Тест итогового контроля для 9-го класса в формате ВПР. Базовый уровень. Вариант 1.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Федотова Ирина Владиславовна

Постоянная проблема для учителя -правильное составление тестов. Сегодня в связи с ведением ВПР по английскому языку, учителю предложена модель теста по типу, уровню сложности и оцениванию заданий. Именно формат тестов ВПР служит образцом для создания тестов базового уровня. При составлении тестов контроля для классов базового уровня следует взять за основу тест ВПР и предложить подобные задания для любого класса на материалах данного уровня. 

Я составила такие задания для 9-х классов (базовый уровень). Часть материалов адаптировано из базы ФИПИ, аудирование можно найти в базе данных ФИПИ (3 часть). Оценивание согласно шкале ВПР. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Вариант 1 Итоговый контроль Базовый уровень 9 класс


Задание 3. Вы услышите разговор студентки языковой школы Джейн и мистера Грея, хозяина дома, в котором она живёт. В заданиях 3-8 в поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3 How long was Jane’s English course?



Less than one month.



One month.



Longer than one month.

4 What’s Mr. Grey’s profession?



A teacher.



A musician.



A journalist.

5 What foreign language does Mr. Grey speak?










6 What aspect of English does Jane find the most difficult?










7 Where is Jane going to spend next summer?



At home.






At her granny’s.

8 What does Jane want to buy before her departure?










Вариант 1 Задание 2 Чтение

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1 8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.



Shop and travel


They don’t want to change anything


Not new but good and cheap


Shopping on water



Children's dreamland


Shopping alone



Hamleys is the best toyshop in the UK. It has seven floors of toys, games and sweets. The shop assistants often dress up in costumes of famous characters from fairy tales and stories. Because of this the place looks like a magic land. The atmosphere is wonderful, and the shop really has everything young ones could ever want.



 Oxfam is a chain of shops all over the world, which sells very cheap things. Its aim is to attract shoppers by offering them many second-hand and donated things of good quality. Also anyone can come and bring the books or clothes they no longer need. Oxfam takes everything: from stamps to furniture.


The Old Umbrella Shop is one of the shops that hasn’t changed from the early twentieth century. Inside it looks exactly as it was years ago. There are old telephones, shelves, shop windows and an umbrella museum. What's more, it still sells umbrellas and doesn’t want to specialize in anything else. The shop has faithful clients who have been coming there for years.



Muara Kuin is an unusual river market in Indonesia. With the sunrise people from local villages arrive here by boat with fresh fruit and vegetables. Buyers get to the market in the same way. Nobody goes on shore, all business is done from boats. If you wish to get a cup of tea, there are special motor boats selling drinks and cookies.



The city of Dongguan in China has the world's largest shopping mall. There are seven zones in it, which are designed to look like world's cities and regions. In no time you'll get from Paris to Amsterdam. Take a lift and it will take you from Europe to Canada. There's even a small river with boats, where you can relax and take a trip after shopping.






3. Use of English

When I came into the room, my computer was on. It worried me since I didn’t remember  switching it on. I looked around –  there ____1__BE_____ nobody in my room and everything was in its usual place.  Suddenly I ____2__UNDERSTAND_____ –  the book had gone! I had left it on the table but it wasn’t there any more. I checked the window –  it _____3_CLOSE______. That meant that someone had come into the room through the door. My __4___ONE______ impulse was to call the police but I called Jim instead. “What __5___HAPPEN_____?” Jim sounded sleepy. I explained that someone had taken  the book. “Oh, no!” Jim sounded unhappy. “Have you any idea how valuable it is?” “There’s another thing I _____NOT/CAN__6___ understand,” I interrupted Jim. “My computer’s on but I always switch it off before leaving home.” “Ok, stay at home. I’ll be at ____7_YOU____ place in half an hour,” he said and the phone went dead. 

Joseph Rudyard Kipling

         Joseph Rudyard Kipling is considered to be one of the _8___ English writers. He was born in 1865, in Bombay, India. At the time of his birth, his parents were recent arrivals in India. They had come to India with plans to start a new life. The family __9___quite well. His father, an artist, was the head of the Department of Architectural Sculpture at the School of Art. For young Kipling, India was a _____10___and happy place.

         However, at the age of 6, Kipling's life changed ___11____. He was sent to England to receive a formal British education. These were hard years for Kipling. The boy suffered from strict school discipline, his classmates’ insults and bullying. His only comfort was books: he _12____reading. By the age of 11, Kipling was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Fortunately, Kipling’s mother placed him in a __13__school. There, Kipling found friends and _____14______ his talent for writing, eventually becoming the editor of the school newspaper.

         In 1882, Kipling was told by his parents that they didn't have enough money to send him to college, and he __15___to India…

A new

B returned

C greatest

D wonderful

E enjoyed

F greatly

G lived

H discovered


You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Alice.

… My parents say that I watch TV too much. And they are not always happy with the programmes I watch. I understand that often watching TV is waste of time but I can’t live without TV anyway. ...

…How much do you watch TV? What do you prefer: watching TV or browsing the Internet, why? What else do you do in your free time?...

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

Write 100120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

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