Тест по грамматике модулей 2 и 3 Spotlight 7
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Тест по грамматике модулей 2 и 3 Spotlight 7 (конструкция used to, participles ing/ed, относительные местоимения и наречия, порялок прилагательных, лексика по теме Внешность)


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Test (modules 2-3) (year 7)

  1. Поставьтe глаголы в скобках в past simple или используйте конструкцию used to.
  1. Ann … (buy) brown bread, but now she buys white bread.
  2. Susan … (drink) white coffee, but now she drinks black.
  3. His father (go) to the cinema yesterday.
  4. We (not/ help) our friends last week.
  5. … (be) you in the country four days ago?
  6. I … (play) the guitar when I was a child.
  1. Раскройте скобки, поставив ing или ed.
  1. Your remarks were __ (insult) (оскорблять). You should apologize (извиняться)!
  2. The film we watched was ________ (interest).
  3. These days children’s games are more ________ (entertain) (развлекать).
  4. Mona Lisa’s smile is quite ________ (intrigue) (интриговать).
  5. The final exam results were rather ________ (disappoint).
  6. Listening to classical music is quite ________ (relax).
  1. Расставьте выделенные прилагательные в правильном порядке.
  1. I bought a red/ silk/lovely/ dress.
  2. My friend is wearing a checked/ woolen/ Chinese sweater.
  3. We have got а big / blue / nice / old china.
  4. It was a huge/ brown/ terrible/ thing.
  5. There is a round/ small/ old lamp on the table.
  6. There is a/an large/ wooden/ old bed in the bedroom.

  1. Поставьте подходящее относительное местоимение who, which, that, when, why, where или whose.
  1. His sister, … name is Lara, works at the library.
  2. Her last film, … I couldn’t understand at all, was a great success.
  3. I work in the town … my son lives.
  4. We’ll show you the poem … changed my life.
  5. That’s the main reason … I came to you.
  6. I’ll never forget my childhood … I was so happy.

  1. Дополни объявление о розыске, используя слова в скобках. (приложение 1)

Police department of the city N searches a very dangerous criminal. It’s a … … … … . His face is … . He has got … … hair and … … eyes. He has got a special feature: … . Be attentive! He is very …  If you meet him, please call us! (artistic, thin, young, big, shoulder-lenght, man, red, ugly, scar, tall, short, blue )

 Police department of the city N searches a very dangerous criminal. It’s a … … … … . His face is … . He has got … … hair and … … eyes. He has got a special feature: … . Be attentive! He is very … .  If you meet him, please call us! (creative, green, small, dark tan, thin, man, fair, straight, slim, tall, in his twenties )

 Police department of the city N searches a very dangerous criminal. It’s a … … …  . His face is … . He has got … … hair and … … eyes. He has got a special feature: … . Be attentive! He is very …  If you meet him, please call us! (daring, brown,small, moustaches, thin, blue, spiky, of medium hight, teenager, skinny )

Police department of the city N searches a very dangerous criminal. It’s a … … …  . His face is … . He has got … … hair and … … eyes. He has got a special feature: … . Be attentive! He is very …  If you meet him, please call us! (patient, green, freckles, big, curly, blond, baby, plump, cute, short)

Police department of the city N searches a very dangerous criminal. It’s a … … … … . His face is … . He has got … … hair and … … eyes. He has got a special feature: … . Be attentive! He is very …  If you meet him, please call us! (sociable, well-built, middle-aged, big, wavy, man, round, scar, tall, blue, grey )

Police department of the city N searches a very dangerous criminal. It’s a … … … … . His face is … . He has got … … hair and … … eyes. He has got a special feature: … . Be attentive! He is very …  If you meet him, please call us! (imaginative, fat, old, small, grey, man, round, moustache, tall, curly, black )

Police department of the city N searches a very dangerous criminal. It’s a … … …  . His face is … . He is … and he has… … eyes. He has got a special feature: … … . Be attentive! He is very …  If you meet him, please call us! (determined, black, beard, small, bald, blond, man, heavily built, ugly, elderly, of medium height)

Police department of the city N searches a very dangerous criminal. It’s a … … …  . His face is … . He has got … … and … … eyes. He has got a special feature: … . Be attentive! He is very …  If you meet him, please call us! (curious, blue, freckles, big, pigtails, blond, child, plump, pretty, short)

Police department of the city N searches a very dangerous criminal. It’s a … … …  . His face is … . He has got … … hair and … … eyes. He has got a special feature: … . Be attentive! He is very …  If you meet him, please call us! (reliable, black, dark tan, big, long, dark, teenager, slim, thin, short)

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