Урок-виртуальная экскурсия по теме "Земля в опасности". 5 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Белимова Анна Геннадьевна

В данном уроке используется видео сайта http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org. Урок направлен на отработку навыка говорения с использованием лексики по теме "Земля в опасности"


Предварительный просмотр:



Subject: English                                         Teacher: Belimova A. G.

Grade: 5

Topic: World around us

Teacher’s objective: to develop reading, speaking, listening skills, to practice the words in speaking

Personal results

Metasubject results

      Subject results

Forming of the communication competence,  motivation

Planning of the speech behavior, researching, semantic reading




Project work

Student’s objective:

To know:  the words on the topic

To be able to: use  the words in speach

Problem issue: Why must we protect the Earth?

Teaching aids ( visual aids, IT, etc): The screen, computer, The internet, cards

Resources ( information on the topic to be taken from: books, course books, the Internet and etc.): English teacher’s table book, the Internet

Technologies (module and project research, differentiation, developing education and etc.): differentiation, project research

The forms of organization of students’ activity (group, pair, whole class):  group

Assessment criteria :

A____5а- listening (video)

B____5a – speaking (monologue)

C____5b- reading texts

Areas of interaction

АТL:  to practice words in speaking, to develop reading, listening, speaking skills

ENV: to speak about the world around us

Lesson plan

1. Tuning up :

1) Game “Warming up”: The world around us

2) Speaking practice: What is the aim (area of interaction, problem, criteria of the lesson?)


2. Instruction – Engagement (Motivation activity)

1) Tongue-twister

2) Checking of H. W: (criterion d)

Assistants ask the questions to the group (ex. p.)  

 3. Instructional Sequence (Teaching methodology with student activity)

1) Prediction : make the crosswords

2) Watching the video “ Planet Earth Museum” (video excursion)


3) Check understanding of the video (work with cards) (criterion a)

1gr.- monologue “ Why is our planet endanger?”

2gr.- interview  “ Our planet”

3 gr.- monologue “ Planet Earth is endanger”

4. Application ( Practice)

Project “ The Earth is endanger”: (criterion b)

. 1gr.- monologue “ Why is our planet endanger?”

2gr.- interview  “ Our planet”

3 gr.- monologue “ Planet Earth is endanger”

5. Feedback and reflection



6. Summing up

- Have we reached the aim of the lesson?

- your marks (a-listening, b- projects (monologue), c- h.w (reading))  

7. Home task

1 gr.-Write a letter to your friend about the lesson 

2 gr.- Write a story “ The Earth is in danger” 

3 gr.- Write a summary of the text  “ The Earth is in danger” 

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Topic: The world around us. Aim: to develop speaking, reading, listening skills; to practice the words in speech. Problem: why must we protect our planet? Areas of interaction: ATL, ENV. Criteria: a – listening b – speaking (monologue) c – reading

Слайд 3

1 group What did you learn about forests? Why does the land disappear? What pollute the rivers? 2 group What is the name of the museum? What do we destroy every day? What are there at opposite ends of the Earth? 3 group What can you learn in the museum? What clean the air and produce oxygen to breathe? What pollutes the ocean?

Слайд 4

Criterion a 0-1 mistakes – “5” 2-3 mistakes -”4” 4-5 mistakes - “3” 6-9 mistakes – “2”

Слайд 5

Home task 1 gr.-Write a letter to your friend about the lesson 2 gr.- Write a story “ The Earth is in danger” 3 gr.- Write a summary of the text “ The Earth is in danger”

Предварительный просмотр:

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.


Climate                        загрязнять                            

Possible                       фабрика

Factory                         разрушать

Breathe                        защищать

Protect                         дышать

Harm                           возможный

Destroy                        климат

Rubbish                       вред

Pollute                         мусор

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