Урок Английского языка "Мой герой"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

 Воспитывать чувство патриотизма и любовь к Родине.

 Развивать творческие способности учащихся.


Предварительный просмотр:

The person I admire

Цель урока:

1 Совершенствовать навыки монологической речи по теме « Мой любимый герой»

2 Обобщение изученного материала.

3 Развитие интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.

4 Воспитывать чувство патриотизма и любовь к Родине.

5 Развивать творческие способности учащихся.

(На доске сканируются герои)

Тоday we’ll have the unusual lesson. Look at the blackboard and tell what we shall do at the lesson today.

P: We shall talk about the heroes.

1 T: OK. You are quite right.

So, your homework was to get ready the report about the person who you admire.

Who will be the first ?

1 Ильичева

2 Ахметов

3 Харгатаев

2 Your reports were rather interesting. But you must know that our epos “Dzhangar”  inspired  Erdny Delikov to his feat. He admired the feats of Dhangar heroes. Now I want you to recite some extracts from Dzhangar. Well, Sasha, it’s your turn to show you.

1 Sasha B

It was at the beginning of times

In ancient gold age

Dawn of eternity began

Majestic dawn just began

Holy faith of gods

Djangar lived at those days

He became a complete orphan.

When he was seven

He became a sevenstate khan.

Не was called great and glorious

2 Sasha I.

This country tasted happiness and peace

The place where winter is unknown

Where spring is all the time

Where sweetvoiced larks and nightingales

Unceasing sing and dance in a ring.

Where rains like the sweetest dew

Where death is unknown

Where everybody is immortal

Where the heavens beam is in imperishable beauty

Where old age is unknown,

Where everybody is young.

The fragrant country of the strong people

The promised land of the epic heroes.

3 The third part of our lesson is You –me, I-you.

Will you guess riddles about heroes of Dzhangar.

One of you describes the hero, others try to guess who he is.

Let’s start

1 He is a tall, slender man with round face, nice small eyes and straight nose.

He is a real Kalmyk Apollo. He is very handsome and talented. He can sing and plays the hura. Of course he is strong. Who is he?

2  He is a tall, broad-shouldered man with narrow eyes and aquiline nose. His hair is black like raven.  He is as slender as sandal-tree. He is mighty, brave and hardy. Who is he?

3 He is neither tall nor small. He is not fat. He has an oval face, dark hair and narrow, severe eyes. He is strong, courageous, mighty. He is the sovereign of the world. Who is he?

4 He is the oldest hero with grey hair, shrewd eyes. Like all heroes he is strong and brave. He  is the wisest and the most intelligent. He can predict what will be in 99 years. He could see what was happened 99 years ago. Who is he?

4 And next part of the lesson is devoted to Kalmyk national holiday “ White month”. You’ll show our guests how heroes of Dhangar celebrated Kalmyk spring holiday.

Extract  from  Dzhangar

Dzh: We are going to celebrate our national holiday “White month”. Are all of you here? I can’t see Khongor.

  1. Ch.: To the right of you I am Altn Cheeg.
  2. G. G.: To the left of you I am G.G. But where is the bravest hero, Where is our lion, Scarlet Khongor now.
  3. A.ch. Soon he will come. He will be here in a minute.

( появляется хонгор)

Kh.: Glad to see you. Peace to you, oh, sovereign of the Earth, Dzhangar the great! How are you? Do you enjoy peace?

Dzh.: Happy to see you. We are fine. Thanks a lot.

G.G.: You’ll stop attacks of hundreds of states, my Khongor. You are the Sun of Bumba, the support of Heroes.(обращаясь к Джангару) Do you remember the feat made by Khongor, the hero with noble soul.

(Хонгор садится слева)

Kh.: My congratulations on our national holiday “White Month” My best wishes. To be happy, healthy and wealthy let’s swear.

Let us sacrifice long years of ours

To the warrior’s way,

Let us sacrifice passions and joy’s of ours,

To Dzhangar, the greatest and noblest of ours,

Let us crowd around the sovereign of ours

For the sake of the happiness of people.

Let us not spare our hearts for him.

Teacher: I think you realized  what qualities of your character you should develop in yourself and which qualities you should get rid of. To sum up, I’d like you to tell what you want to change in yourselves. It’s interesting to find out what you have learnt.




P4: If there is right in the soul

There is beauty in the person

If there is beauty in the person

There will be harmony in the home

If there is harmony in the home

There will be order in the nation

If there is order in the nation

There will be peace in the world.

Well done. I hope you liked the lesson. You  have worked hard today.

Bye . See you later.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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