Виды наказаний в Великобритании.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Дронов Максим Николаевич

Урок предназначен для обучающихся 7 классов.


Предварительный просмотр:

1)        Read the texts and learn how British teachers deal with the students, who are not ideal. Find the Russian equivalents for the names of punishment in British schools:

a)  временное исключение из школы — ...

b)  наказание письмом — ...

c)  исключение из школы — ...

d)  оставление после уроков — ...

e)  запись в дневнике — ...

Lines — In England when a teacher gives you "lines", you write out some sentence again and again, perhaps fifty or one hundred times. For example, you can write such a clever, wise sentence as "I must do my homework" or "I must not be late".

Detention — If you are in detention, you stay after school to do extra work — perhaps "lines" or clean the classroom.

Report — If you are "on report"  you have a card which you give to the teacher at the end of every lesson. Each teacher  reports if you have behaved well or badly.

  Suspension — If  you are suspended, you cannot come to school for a few days or weeks. Your parents have to see the Head Teacher. This is serious.

  Exclusion — If  you are excluded, you are sent away from your school. This is very serious. You have to go to another school where all the teachers know about your bad behaviour.

2)        Match these expressions and the different kinds of punishment.

   Stay after school                      Lines

   Have a special card                 Detention

   Write some sentence                Report

   See the Head Teacher              Suspension

   Go to another school                Exclusion

3) Translate the following word combinations. Use them in your own sentences.

Behave – badly/well

Behavior  – a good/bad behavior

Punish – somebody

Punishment – a severe punishment

4)    Form nouns from the verbs as in examples:

1        To punish — punishment

to agree — ...

to argue — ...

to state — ...

2        to suspend — suspension

to exclude — ...

to discuss — ...

3        to invite — invitation

to educate — ...

to describe — ...

4         to work — work

 to help — ...

 to love — ...

 to finish — ...

to report — ...

to walk — ...

to start  - …

5)  Complete the sentences:

I think (that) the easiest punishment is...

I think (that) the hardest punishment is...

I think (that) the most pleasant punishment is…

I think (that) the most unpleasant punishment is…

I think (that) the most effective punishment is…

I think (that) the less effective punishment is...

6) Discuss with your partner and tell us what punishment you get if you…

— miss a lesson

— talk with your classmate during the lesson

— are late for a lesson

— prompt ( подсказывать ) your classmates when they answer

— are impolite to your teacher

— do not do your homework

— do not wear your uniform

7) Read the Code of Conduct (нормы поведения ) which is used in British schools. Do your school rules and this Code have much in common? Comment on what's the same and what's different.

- Always do your best.

- Be prepared – be on time

- Be polite

- Do not waste your time

- Be quite around the school

- Think safety first ( главное – безопасность)

- Use entrances and exits properly

- Use toilets properly

- Keep valuables ( ценности ) at home

- Smoking is prohibited

- Eating/Chewing is only possible at breaks and lunch times

- Play in the right place

8) Work in groups. Write your own Code of Conduct for our school.

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