Материал к проведению живого урока-путешествия по английскому языку "Саранск- мой город"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Шманатова Светлана Валерьевна

Материал полезен для проведения урока- путешествия по городу Саранску в рамках знакомства иностранных гостей с городом. Содержит много увлекательных  и познавательных моментов из жизни города.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                 Saransk Sightseeing Tour

   Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I’m __    and I welcome you to Saransk. Saransk is the capital of Republic of Mordovia. About 300 000 people live here. It was founded in 1641 as a war fortress in the South-Eastern  board of the Russian state. Saransk’s most famous sights are Sovetskaya Square and the House of Republic, St.Feodor’s Cathedral and monument to Admiral Ushakov, the Ersya’s Museum and Sychkov’s Gallery, the National Theatre and the Drama Theatre, Sport’s Centre and Pushkin Park.

You’ll see all these places and much more of Saransk from our tourist bus.

   We start from Privoksalnaya Square. On the column in the centre there is a monument to stratanaft- heroes: Pavel Fedoseenko, Andrei Vasenko and Ilya Usyskin.

   To the left of us you can see a new building of the Railway station which was opened in 20 …          I think it is the best in our region.   Let’s get in the bus and continue our tour.

   We’ve just passed the cinemamax “Pobeda” and now we are making our way to Sovetskaya Square. Look left. We are passing the school number 12. Here pupils from all over the town learn foreign languages.

   We have turned right and soon you’ll see Admiral Ushakov’s monument and St.Feodor’s Cathedral. Here we are. In front of you you can see the most beautiful and highest Cathedral in Volga region, which was opened on the 6th of August in the year 2006. New Cathedral was built on the place where in 1930-1932 it was ruined. Now it is the centre of spiritual life in Mordovia.

   Dear friends, in the opposite there is an Alexandro-Nevskaya Chapel, which commemorate the feat of citizens of Mordovia died in wars, disasters, catastrophes.   Now let’s get off our bus and walk a little.       We are going along Victory Square. It officially got its name on the 6th of May 1995.  To the right you see the memorial “Mother of Mordovia” and Eternal Fire.  People of our republic celebrate Victory Day here, which is the most important holiday for the Russians. We also can put some flowers to the pedestal of it. A bit further there is a monument to soldiers who gave their lives in different war conflicts.

   Next to it there is a Museum of War and Labor Feat. From architectural point of view it is very interesting building. It was built in the shape of mordovian women’s head attire.

   Come on, dear friends. Now we are going to Sovetskaya Square. To the right of you there is a building of the town council. It is the architectural monument of history and culture of Saransk early XX century. In the corner of the wall from the north-eastern side there is a niche with the letter to the future generation.

   To the left you can see the House of Republic. The House of Republic is the seat of the Mordovian  government.       And now is the most beautiful place in our town “The fountain downstream”.

   Every day you can see a lot of people coming here for a walk with their friends or families. In the middle of the stream there is a monument to Pushkin. It is the favourite place of young people. They like to take pictures here or simply to sit on the stairs.    

   To the left you can see the sports facility, "The Ice Palace". Citizens of Saransk are proud that our city can hold international competitions in ice hockey and figure skating.

    Now we are facing Pushkin Park. We have a little time and you can walk in the park and have a good time. After the reconstruction it is very beautiful.    In the evenings Saransk is especially wonderful and I invite you on the night excursion.   Dear friends, our tour has finished. I hope very much that you have enjoyed this tour of Saransk. Thank you and goodbye.

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