/don't like traveling.

Discuss with your friend the following questions (Try to ask three types of questions: direct, assumption and comparing questions).

- When did you begin traveling?

- What was the most memorable journey you've taken?

- If you went abroad what country did you like most?

- Have you noticed the difference between the people of different countries?

- Why do many tourists visit Russia according to your point of view? What do they hope to find here?


You are the Head of the Tourist Department of your town/ city. Write a leaflet about your hometown/city to attract the crowds of tourists there. Your town/city relies on you. What can attract children and teenagers to your town/city?


Double-decker Joke

There was a group of Italians in London who wanted to tour the city. So they rented a double-decker bus. They had only enough people to fill the bottom floor, so they asked a group of North Korean visitors if they wanted to share their bus. The Koreans agreed and went up to the top level.

All those Italians were having a great time on the first floor. They were drinking, singing and laughing like crazy. They barely noticed how the driver missed those tree branches as he showed them the suburbs and skillfully went in and out of major traffic arteries throughout the city to get his busload close enough to all those famous buildings.

Finally, as it was so quiet upstairs, one of the Italians went up to check on the Koreans. He saw them all huddled together staring out the window. They sat there silent and obviously scared speechless.

He asked, "Why are you all so quiet and tense, while we downstairs are having such a good time?"

It took the Korean translator some time, finally he said, "It's easy for you to have fun and relax, you have a driver."

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What did the Italians want to do?

2. What did they rent?

3. Whom did the Italians ask to share the bus with?

4. Where did the Koreans go?

5. The Italians had a great time on the bottom floor, didn't they?

6. Why did the driver miss those tree branches?

7. Why did one of the Italians go up to check on the Koreans?

8. Were the Koreans having fun or were they scared?

9. Why were the Koreans scared?

Keys: Чтение

1. В; 2. A; 3. С; 4. A; 5. В; 6. С

Лексика и грамматика

1.1. broadens; 2. travel agency; 3. arranged; 4. accommodation; 5. return; 6. luggage; 7. arrived; 8. boating; 9. canoeing; 10. are young at heart; 11. cycling; 12. to get the most of; 13. are short of money; 14. travel card

2. 1. A; 2. B; 3. D; 4. A; 5. B; 6. C; 7. D; 8. D

3. 1. our; 2. best; 3. ranging; 4. easily; 5. most; 6. your

4. 1. I'd recommend you to buy a return ticket.

2. You'd better book a hotel in a travel agency.

3. You'd like riding.

4. We'd prefer to fly by plane.

5. I'd rather go by tube.

6. You'd better read travel books before your journey..7. On holidays I'd like to learn archery.


1. They wanted to tour the city.

2. They rented a double-decker bus.

3. They asked the North Koreans.

4. On the top level.

5. Yes, they did.

6. He wanted to get closer to the famous buildings.

7. Because it was very quiet upstairs.

8. They were scared.

9. They thought they had no driver.



take aback-захватить врасплох; поразить

congestion-уличная пробка

В&В ночлег и завтрак (для постояльца)

hunt-охота, поиски

dabble-заниматься чем-либо как хобби

conjuring-заниматься колдовством, магией

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