Тесты для 5 класса
тест (5 класс)

Чирипова Сыжидма Сангаевна

Тест предназначен для активизации лексического и грамматического материала.


Предварительный просмотр:

Входной тест к УМК "Enjoy English"
М.З.Биболетовой для 4 класса.


1. Вставь пропущенные буквы:
L...ke, n...me, gr...y, bl...ck, r...d, f...nny, p...pil, str...ng, t...ke, n...ce, r...bbit, cl...ck, p...g, m...sic.

2. Составь предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке;
a) rabbits, and, we, like, cats
b) she, swim, and, can't, fly
c) isn't, Ann's, black, dog
d) his, cockerel, is, funny ?
e) pig, his, is, big, fat, and
f) cats, jump, can ?

4. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос и запиши:

a) Can rabbits fly ?
b) Is a fox cunning?
c) Must a pig sing ?
d) Do dogs like cats ?
e) Do you like to ride a bike ?
f) Can we take a crocodile home ?

a) No, it mustn't
b) Yes, I do
c) No, they don't
d) No, they can't
е) Yes, it is
f) No, we can't

5. Напиши слова и словосочетания, противоположные по значению:

nice -
fat -
funny -
good -

isn't -
can -
must -
am not -
has -

6. Дополни письмо недостающими словами:

Dear Hobbit!
Thank you for your ______.
I would like to be your ______.
My ____ is Evan.
I am from _____.
I______ in Boston.
My _____ is on the 16th of March
I____a dog and cat.
My favourite ______ is summer.
Please write back.

Your Evan.


Предварительный просмотр:

Сделайте предложение отрицательным:
1) She is a teacher.
2) My Mum gets many letters.
3) Mary and Nick are from England.
4) We like our school.
5) She has a lot of flowers.

III. Поставь вопросы к предложениям:
1) Roo puts his letter into the envelope. (Does? What? Where? Who?)
2) 1 get ten postcards on my birthday. (Do? What? How many? When? Who?)

IV. Переделай текст от 3 л. ед. числа:
My name is Olga. Iam 10 years old.
I am kind and clever.
My favourite season is winter.
I like to skate and to ski in winter.
I like bread and butter.
I live with my Mum and Dad.
I have a pet. It is a parrot.

1). They ..... all their exams in June.
a) have passed
b) passed

2) I ..... him before.
a) haven't met
b) didn't meet

3) We ..... a good play at the theatre last night.
a) saw
b) have seen

4) She ..... at this office for ten days.
a) has worked
b) worked

5) He ..... me to the party yesterday.
a) invited
b) has invited


1. What has happened to Mary?
a) Mary was ill.
b) Mary has fallen ill.

2. When did you see the film?
a) I have seen the film already.
b) I saw the film yesterday.

3. What have you come here for?
a) I have come to see you.
b) I come to see you an hour ago.


1). Мы только что закончили работу.
a) We finished our work.
b) We have just finished our work.

2) Вы наконец узнали правду?
a) Have you learnt the truth at last?
b) Did you learn the truth at last?

3). Сколько страниц этой книги вы прочитали к сегодняшнему дню?
a) How many pages of the book did you read for today?
b) How many pages of the book have you read for today?

4). Она еще не написала упражнение.
a) She hasn't written the exercise yet.
b) She didn't write the exercise yet.

5) Он уже пришел в школу.
a) Не has come to school.
b) He came to school.


1. Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями.
1). The pencil is on the box. ..... is not on the desk.
2). The windows are not large. .... are small.
3). Ann is here. ..... is not there.
4). What colour are the desks?' .... are brown.
5). Put the pen under the box. Where is .... ?
6). The boy is in the classroom. Where is .... ?
7). Where are the pencils?.... are in the box.

2. Поставить глагол to be в нужной форме.
1. Ben .... my friend. 2. He .... a teacher. 3. I .... in my room. 4. .... Tommy and Billy pupils? Yes, they .... . 5. We ..... students. 6. She .... a doctor. 7. This .... a cup. It .... yellow. 8. The table .... in the room.

3. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями.
1. We are pupils. This is .... classroom. 2. I am at home now. .... room is small, hut it is light and clean. 3. Open .... books, please. 4. Sit down, Peter. .... answer is good. 5. Is she a teacher? Is this boy .... pupil? 6. This man is a doctor. .... name is Petrov.

4. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы.
1. There is a blackboard in our classroom.
2. There are some English books on the table.
3. There are many mistakes in your dictation.

5. Поставить вопросы к выделенным словам.
1). Не goes
 to the park every day.
2). She plays chess
in the evening.
Peter speaks English very well.
4). I want
an ice-cream.
5). They eat
bread and soup.
6). I am tired,
because I am ill.


1.) Listen! Pat (to play) the piano.
2.) Margaret (not/to go) to work yesterday.
3.) Next year he (to be) 25.
4.) Do you want the newspaper? No, thanks I already (to read) it.
5.) William Shakespeare (to die) in 1616.
6.) I am a teacher, I (to teach) Maths to young people.
7.) The concert last night (to start) at 7.30 and (to finish) at 10 p.m.
8.) Look! Somebody (to swim) in the river.
9.) It's Kate's birthday tomorrow and I (not to buy) her a present yet.
10.) Mozart (to live) from 1756 to 1791.
11.) She is very clever. She (to speak) four languages.
12.) Don't drink coffee before you go to bed. You (not to sleep).
13.) I can't open the door. I (to lose) a key.
14.) When I was a child I (to want) to be a doctor.
15.) The City Museum (to close) at 5 o'clock every evening.
16.) I can't talk to you at the moment. I (to work).
17.) I (to clean) my teeth three times yesterday.
18.) Are they still having dinner? No, they (to finish).
19.) When ... you (to go) to London.
20.) Where are the children? They (to play) in the garden.
21.) Peter (to wash) his hair twice a week.
22.) George (not/to be) at work last week because he (to be) ill.
23.) I can't find my umbrella. Somebody (to take) it.
24.) Phone me tomorrow. 1 (to be) at home.
25.) How often ... you (to watch) TV?
26.) Don't go out now. It (to rain).
27.) I think Diana (to pass) the exam next week.
28.) Today the weather is nice but yesterday it (to rain).
29.) I often (to go) to the theatre.
30.) He draws very well. He (to go) to be an artist.
31.) Put the old bread in the garden. The birds (to eat) it.
32.) Look! The Browns, already (to repair) their car.
33.) Hello! Can I speak to Ann, please? Sorry, she (to sleep) at the moment.
34.) I just (to speak) to my teacher.
35.) How much ... it (to cost) to send a letter to Canada?


1. Express the following sentences in the passive.
a) They asked
me my name and address.
b) Peter did his
homework the whole evening.
c) He found his
puppy in the garden.
d) The students discussed
the article at the party.
e) The pupils read
the interesting tales at the party.
f) W.Shakespeare wrote
the tragedy "Hamlet".

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous Tense.
a) He (to write) a letter when I (to see) him.
b) Harry (to do) his work while his brother (to play) games.
c) We (to sing) a song when George (to come) into the room.
d) While the teacher (to give) a lesson, a small dog (to walk) into the room.
e) Jack (to do) his homework when his father (to come) home from work.
f) The rain (to begin) to fall while he (to watch) the game.

3. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:
a) Mother was cooking breakfast from 7 till 8.
b) Mary and Kate were playing chess at 10 on Sunday.
c) I was reading the book when my husband came home from work.


1. ... Thames flows through ... London.
a) a b) the с) -
2. Does ... Peter speak ... German?
a) a b) the с) -
3. When will you have ... dinner?
a) a b) the с) -
4. My uncle built... new house. ... house is small.
a) a b) the с) -
5. Usually she (to paint) pictures in the living room.
a) is painting b) paints
6. Who (to listen) to the radio now?
a) listens b) is listening
7. As a rule, she (to wear) beautiful clothes.
a) wears b) is wearing
8. Jack (to lose) his key. He can't get into the house.
a) has lost b) lost
9. ... you (to see) Ann yesterday?
a) Have...seen b) did...see
10. It's the most interesting film I (ever see)
a) saw b) have seen
11. I (to get) a message from Lily last Saturday.
a) have got b) got
12. When ... you (to buy) the new car?
a) did... buy b) have... bought
13. Are you fond ... reading?
a) through b) of c) over
14. Have you ever been ... Paris?
a) over b) in c) to
15. I cannot write ... this pen.
a) at b) with c) on
16. You can play the piano very well, ... ?
a) don't you b) can you c) can't you
17. You go in for sports, ... ?
a) aren't you b) do you c) don't you
18. I sent a letter to you,...?
a) do I b) did I c) didn't I

Test (Итоговый контроль. V класс)

I. Выбери правильную форму глагола:
a) I ... a new bike two days ago. (buy, will buy, bought)
b) He often ... to Moscow. (went, goes, will go)
c) My sister ... her mother tomorrow. (helps, helped, will help)
d) They ... very happy last week. (will be, are, were)

II. Поставь предложения в:

a) Present Simple:
1) Hobbit got many letters last week.
2) I shell be on duty in two days.
3) The king didn't get along with the mice.

b) Past Simple:
1) The elephants do wonderful work.
2) The king will call his wise men.
3) The mice don't eat with nice manners.

c) Future Simple
1) Piglet cleans his room every day.
2) I am glad to see you now.
3) We learn many new words every lesson.

III. Составь вопросительные предложения в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени с данным вопросительным словом: What.

IV. Ответь на вопросы в настоящем, будущем и прошедшем времени:
1. How old are you?
2. What form were you last year?
3. Where will you go next summer?
4. How many lessons do you usually have?
5. Who was absent yesterday?
6. Will you go to school on Sunday?


1) Вставь пропущенные буквы:
d....rty, p....rk, sh....rt, t....ank, fa....mer, g....rl, f....r, g....rden, ....hree, d....rk, c....rn, w....ite, w....en, ....hy.

2) Составь предложения из данных слов:
a) Is, her friend, a farmer
b) My cats, nice, are
c) Dark, a park, are
d) A pupil, am, I
e) Can, a girl, well, sing

3) Употреби нужную форму глагола "to be " (am, is, are)
a) My name ... Dick.
b) I ... a teacher.
c) His shirt ... grey.
d) The pigs ... fat.
e) We ... fanny and brave.

4) Найди правильный ответ на каждый вопрос:

a) Can you swim?
b) Do you like cheese?
c) Is the dog strong?
d) Do they run in the park?
e) Are you brave?
f) Can your friends play chess?

a) No, they don't
b) No, they can't
c) Yes, I do
d) Yes, I can
e) No, it isn't
f) Yes, I am


I. Write the verbs in ing-form:
to run, to have, to speak, to knit, to eat, to play, to help, to come, to cook, to ask, to sit, to take, to sleep, to go.

II. Put the verb in the Present Continuous Tense:
1) Listen! Pat (to play) the piano.
2) I (to sit) on a chair now.
3) He (to read) a newspaper.
4) What you (to do) now?
5) Where are they? They (to ski) in the park.
6) We (to listen) to the radio at the moment.

III. Put the verbs in the correct form:
1) My friend (to learn) two foreign languages.
2) Look! The boy (to swim) in the river.
3) His parents (to water) the flowers in the garden now.
4) I (to be) very polite and intelligent.
5) It (to snow) at the moment.
6) What you usually (to do) after lessons?

IV. Translate from Russian into English:
1) Посмотри! Она смотрит телевизор.
2) Я получаю хорошие оценки по математике.
3) Что ты делаешь? Я пишу письмо другу.
4) Послушай! Она говорит по-английски.
5) Моя мама часто шутит. У неё хорошее чувство юмора.

Степени сравнения прилагательных.

I. Переведи на английский и напиши антонимы:
Левый, сладкий, мелкий, быстрый, грустный, ленивый, бедный, чистый, умный, добрый, кричащий, правильный, плачущий.

II. Образуй степени сравнения прилагательных: good, tall, fat, wise, heavy, wonderful, little, bright, bad, many.

III. Исправь ошибки:
1. They are busyer than we are.
2. Two heads are gooder then one.
3. This text is the interesting in the book.
4. July is hoter than May.
5. English suits are the better in the world.

IV. Переведи на английский:
1. Зима - самое холодное время года.
2. Февраль короче, чем январь.
3. Том - самый плохой ученик нашего класса.
4. Моё платье лучше, чем платье моей сестры.
5. Поросенок - самое грязное животное.

V. Переведи на английский, используя оборот as....as:
1. Его рубашка белая, как снег.
2. Он плавает так же быстро, как рыба.
3. Её глаза холодные, как лёд.
4. Я зол, как лев.
5. Мы можем петь так же красиво, как птицы.
6. Ты занятой, как пчелка.


I. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужном времени:
1) Mary (to teach) Mathematics at school.
2) Diana (to come) to the party tomorrow.
3) The sweater (to be) nice, the trousers (to be) nice to.
4) Three years ago she (to be) pretty and friendly.
5) Dad (to present) Mag with a personal computer on her next birthday party.
6) My husband (to speak) to his boss last week.
7) Every day I and my friend (to go) to musical school.
8) There (to be) two films and a programme for youth on TV.
9) My elder sister (to finish) school next year.

Задайте вопрос к выделенным словам:
10) Mrs. Laura is in her office.
A. When?
B. Where?
C. How?

11) My best friend Geff lived in London.
A. Whom?
B. Whose?
C. Who?

12) I see a pretty little girl in the yard.
A. What?
B. Which?
C. Who?

13) Yesterday mr. Williams went for a walk early in the morning.
A. Where?
B. When?
C. How often?

14) We shall celebrate my mother's birthday next week.
A. Who?
B. Whose?
C. Whom?

15) On Sunday John will work in the garden
A. Who?
B. Where?
C. When?


I. Put in the missing words:
1) We (провели) 3 days in the country.
2) I (изучаю) two new subjects this year.
3) This summer they (посетили) their relatives in St. Peterburg.
4) In the evening the children (жгли костер) and played the guitar.
5) At the lesson we (учили) the poem by heart.
6) She (сделала) a lot of (фотоснимки).
7) In August she (ездила за границу).
8) Pete (пропустил) a good film yesterday because he (делал) his homework.
9) I (путешествовала) a lot this summer.
10) My family (получила удовольствие) reading this book.

II. Choose the correct preposition.
1) Who takes care (about, for, of) your pet?
2) Did you go to the forest (at, in, on) June?
3) My best pen - friend is (from, out of, in) Britain.
4) Thank you (about, with, for) your letter.
5) At lessons we translate texts (of, in, from) English (to, from, into) Russian.
6) What do you usually do (in, at, during) your summer holidays.
7) After our three month break we shall go (in, to, for) school.

III. Choose the verb in the correct form
1) Most British pupils ... school uniform (wear, wears, wore)
2) What form will you ... next year in? (studied, study, studies)
3) Yesterday our party ... two hours, (lasts, will last, lasted)

1. They....all their exams in June.
a) have passed b) passed
2) I....him before.
a) haven't met b) didn't meet
3) We....a good play at the theatre last night.
a) saw b) have seen
4) She....at this office for ten days.
a) has worked b) worked
5) He....me to the party yesterday.
a) invited b) has invited

1. What has happened to Mary?
a) Mary was ill.
b) Mary has fallen ill.

2. When did you see the film?
a) I have seen the film already.
b) Isaw the film yesterday.

3. What have you come here for?
a) I have come to see you.
b) I come to see you an hour ago.

1. Мы только что закончили работу.
a) We finished our work.
b) We have just finished our work.

2) Вы наконец узнали правду?
a) Have you learnt the truth at last?
b) Did you learn the truth at last?

3). Сколько страниц этой книги вы прочитали к сегодняшнему дню?
a) How many pages of the book did you read for today?
b) How many pages of the book have you read for today?

4). Она еще не написала упражнение.
a) She hasn't written the exercise yet.
b) She didn't write the exercise yet.

5) Он уже пришел в школу.
a) Не has come to school.
b) He came to school.


1. Напишите словами порядковые числительные.
1, 5, 8, 11, 12, 30, 34, 42, 50, 53, 3, 9, 90, 98.

2. Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
а ) Не
was in Kiev last week.
My friend wrote to me very often last year.
They were at their office yesterday morning.
d) Our students read
many English books last year.
Mary spoke to us about the plan two days ago.
f) The pupils went
home after classes yesterday.

3. Сделать перевод.
Я получил отличную оценку по русскому языку вчера.
Мы видели фильм о животных в воскресенье.
Я отдала свою ручку другу.
Он спросил меня про наше расписание.
Они рассказали ему о школьных предметах.
Она не побежала в парк, она осталась в школе.


1. Напишите множественное число следующих существительных:
1. a boy
2. a tree
3. a sportsmen
4. a spy
5. a box
6. a child
7. a monkey
8. a pen
9. a woman
10. a book

2. Выразите принадлежность одного предмета другому, заменив сочетание с предлогом "of" формой притяжательного падежа существительного
Eg. the name of the boy - the boy's name
1. the picture of the girl
2. the children of my sister
3. the desk of our teacher
4. the cup of my grandmother
5. the book of the children
6. the room of their parents
7. the dress of my girlfriends
8. the hats of the women

3. Задайте 6 вопросов к следующему предложению:
We write English dictations at school on Mondays.
(Do...? Who...? What...? Where...? When...? Why...?)

Comprehensive Test

1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в прошедшем времени.
Не (to be) in the cinema last Sunday.
I (to write) the letter to my mother.
They (to get) many presents.
Father (to take) children to the park on Sunday.
We (to have) a lot of fun yesterday.
She (to see) a very interesting film in the evening.
He (to be) in Paris last night.

2. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.
Не worked at the hospital last summer.
They went to the library on Saturday.
Ann came late last night.

3. Задайте вопросы к предложениям с данными вопросительными словами.
He got up at 7 о'clock on Monday.
Who....? What time...? When....? Did...?

They were in the Zoo last week.
Who...? Where....? When....?

Comprehensive Test

1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в прошедшем времени.
Last week we (to be) at the library.
They (to play) games in the evening.
He (to give) me his pen.
I (to meet) my friend on the way to school.
She (to live) in the village last summer.
A. Cristie (to write) 75 detective stories. They (to be) in the Zoo last week.

2. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.
Не helped his uncle last Friday.
We were at the circus yesterday.
Sarah came to York a week ago.

3. Задайте вопросы к предложениям с данными вопросительными словами.
She got up at 10 o'clock on Sunday.
Who....? What time...? When....? Did...?

He was in the cinema last week.
Who...? Where....? When....?


Предварительный просмотр:

Английский язык

Входная диагностика для учащихся 5 класса

  1. Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. The bird is funny but the cat is …        a) funny           b) funnier         c) funniest
  2. I … from England.                                   A) isn’t             b) am not         c) don’t
  3. He … go to London next year.              a) won’t          b) isn’t               c) doesn’t
  4. Bill … a letter yesterday.                       A) sent             b) send              c) will send
  5. It is … beautiful room in the house.    A) more           b) most             c) the most
  6. My school is better … your school.     A) than             b) then             c)  -
  7. Tom … visit his granny tomorrow.      A) will               b) didn’t           c) don’t
  8. It is … interesting story in the book.   A) more           b) most             c) the most
  9. It is … longest day of the year.             a) a                   b) the               c) –
  10. Mike is … than his friend.                     A) old                b) older           c) the oldest
  1. Прочитайте вопросы и дайте краткие ответы.
  1. Did you go to school yesterday? – yes, I …
  2. Do you go to school every day? – no, I …
  3. Will you go to school tomorrow? – yes, I …
  4. Was Sam in England last week? – yes, he …
  1. Какие вопросительные слова пропущены? Используй подсказку в таблице.


Что, какой



How old

Сколько лет



What colour

Какого цвета

  1. … is Tom? – He is 10.
  2. … is Kate? – She is OK.
  3. … is your dog? – It’s under the bed.
  4. … is your cat? – It’s black.
  5. … is it? – It’s a computer.
  1. Скажите, что это не так. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.
  1. It is windy.
  2. He will be at home tomorrow.
  3. He was at home yesterday.
  4. He can go to school.
  5. He watched TV yesterday.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test (Unit 3)                   Form 5

Variant 1

  1. Complete the sentences with the right words:
  1. a lawyer, b) bodyguards,c) a nurse, d) a vet, e) computer programmers,  f) a dentist,

g) a librarian

1 Some people need to have … to protect them and their families.

2… is a person who gives us the books we need.

3 When you have problems with your teeth you must see …

4 Some people write their own computer programmes. They are…

5 My mum helps sick people in the hospital. She works as …

2   Choose the right word to complete each sentence:

1 Linda has got a lot of friends, but only one… friend.  

a)close                     b)typical                       c)youth

2 My little brother asks a lot of questions. He is very ...  

a)naughty               b)independent           c)curious

3 Susan would like to be a designer. It’s a very… job.

 a)creative               b)talkative                  c)traditional

4 Could you give me … for one pound, please?

a)exchange              b)change                   c) for a change

5 Are you going to take part in the Russian-English students’….?  

 a)exchange             b)change                    c) for a change

         3  Put  in the prepositions if necessary:

1 Linda can play … the guitar.

2 She gave me an interview … a correspondent of a youth magazine.

3 Do you get  … well … your friends?

4 As … Linda’s sister, she is very naughty.

5 Susan is listening … music at the moment.

         4  Make the opposites of the words. Write un-, in-, im-, non-:

friendly, usual, possible, athletic, formal.

        5  Make the Present Continuous sentences and questions: 

1 (?) Why/they/laugh/?

            2 (-) It/rain/now/.

            3 (+) I/write/a test/at the moment/.

4 (?) you/wear/jeans/?

            5(+) Look! The birds/fly/in the sky/.

6 (-) He/ watch/TV/right now/.

6 Choose the correct form of the verbs:

  1. I … to work now. Goodbye!

a)go                               b)am going                      c)will go

            2    He … swimming every  Saturday.

                 a)goes                           b)is going                         c)will go    

             3   … doctors … sick people in the hospital?

                 a)do … treat                  b)are … treating             c)did … treat

             4   … you … English at the moment?

                 a) do … speak               b)are … speaking            c)will … speak

             5    I … to visit my grandparents at the weekend.

                 a)will                              b)should                           c)am going                

Предварительный просмотр:

Test (Unit 3)                 Form 5

Variant 2

1 Complete the sentences with the right words:  

a) a computer programmer, b) lawyer, c) a librarian, d) a correspondent,

e) a vet, f) farmers, g) a manager

1 You go to see … when you have got a problem with your pet dog or cat.

2 If you want to be a good … you have to learn a lot of laws.

3 Some … have sheep and cows to produce meat and milk.

4 Linda Silvester is giving an interview to … of a youth magazine.

5 … is a person who manages a business or other activity.

2 Choose the right word to complete each sentence:

1 A real friend should be kind and …

a)rude                         b)cruel                         c)understanding

2 They are a … Russian family: a father, a mother and 2 children.

a)typical                     b)athletic                     c)international

3 My uncle is a fireman. His job is very …

a)responsible             b)sociable                   c)funny

4 Let’s go to the cinema …

a)exchange                 b)change                     c)for a change

5 Does the weather often … in spring?

 a)exchange                b)change                      c)for a change

3 Put in the prepositions if necessary:

1 James can play … the piano very well.

2 John is listening … his Walkman at the moment.

3 Linda and her sister get … well … each other.

4 There are four … them in their family: a mother, a father and two children.

5 Jane made friends … an athletic boy.

4 Make the opposites of the words. Write un-, in-, im-, non-:

happy, lucky, polite, athletic, dependent.

5 Make the Present Continuous sentences and questions:

1 (?) Where/he/play tennis/?

2 (-) The sun/shine/right now/.

3 (+) I/work hard/at the moment/.

4 (?) What/you/eat/?

5 (+) Listen! They/speak/French/to their children/.

6 Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

1 I … a book about astrology now.

a)read                           b)am reading                        c)will read

2 She … lots of books every year.

a)reads                          b)is reading                          c)will read

3 … Ann usually … home at the weekend?

a)does …go                   b)is …going                          c)do … go

 4 … the children … in their bedroom at the moment?

a)do … sleep                  b) did … sleep                    c) are … sleeping      

5 I … to buy a car next week.

a)will                               b)am going                         c)should

6 We … in Europe next year.

a)are travelling              b)travelled                          c)will travel

7 The fast train … at the station two hours ago.

a)stops                             b)stopped                          c)will stop


Предварительный просмотр:

                                                                                      TEST (UNIT 2)                                                        FORM 5

Variant 1

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
  1. Let’s ---- a picnic at the weekend.
  2. The ---- programme was very interesting.
  3. Our ---- football team went abroad last week.
  4. Mr. Stephen Wooding invited a ---- of Russian students to London.
  5. They go to the ---- every Saturday.
  6. Russian students and teachers got an ---- letter.
  7. Our school tennis team will play with their ---- next month.
  8. My mum ---- me and says “Goodnight” every evening.
  9. How many ---- did you read the text?

  1. Choose the right tag endings.
  1. It’s nice to invite British students, ------ ?
  2. You don’t like sweets, ------ ?
  3. His grandfather was a doctor, ------ ?
  4. Mike and Jack couldn’t do the exercise, ------ ?
  5. Kate enjoyed the party , ------ ?
  6. Ann plays the piano very well, ----- ?
  7. We will spend our holidays in the country, ------ ?        
  8. There is a monkey in the cage, ------ ?

  1. Match the questions and the answers.
  1. You are in the 5th form, aren’t you?
  2. He is not from Scotland, is he?
  3. We can speak English very well, can’t we?
  4. Your parents will buy a car next month, won’t they?
  5. My friends went skating last weekend, didn’t they?
  6. Your dad always helps you with your homework, doesn’t he?


  1. Make up sentences and questions. Use to be going to.
  1. My grandfather/watch TV.
  2. I/not/have a party.
  3. we/play chess?
  4. It/not/rain.
  5. Tom/take pictures.
  6. When/Ann/buy a present?

Предварительный просмотр:

                                                                                     TEST (UNIT 2)                                                        FORM 5

Variant 2

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
  1. Russian students and teachers were glad to get Mr. Wooding’s ---- to London.
  2. The ---- programme was very good.
  3. I met my Granny and ---- her on both cheeks.
  4. They will go to the ---- next Sunday.
  5. A ---- of students visited the Russian Museum.
  6. We want to ---- a birthday picnic for my brother.
  7. Our ---- football team will play with their British friends.
  8. We will thank our ---- for their help.
  9. How many ---- did you go abroad?

  1. Choose the right tag endings.
  1. She doesn’t speak Spanish, ------ ?
  2. Your friends can’t come on Friday, ------ ?
  3. That man was a good sportsman, ------ ?
  4. It’s cold today, ------ ?
  5. There are cars in the street, ------ ?
  6. We study at School 121, ----- ?
  7. I learned the poem by heart, ------ ?        
  8. You will visit your grandparents next week, ------ ?

  1. Match the questions and the answers.
  1. You are in the 6th form, aren’t you?
  2. Her brother is from Chelyabinsk, isn’t he?
  3. They can swim very well, can’t they?
  4. Tom won’t go abroad next year, will he?
  5. His uncle bought a car last week, didn’t he?
  6. My mum goes shopping every weekend, doesn’t she?


  1. Make up sentences and questions. Use to be going to.
  1. My grandmother/cook dinner.
  2. I/not/watch TV in the morning.
  3. they/have a party?
  4. It/rain.
  5. Kate/not/make a cake.
  6. What/Alex/do?

  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words (for , during, at, in, of, with, to),

 where it is necessary.

  1. She will stay ---- her little sister.
  2. How nice ---- you to invite me to the country!
  3. They played games and sports ---- the picnic.
  4. He invited his friends ---- the party.
  5. Russian students went to London ---- April.
  6. I wasn’t late, I came ---- time.
  7. My sister was responsible ---- the social programme.
  8. The first lesson at school begins ---- 8 o’clock.

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