контрольные работы за 1 полугодие
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

контрольные работы за 1 полугодие


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6 класс “STARLIGHT”

Контрольная работа за I полугодие


                                                                Name _________________________

                                                                Form _________________________

                                                                Date _________________________-


        A        Complete the sentences with the correct word in a proper form.

dessert •  picturesque • fireworks • cucumber • fizzy • cuisine

  1. What is there for the …………… today? We’d like something sweet.
  2. London fruit markets are a …………… place for any visitor.
  3. What national …………… do you prefer?
  4. It is better to watch …………… at night. It is more picturesque.
  5. Lemonade is a popular …………… drink among teens.

B         Underline the correct item.

  1. Shopping menu/list
  2. Eating snack/habits
  3. Coat/Jacket potatoes
  4. A bag of crisps/tomatoes
  5. A tub of chips/ice cream


         C.        Choose the correct item.

        1        There is … juice in the glass.

                A        some        B        any        C        a

        2        Are there … potatoes left in the fridge?

                A        some         B        any         C        no

        3        There … not much sugar in the sugar basin.

                A        are        B        is         C   any

        4        I usually have tea with … milk.

                A        much         B        a little        C        many

        5        There is … cereal in the bowl.

             A        too many        B        too much        C any

        6        Is there … salt in your soup?

                A        too        B        much        C        enough

        7        The meat dish is … spicy. I don’t like it much.

                A        too        B        so         C        enough

        8        Do you spend much money on … out?

                A        go        B        going        C        to go

        9        Let’s stop … lunch in this restaurant.

                A        have        B        having        C        to have

        10        Unfortunately, I forgot … the window and now it is raining!

                A        close        B closing        C        to close


        D.        Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated).


  1. In Russia any meal is finished with tea.                

  1. In Russia any meal is finished with tea.                
  2. All Russians like tea.                
  3. Tea is served with cookies, candies, and cakes.                
  4. Large meals are not followed by tea.                
  5. Candies may be made with wafers.                 
  6. Fruit is used to cook tarts and candies.                
  7. Homemade desserts are tastier.                
  8. It is easy to cook vareniki.                
  9. Dried fruit is used to cook compote.                
  10. Russian tea is a very heavy meal.                

Everyday English

        E        Choose the correct response.

        1        A:        How was your weekend?

                B:        a        I think great.

                        b        Great, thanks.

        2        A:        Did you have a nice time?

                B:        a        Yes, it was fantastic.

                        b        Sure, no problem.

        3        A:        We met two famous actors this weekend.

                B:        a        Really?

                        b        That sounds interesting.

        4        A:        Did you have a nice holiday?

                B:        a        Oh, I didn’t do anything special.

                        b        So that’s all right.

        5        A:        We went on a day trip to Kolomenskoye?

                B:        a        Oh, really?

                        b        Well done.


F Listen and mark the sentence T ( true), F (false)

  1. The robber went into the bank with a green bag
  2. The police saw the robber escape on a train.
  3. The robber was casually dressed.
  4. There weren’t many people in the bank.
  5. Mary Robinson felt terrified.


        G        Write an email to your new English pen friend Jack about eating out in you town (60-80 words). Include:

• where can you eat out

• what do they serve        

• what food do you prefer

• where do you like to eat out and why






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