unreal condition
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Купцов Александр Юрьевич

презентация Unreal Condition


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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

It would have been much better, If we had seen the signs, If we’ d listened to the warnings, If we hadn’t closed our minds. Read these lines from a song, translate and remember.

Слайд 3

If I had taken the apple with me, my dog wouldn’t have had to run after the bus. Look at the pictures. Read and translate the sentences. Pay attention to the words in bold . If I hadn’t come to Africa, I wouldn’t have been captured by the savages. Compare: I am sorry I decided to meet the cannibals. I wish I hadn’t come to Africa. Compare: It’s a pity I left the apple at home. I wish I had taken it with me.

Слайд 4

Look at the pictures. Read and compare the sentences. Pay attention to the words in bold . If I had trained more, I wouldn’t have fallen off the bike. If hadn’t sat under the palm-tree, the nut wouldn’t have fallen on my head.

Слайд 5

Study the table. Pay attention to the form of the verb in the if-clause and in the main clause . Remember how to express a fantasy or how to speak about an imaginary situation. 1. I didn’t call my friend last night. I wish I had called him to tell the news. 2. I didn’t go to the meeting yesterday. I wish I had gone to the meeting yesterday to take part in the discussion. 3. He didn’t watch TV last night. He wishes he had watched TV last night, and not missed such an interesting interview. 1. If I had called my friend last night, I would have told him the news. 2. If I had gone to the meeting yesterday, I would have taken part in the discussion. 3. If he had watched TV last night, he wouldn’t have missed such an interesting interview. The True Situation. Facts. Imaginary Situation. Contrary-to-fact in the Past

Слайд 6

Study and remember When we talk about an imaginary situation which is contrary-to-fact in the past , we use the form had done ( had been, had gone , etc.) in the if-clause and the form would have + Past Participle in the main clause .

Слайд 7

If - clause Main clause If the weather had been nice, we would have gone hiking.

Слайд 8

Complete the sentences. Translate them. 1. If she …… (not eat) so many sweets, it ……….. ( not spoil) her appetite. 2. If he ……………(not be) there, they …………… (lose) the game. 3. She ……..……..(be) happier if she ……. (win) the prize. 4. Jack ……………..(ask) for help if he ….. (need) it. 5. If you …………. (take up) photography, you ……… (find) it a pleasure. 6. If I .. (see) the film, I ..…….. (tell) you about it. 7. They ….…………… (admire) the music if they ……….………. (join) us and ……… (see) the performance. 8. If you …… (ask) me, I ………… (help) you to solve this problem. 9. If he …(study) more, he …………. (show) better results in his studies. 10. I …………. (see) the screen better if there ………………. (not be) so many people there. hadn’t eaten hadn’t been wouldn’t have spoiled would have lost would have been had won would have asked had needed had taken up would have found had seen would have told would have admired had joined seen had asked would have helped had studied would have shown would have seen hadn’t been

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