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Бурмистрова Ирина Сергеевна

Презентация к уроку по страноведению на тему:"Традиционные британские праздники. Хэллоуин."


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Слайд 1

Halloween . Traditions and customs. Презентацию подготовила педагог Бурмистрова И.С.

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In English-speaking countries people celebrate this holiday on October 31st

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Deep are the roots The celebration of the day that now is known as Halloween started about 2000 years ago. It was Celts who first gave birth to this tradition and the first name for Halloween was Samhain. Samhain is the God of the dead who is believed to control the spirits of the dead. O n November 1st, they had huge feasts, celebrating Samhain or the Celtic New Year When the Romans came to the territory of Celts, they brought their traditions with them. On that day the ancient Romans celebrated the Festival of Pomona , the goddess of fruit trees and gardens . Today , the Vigil of Samhain, the Celtic New Year and the Festival of Pomona were mixed together and resulted in Halloween. This pagan holiday received a new name from the English word « All Hallows Eve » .

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Symbols of Halloween Jack-o-lantern is a lantern made from a hollowed-out pumpkin in which holes are cut to represent facial features

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Symbols of Halloween funny carving

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Traditions and customs On Halloween day children wear unusual costumes and masks. They dress up as witches, ghosts, ghouls, bats, evil spirits, skeletons and frighten people. They say “Trick or Treat”. If they get a treat, they go away. But if they don’t, they play tricks.

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Traditions and customs Halloween is a good occasion for children to have fun, play, joke, dress up and have a party.

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Traditions and customs People often decorate the streets and houses for the Halloween

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Traditions and customs Traditionally, people cook dishes from pumpkins. Sweets and pastries are made as symbols and characters .

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Traditions and customs Halloween has found in different countries of the world various interesting traditions, preserving its ancient distinctive features, but incorporating a local national flavor.

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Traditions and customs In the USA This holiday was imported by Irish immigrants to America and now covers a significant part of the country's population. Halloween in America has its capitals - Los Angeles and New York. These are the places of the most expensive carnivals.

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Traditions and customs In Japan O-boon is a traditional Japanese festival, when Japanese people visit graves of relatives or close people, but at the same time it's a fun holiday. The most famous carnival procession takes place in Kawasaki. It involves about 3000 people. Every year young people come to Kawasaki to show themselves.

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Traditions and customs In Mexico The Day of the Dead in Mexico demonstrates a strong sense of love and respect for his ancestors and is dedicated to family, relatives and friends.

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Traditions and customs In Russia Modern youth cheerfully celebrates a holiday in clubs and discos. On the last day of October, most clubs organize Halloween parties with fiery shows, contests and dances.

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Halloween is covered with legends . Let's watch one of them…

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Thank you for watching !

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