конспект урока Sports & Games.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

демьянова юлия игоревна

конспект урока Sports & Games.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Sports  & Games 

Слайд 2

Cycling, skating, skiing, rowing, volleyball, football, tennis, basketball.

Слайд 3

There is no large stadiums. There is no proper  equipment. There is no skating rinks. There is no cycle track. There is no tennis court. There is no slides. There is no modern pitches. Problems:

Слайд 10

Have you ever had problems with your doing sports? F.e.: I once decided to ride a bike and did not find any cycle tracks.

Слайд 11

Idioms. 1. To jump the gun 2. Skating on thin ice.3. Keep your eye on the ball

4. Sport to the cat is death to the mouse. 5. In sports and journeys men are known.

Слайд 12

В презентации использован интернет-ресурс: яндекс . картинки.

Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект урока.

Дата: 09/10/18

Гуппа: 2ЗЧ1

Тема: Спорт и игры

Цель: формирование коммуникационных компетенций.


- обучающие: формирование лексических навыков говорения и применение их на практике;

- развивающие: развитие навыков аудирования, говорения и чтения; умения работать со словарем, способности в поисках нужной информации и её анализа, классификации, речевых действий, воображения;

- воспитательные: формировать познавательный интерес к здоровому образу жизни и занятиям спортом.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Применяемая технология: ИКТ.

Оборудование: медиа проектор, компакт диск «Planet of Enlish», УМК «Planet of Enlish», доска.

Ход урока:

Beginning of the lesson. (приветствие учащихся, обозначение цели и задач урока).

Teacher: Good morning, students! Glad to see you at the lesson “Sports and Games”. There are different sports in our modern world. Doing sports makes  people healthy, helps to stay in good shape and to keep fit. But today we are  going to speak about problems with it.

Warming up. (Речевая зарядка). But first of all let’s revise the names of  some popular sports  that  make us to overcome difficulties. Look at the pictures on the screen. (слайд 2) Please, identify each item and tell us if it is professional or for pleasure. (S1, S2…)

Speaking and using vocabulary. (Работа с лексикой). (слайд 3)

  1. T.: Match the problems with the objects. (S1, S2…)
  2. Think of any sports you have had problems with. What was the problem? How did you solve it? (work in pairs) (слайд 10)

Reading. (Чтение) (ex.10 p. 108) T.: The sentences are from a dialogue between two people.

  1. Where do you think the dialogue takes place? What is it about? (Ss’ answers)
  2. Read the dialogue and complete the gaps with the words.
  3. Now, listen and check.
  1. Explain the words in bold. (S1, S2…)
  1. Please, read the dialogue aloud.


Speaking. (Говорение) Everyday English.  Reporting technical problems, responding. T.:

  • Focus on the language box on p.110 ex.15. Read and translate the expressions.
  • Use the following expressions.  and act out exchanges, as in the example. (work in pairs)

Listening. (Аудирование). Ex. 12 p. 109 T.:

  • Review the prompts and find key words.
  • I will play the recording twice. You should make your selection the first time and review your answers during the second playback. (Individual Ss’ answers)

Working with the Word list. (Работа со словарем). Completing idioms.

T.: Review the idioms in ex. 6. Why are they used? (Ss’ answers)

Complete the idioms and check in the Word List.

(слайд 11)

Conclusion of the lesson.

- And what is the result of our lesson?

 (Ss’ answers.) That’s great!

  • Your hometask is in your Workbook p. 109.
  • Thank you for your active work. Your marks are...

That’s all for today, the lesson is over. Good-bye!

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