Дополнительные упражнения по английскому языку к учебнику Spotlight 9
тренажёр по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Ильина Людмила Петровна

Упражнения преднаначены для отработки грамматических навыков учащихcя 9 класса , занимающихся по учебнику Spotlight 9


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Предварительный просмотр:

 (9 form)Module 5

1. (a) Match 2 groups of words. Then use the phrases to complete the sentence.

-    *perfectly*street*learning*artistic*remain*popular*

-   *guest*anonymous*still*difficulties*artist*creativity*

1. Over 200 hundred people will stand ……………in the street for one hour in an exciting ’living arts’ how.

2. That artist had …………when he was a young student, and only felt happy when he was painting.

3. Why does that artist want to ………..? I really want to know who made this stunning piece of work!

4. Jane shows a lot of ………she should think about becoming a professional photographer.

5. Joe Tyler is an exciting new ……..who wants to bring colour to the pavements of London.

6. The art expert is a(n) ……………on various television shows.

2 (a)   Complete the sentences with the words below.


1. Joshua’s work is sure to …….the judges at the art competition; the first prize is his!

2. A teen spray-painted some graffiti on my garage door and it took me two hours to …..it!

3. Photographer Sam Kubala will …….a new photography show on Channel 4 this summer.

This wall painting by a famous artist will …..great value to the house, when they decide to sell it.

5.  Does this painting …..the artist’s sister at a very young age?

2(c) Find the mistake and correct it.

1. Stunts in adventure films  today are becoming more and most dangerous than in past.

2. The most talented an artist is, the more chances he has of becoming famous.

3. I think jazz is rather interesting, but my friend Sophie insists that reggae is a lot of better than jazz.

4. The film Happy Feet wasn’t as adventurous as the film Madagascar, and also Madagascar was very funnier than Happy Feet.

5. Pam’s voice is a slightly better than her sister’s, but she doesn’t feel  very comfortable singing in front of others.

3.  Fill in the correct form of the adjective in brackets.

Rick: I can’t see why this is 1) …………………(expensive)painting in the exhibition.

John: Really? I think it’s 2) ……………..(good) painting  in here. It’s certainly much

           3)     ……………(interesting)than some of the other works we’ve seen.

Rick: May be, but I like paintings which have a 4) ………………..(original) subject and  

         are painted  in 5) ……………………(bright) colours than this one. Take, Picasso’s

        Guernica, for example. Now that’s a fascinating work of art!  

John:   Are you kidding? It’s a painting about war! It’s one of 6) …………...(sad)    

           paintings I’ve ever seen!  

Rick: Perhaps, you’re right, but I think it makes a 7) …………..(lasting)impression on  

          people’s minds.  

John: Well, I suppose everyone has different tastes when it comes to art.

4. Choose the correct answer.

1. This original Dali painting is ……..expensive than  all the others here.

        (by far/ a lot/ much more)

2. The Four Season is Vivaldi’s……………famous work. (very/ most/ little)

3. Penny doesn’t think photography is as …………as sculpture.

      ( exciting/ more exciting/ most exciting)

4. A kiln gets …….than a household oven. (much hotter/ more hot/ hottest)

5. Mark was ………..furious when he found out someone had stolen his MP3 player.

        (slightly/ absolutely/ rather )

6. The new artist is becoming ………….popular with teenage audiences.

        (more and more/ the most/ the more and more)

7. This is by …….the strangest painting in the gallery! (much/ far/ most)


5. Translate into English.

Граффити – уличное искусство – изменило внешний вид улиц в конце 20 века. История граффити началась в  нью-йоркском метро. Сегодня яркие и оригинальные работы граффити можно встретить на улицах городов во всем мире. Но и сегодня есть разные мнения: «Граффити – это вандализм», «Каждая работа в граффити -ценное произведение искусства». А что думаешь ты?

(change-менять, изменять ; the look of the street-внешний вид улиц  ; underground-  метро; the urban streets-городские улицы ; all over the world-во все мире   ; opinions-мнения  ;piece of art –произведение искусства)

(9 form)Module 6

1(a). Fill in : staff, faster, remove, answer, rescue, worthwhile, victims

1. It took the fire fighter a lot of time to …….the koala from the burning tree.

2. Helping people or animals in need is certainly a ………..cause.

3. After the animals recover, they are placed in ……homes where they’re loved and   looked after.

4. This charity aims at helping …….of the recent earthquake disaster.

5. It is against the law to  ……endangered species from their natural habitats.

6. The ………members at the animal clinic are very helpful and willing to teach you how to look after your pet.

7. The local community centre is asking for a volunteer to ……..phone calls and help in the organization of various events.

2. (d) Use the words below to complete the exchanges:


1) A: I’d like to open a(n)……..please.

    B: Certainly. Could you please fill out this ……..?

2) A: I’d like to send this ……to Rome, please.

    B) OK. Please can you put it on the …….!

3) A: One first …….ticket to Liverpool, please.

    B) ………..or return?

4) A: I’d like to ……..these books.

    B) Unfortunately, they are four days ….. . That’s 2 dollars please.

3 (c) Choose the correct item.

1. The first Harry Potter book ……by J.K. Rowling in 1997.

   ( has written/ had written/ was written)

2. Patricia wanted to change her hair colour, so she …..red.

   (had it dyed/ had dyed it/ has been dyed)

3. Don’t believe …….he tells you; he isn’t a very honest person, you know!

    (whichever/ whenever/ whatever)

4. Our house has been painted …..environmentally friendly paints.

   (from/ with/ by)

5.  The money from the sales …. to a local charity.

   (will be given/ we will give it/ will have given)

6. All the children in the neighbourhood come out to play …..the sun is shining.

    ( however/ whenever/ wherever)

4. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive form.

1. Mum and Dad will drive the children to the museum

2. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.

3. You can use this pass for twenty-four hours.

4. They will take the homeless animals to an animal shelter.

5. They have raised a lot of money for charity.

6. Someone had left a puppy in the street.

5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct passive tense.


  • The word ‘kremlin’ 1) ……….(use) to describe a Russian castle of fortress. The Moscow Kremlin is the best known Kremlin of all.
  • The wall around the Moscow Kremlin dates back to 1156, and at first it     2) …….(make) of wood.
  • Since then, it 3) ……….  (rebuild) with stones.
  • The Kremlin  4) …………. (use) as the centre of Russian  government until 1712.
  • Four palaces and four cathedrals are some of the structures that can         5) ………… (see) at the Kremlin.
  • In 1990, the Moscow Kremlin 6) ………. (name) a World Heritage Site.
  • It 7)………………… (estimate)that over a million people visit the Kremlin every year and it  8) ………. (visit)by many more tourists in the future.

6. Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold.

    1. Peter gets a great deal of………out of playing golf with    his friends


    2. You should have seen the ………..on the children’s faces when I told them we were going to the toy shop!


    3. Is there any ……..that Alex will lend me his laptop?


    4. After thirty years of ……….Mr and Mrs Johnson are still     as  happy   as they were on the date of their wedding.


    5. Full ……..of the gym costs 200 pounds per year.


    6. What I like about this ……is that it’s nice and quiet


    7. A new ……….of Nikolai Gogol’s short stories in English   has recently been published.


 8. Rugby is slowly growing in ,,,,,in Eastern Europe


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