Учебник "Spotlight -7" Контрольный тест по 1 модулю.
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Мишина Любовь Михайловна

Контрольный тест является одним из видов контроля качества знаний учащихся. В данном материале представлен пример контрольной работы для учеников 7 класса, обучающися по программе авторов О. Подоляко, Ю. Ваулиной, В. Эванс и Дж. Дули "Spotlight 7".


Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Match the words to form phrases      

1. high rate of ____                                      a. landscapes

2. beautiful ______                                      b. isolated

3. feeling ________                                      c. unemployment

4. hustle and _____                                      d. lifestyle

5. high-quality____                                      e. bustle

6. install ________                                       f. an alarm

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct word

Crowded/ convenient / peace / helpful/ cost/ heavy

  1. In the country you usually meet friendly and ___________people.
  2. She spent the day in London, but found the streets very __________.
  3. My father hates driving in ____________ traffic.
  4. We went for a walk in the country, because we needed some ___________ and quiet.
  5. I love living in the city, but I don`t like the high _________of living.
  6. In a big city, you will always find ___________ public transport.

  1. Match the words/ phrases to their definition.
  1. Alarm system    _____             A. machine that signals danger
  2. ID                      _____             B. a place
  3. Surf the Net      ______            C. identification
  4. Spot                  ______            D. a sport
  5. Beach volleyball _____             E. fun activities on the computer
  6. Computer games _____                F. look for information on the computer

  1. Choose the correct response.
  1. I am getting a bit homesick.  ____         A. I think you should take a painkiller.
  2. I need to get more exercise. ____           B. Why don`t you buy an alarm clock?
  3. I`ve got a splitting headache. ____         C. Why don`t you go home?
  4. I`m always late for school.   _____         D. Why doesn`t he get a dog?
  5. I`m worried about crime in my area.  __ E. How about joining a gym?
  6. My Grandpa doesn`t like living         ___F. How about joining Neighbourhood

on his own.                                                  Watch?

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
  1. She ______________(call) her grandmother every Sunday afternoon.
  2. I ________________(clean) my room at the moment, but I can join you in the park later.
  3. She ___________(go) to school by bus every morning.
  4. We ___________(take) out the rubbish every evening at 8:00.
  5. He ____________ (read) a book about the high cost of living.
  6. They ____________(cook) dinner this evening, so please don`t be late.
  7. She really has to go now. Her train ______________(leave) at 6:45.
  8. I ____________ (think) of changing my computer.
  9. We ____________(go) to the cinema tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to come with us?
  10.  Hurry up! The show _______(start) in twenty minutes.

  1. Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using either shoud or shouldn`t

  1. A. I`m very worried about my exams! 

B. (worry so much) ______________________________________

2. A. I`m really tired today.

    B. (bed/ early tonight) _____________________________________

3. A.  I`ve got a toothache.

    B. (see/ dentist) _________________________________________

4. A. I broke my brother`s new camera.

    B. (tell/ tonight)_________________________________________

5. A. I feel really sick.

    B. (play/ outside) _______________________________________

6. A. I lost my red pen.

   B. (keep/ pencil case)____________________________________

  1. Fill in the correct preposition.

On/ out/ over/ after/ into/of

  1. My brother and his friends hang _____ at the shopping centre on Saturdays.
  2. Keep your mobile phones switched _____ at night.
  3. If a burglar breaks into your flat, you should hand _____ your money.
  4. I ran _____ an old friend at the supermarket two days ago.
  5. I saw two policemen running ________ a robber.
  6. We ran out ______ milk, so can you buy some when you`re at the supermarket?

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