Итоговая контрольная работа для УМК Enjoy English 8
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Данная контрольная работа представлна в 3 вариантах, по 5 заданий в каждом; тпкже в файле содержатся ответы на задания.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test A

Exercise 1

Fill in the definite article the if needed.

  1. We've booked a holiday for three weeks in ___ Canary Islands.
  2. … lake Baikal is the largest lake in the world.
  3. ___ Astrachan is located on ___Caspian Sea.
  4. Once I went for my holidays to ___ Lake Baikal. It was great!
  5. In ___north of ___ Britain there are higher lands and mountains.
  6. Is ___ Everest the highest mountain in the world?
  7. _____ Bahamas are a group of islands in ____ Atlantic Ocean.
  8. … Lena leads to … Arctic Ocean.

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

Example: If we … (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner. - If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner.

1. If I (know) the result now, I would phone her immediately.

2. If I (be) you, I would stay at home.

3. If you (not miss) the train, you would have arrived in time.

4. If they had known it before, they (take) measures.

5. Your brother (become) much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.

Exercise 3

Choose the correct translation of the sentences.

1. If he had worked hard, he would have achieved great progress.

a) Если он будет работать усердно, он добьется больших успехов.

b) Если бы он работал сейчас усердно, он добился бы больших успехов.

с) Если бы он работал тогда усердно, он добился бы больших успехов.

2. If I got this book, I would be happy.

a) Если у меня будет эта книга, я буду счастлив.

b) Если бы у меня была эта книга, я была бы счастлива.

с) Если бы у меня была тогда эта книга, я была бы счастлива.

3. If you had gone to the theatre last week, you would have enjoyed the evening.

a) Если бы ты сходил в театр на следующей неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

b) Если бы ты сходил в театр на прошлой неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

Exercise 4

Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. I … him before we met at the concert.

a) didn't see b) wasn't seeing c) hadn't seen

2. When mother came home, the children … the soup.

a) ate b) were eating c) had eaten

3. The telegram … some minutes after he had left.

a) came b) was coming c) had come

4. While Kate … in America, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

a) travelled b) was travelling c) had traveled

5. When … you … receive a letter from your friend?

a) did … receive b) were … receiving c) had … received

Exercise 5

Choose the best option.

  1. There isn’t ……… coffee in my cup.

a) Much

b) Many

c) A lot of

  1. We haven’t got ………… cheese in the fridge.
  1. Many
  1. Much
  1. A lot of
  1. Michael has got ………… friends.
  1. Much
  1. Many
  1. A lot of
  1. The teacher gave us ………… homework to do.
  1. A lot of
  1. Much
  1. Many
  1. Are there ……………apples in your bag?
  1. A lot of
  1. Many
  1. Much

6. There’s ………… bread on the table.

  1. Any
  1. An
  1. Some

7. There aren’t ………… apples in the bowl.

  1. Any
  1. Some
  1. ---

8. There isn’t ………… jam left.

  1. Some
  1. Any
  1. A

9. There are ………… rolls for dinner.

  1. ---
  1. Any
  1. Some

10. Have you got ………… homework to do?

  1. Some
  1. Any
  1. ---

Test B

Exercise 1

Fill in the definite article the if needed.

1. … Nile flows to … Mediterranean Sea.

2. There are small islands in … Pacific Ocean.

3. … Hymalayas are the highest mountains in … Asia.

4. … Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

5. … Glasgow is one of the biggest cities in … United Kingdom.

6. … Red Sea is between … Africa and … Asia.

7. Nowadays some people prefer to spend winter in such hot countries as … Thailand.

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

Example: If we … (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner. - If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner.

1. If you (do) your morning exercises every day, your health would be much better.

2. If I (be) you, I would agree to go to the museum.

3. If they (not go) to Moscow last year, they wouldn't have heard that famous musician.

4. I (write) the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me.

5. If you really loved music, you (go) to the Philarmonic much more often.

Exercise 3.

 Choose the correct translation of the sentences.

1. If he had worked hard, he would have achieved great progress.

a) Если он будет работать усердно, он добьется больших успехов.

b) Если бы он работал сейчас усердно, он добился бы больших успехов.

с) Если бы он работал тогда усердно, он добился бы больших успехов.

2. If he lived in St Petersburg, he would go to the Hermitage every week.

a) Если он будет жить в Санкт-Петербурге, он будет ходить в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

b) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге сейчас, он ходил бы в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

с) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге тогда, он сходил бы в Эрмитаж на прошлой неделе.

3. If you had gone to the theatre last week, you would have enjoyed the evening.

a) Если бы ты сходил в театр на следующей неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

b) Если бы ты сходил в театр на прошлой неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

Exercise 4.

 Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. He … the house before I had time to ask him anything.

a) left b) was leaving c) had left

2. When I rang up Mike, he … still … the poem.

a) did … learnt b) was … learning c) had learnt

3. I … to the hotel after I had sent the telegram to my relatives.

a) returned b) was returning c) had returned

4. While Kate … in America, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

a) travelled b) was travelling c) had traveled

5. When … you … receive a letter from your friend?

a) did … receive b) were … receiving c) had … received

Exercise 5

Choose the best option.

  1. We’d like ……… beef with potatoes, please.
  1. Some
  1. Any
  1. A
  1. Lisa hasn’t got ……… eggs left.
  1. Some
  1. Any
  1. ---
  1. Would you like ……… pizza?
  1. Any  
  1. An
  1. Some  
  1. Would you like ……… tea?
  1. Some
  1. Any
  1. A
  1. I need ………… butter for my cake.
  1. Any
  1. Some
  1. ---
  1. Have you got ………… eggs in the fridge?
  1. A lot of
  1. Much
  1. Many
  1. I don’t like ………… sugar in my coffee.
  1. Much
  1. A lot of
  1. Many
  1. Don’t put ………… cheese on the pizza.
  1. A lot of
  1. Much
  1. Many
  1. Are there ………… trees in your garden?
  1. A lot of
  1. Much
  1. Many
  1. My little brother has got …………… toys.
  1. Many
  1. A lot of
  1. Much

Test C

Exercise 1

Fill in the definite article the if needed.

1. … Volga runs into … Caspian Sea.

2. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.

3. … Kazbek is the highest peak of … Caucasus mountains.

4. I have never been to … Lake Onega.

5. … Washington is the capital of … United States.

6. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean.

7. ... Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa.

Exercise 2.

Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

1. If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress.

2. If it is not too cold, I (not to put) on my coat.

3. I (to write) the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me.

4. If he (not to read) so much, he would not be so clever.

5. If my friend (to be) at home, he will tell us what to do.

Exercise 3.

Choose the correct translation of the sentences.

1. If she had asked me yesterday, I would certainly have told her all about it.

a) Если она спросит меня вчера, я конечно расскажу ей об этом.

b) Если бы она спросила меня сегодня, я конечно рассказала бы ей об этом.

с) Если бы она спросила меня вчера, я конечно рассказала бы ей об этом.

2. If he weren't such an outstanding actor, he would not have so many admirers.

a) Если бы он не был столь выдающимся актером (сейчас), у него не было бы столько поклонников.

b) Если бы он не был столь выдающимся актером (тогда), у него не было бы столько поклонников.

3. If he lived in St Petersburg, he would go to the Hermitage every week.

a) Если он будет жить в Санкт-Петербурге, он будет ходить в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

b) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге сейчас, он ходил бы в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

с) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге тогда, он сходил бы в Эрмитаж на прошлой неделе.

Exercise 4.

Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. I … him before we met at the concert.

a) didn't see b) wasn't seeing c) hadn't seen

2. When mother came home, the children … the soup.

a) ate b) were eating c) had eaten

3. The telegram … some minutes after he had left.

a) came b) was coming c) had come

4. While we … the road I saw Victor.

a) crossed b) were crossing c) had crossed

5. When … your sister … to London?

a) did … go b) was … going c) had gone

Exercise 5.

Choose the best option.

  1. Have you got ………… eggs in the fridge?
  1. A lot of
  1. Much
  1. Many
  1. I don’t like ………… sugar in my coffee.
  1. Much
  1. A lot of
  1. Many
  1. Don’t put ………… cheese on the pizza.
  1. A lot of
  1. Much
  1. Many
  1. Are there ………… trees in your garden?
  1. A lot of
  1. Much
  1. Many
  1. My little brother has got …………… toys.
  1. Many
  1. A lot of
  1. Much
  1. We’d like ……… beef with potatoes, please.
  1. Some
  1. Any
  1. A
  1. Lisa hasn’t got ……… eggs left.
  1. Some
  1. Any
  1. ---
  1. Would you like ……… pizza?
  1. Any  
  1. An
  1. Some  
  1. Would you like ……… tea?
  1. Some
  1. Any
  1. A
  1. I need ………… butter for my cake.
  1. Any
  1. Some
  1. ---


Вариант 1

Вариант 2

Вариант 3

Задание 1

1. The

2. -

3. -,the

4. -

5. The,-

6. -

7. The,the

8. the, the

Задание 1

  1. the, the
  2. the
  3. the,-
  4. the,-,-
  5. -

Задание 1

1. The, the

2. The

3. -, the

4. -

5. -, the

6. -,-,the

7. -

Задание 2



Hadn’t missed

Would have written

Would go

Задание 2



Hadn’t gone

Would have written

Would go

Задание 2

Had worked

Will not put

Would have written

Didn’t read


Задание 3


Задание 3


Задание 3


Задание 4


Задание 4


Задание 4


Задание 5


Задание 5


Задание 5


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