План-конспект монологич. высказывания "Мода 20-го века" (8-9кл.)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8, 9 класс) на тему

Пахомова Наталья Петровна

Материал включает: план и основные вопросы, а также лексический материал.


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Предварительный просмотр:

The 20th – 21st centuries fashion

Outline (План)

Instruction (о чем писать)

  1.  Introduction. (Вступление)
  1. Importance of fashion.

Is fashion a part of modern life? Did people deal with it from the very beginning? Do people care about what they wear? Why? Why not?

  1. Plot (Основная часть):
  1. Before the First World War

Did the fashion change quickly before the First World War? What was popular?

  1. The Roaring Twenties

What were the revolutionary changes of that period? Do we have any special words to identify that period or clothes’ items? What came into or go out of fashion in that period? Did fashion change very much?

  1. The 30s-40s

What was popular? What came into or go out of fashion in that period? Did fashion change very much?

  1. The 1950s

Did people start spending more money on clothes? Were there any revolutionary changes of that period? Did fashion change very much? What came into or go out of fashion in that period?

  1. The 1960s

What were the revolutionary changes of that period? Do we have any special words to identify that period or clothes’ items? What was popular? What were new hairstyles?

  1. The 1970s

Do we have any special words to identify that period or clothes’ items? What was popular? What came into or go out of fashion in that period? Did fashion change very much? What were new hairstyles?

  1. The 1980s-90s

What were the revolutionary changes of that period? Do we have any special words to identify that period or clothes’ items? What was popular? What were new hairstyles?

  1. The 2000s

What are the modern tendencies? What clothes do teenagers wear nowadays?

  1. Conclusion. (Завершение)
  1. Evaluation. (оценоч-е суждение)

What do you think of these fashions? Which do you like or dislike? Why? Do you think it’s important/ not important to follow the fashion? Why?

Useful words and expressions:

Materials – cotton, denim, silk, velvet, leather, wool, nylon, paper, cardboard, plastic

Patterns – checked, plain, flowery, striped, tartan, tie-dyed, patterned, in bright colours, with printed ornaments/ photos of favourite rock bands/ vocalists

Items of clothes – mini/maxi-skirt, designer clothes/ trendy outfit, biker look, heavy metal look, uptown look,  casual clothes, sports clothes (T-shirts, sweatshirts, tracksuits, trainers, baseball cap), drainpipes, corset, club jacket, bonnet hat

Items of shoes – long pointed (shoes), high/low-heeled, stiletto heels, shoelaces, long boots, heavy boots, trainers

Fashion accessories – headband, bandana, shawl, earrings, bracelet, necklace, jewelry, nail varnish, nose stud, moustaches, beard, brightly coloured make-up, walking stick, tatoos

Hairstyle – (very) long/ sort hair, the Beatle haircut, the punk/ mochican haircut

Adjectives – smart, fashionable, designed, scruffy, flat, long/ short-sleeved, tight/loose, baggy, flared, hooded,

Expressions – broad/narrow shoulders, narrow waist, no waist, straight figure, become shorter/longer, be fashionable, go out of fashion, Oxford bags (wide legs), spend a lot of money on clothes, a baseball cap usually back to front, loose sweatshirts, flared trousers/ skirts, baggy trousers

Linking devices for describing and evaluating:


Nowadays many people face difficult decision when they….. –в наше время люди сталкиваются со сложным решением когда они…

There is no doubt that… is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world. Вне всяких сомнений, что… является одной из самых волнующих проблем в современном мире.

So is… really important and could we live without … or not? - Итак, действительно ли важен… и смогли бы мы жить без него (нее)?

It is common knowledge that ...- Всем известно , что ...


I’m not an expert on this subject but to my opinion … - Я не эксперт по этому вопросу но по моему мнению…

It strikes me that … - меня поражает что …

My personal feeling is… - моё личное мнение …

As far as I concerned …- что касается лично меня


To sum up, - подводя итоги

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize…- В заключение, хотелось бы подчеркнуть

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