Choose the right ending
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Нейфельд Ольга Ивановна

самостоятельная работа


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Предварительный просмотр:


Choose the right ending

1. Ann likes oranges, …?            

  A) isn’t Ann?          B) does she?  

  C) doesn’t Ann?   D) doesn’t she?

2. Boys can run well, …?              

A) can boys?         B) can’t they?

C) can’t boys?      D) don’t they?

3. Our partners aren’t responsible for the social programme, …?

 A) are they?           B) are our partners?

 C) do they?            D) aren’t they?

4. Animals don’t fly, …?              

  A) don’t they?        B) do they?    

 C) do animals?      D) are they?

5. Russian students will visit Britain in April, …?

  A) don’t they?       B) willn’t they?

  C) won’t they?      D) do they?

 Task 2. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса.

  1. They won't go to the party, ___________?
  2. This house is new, ___________?
  3. I'm your doctor, ___________?
  4. There is much snow there, ___________?
  5. There is no juice in the fridge, ___________?
  6. She never comes in time, ___________?
  7. They have got a new house, ___________?
  8. They had many tomatoes last summer, ___________?
  9. They had to buy a new desk, ___________?
  10. They had no time to discuss the problem, ___________?

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