Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Семенова Марина Вячеславовна

Материаол подходит для промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку для 5 класса


Предварительный просмотр:

Материал для промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку.

5 класс

I. Listening

Task 1. Listen to the four speakers. Match the speakers (1-4) with the sentences (A-D)

1. Patrick

  1. Sharon
  2. Mary
  3. Carl

  1. This person can play the guitar.
  2. This person can use a computer.
  3. This person likes to watch tennis on TV.
  4. This person doesn't like pop music.

II. Reading.

Task2. Прочитайте текст и определите, о чём он. Укажи стрелочками.

A. Mymother is a teacher. My father is a

doctor. I’ve got a younger brother. He is

five. In summer we go to my Granny’s


a wild animal.

the weather.

a family.


a pet.

B. I’ve got a cat, Timmy. Timmy is white

with grey spots and a long tail. I enjoy

playing with Timmy.  

C. Yesterday we went to the Zoo and I saw

a kangaroo there. Its front legs are short

and its back legs are long. Kangaroos

can run very quickly.

D. I like summer. I like swimming and

playing volleyball. I don’t like winter

because it’s cold in winter.  

E.  It’s nice today. It’s warm but not hot.

The sun is shining and the sky is blue.

Yesterday it was raining but today there

are no clouds in the sky.

III. Use of English.

Task 3.Вставьтеглаголыdo, does, am, isилиare.

1. … you sleep well? Yes, I … .

2. … your sister wash the plates? Yes, she …

3. My sister … playing chess now.

4. Pamela … not drive a car.

5. Children … not doing their homework now

6. Where … you take books from?

Task 4. Напишите глаголы в форме PresentContinuous с –ing формой на конце.

feed, walk, wash, play, do

  1. Can I speak to Brad, please? I'm sorry, he's _________ his pet now.
  2. Can I speak to Paul, please? I'm sorry, he's _________ his homework now.
  3. What about Kelly? No, sorry, she's _________ her pet in the park now.
  4. Can I speak to Jenny then? Sorry, she's__________ the dishes now.
  5. Can I speak to Alice or Alex, please? I'm sorry, they're_______ tennis now.

IV. Writing.

Напиши своему другу по переписке о себе.




  • What are your hobbies, Patrick?
  • Well, football. I really like playing football. And I like swimming too, and I'm interested in music, classical music, not pop.


  • What are you interested in, Sharon?
  • I'm interested in films. I go to the cinema a lot. And I play the guitar.


  • Mary, what are your hobbies?

-1 like reading. And I like surfing the Net. I often play computer games with my friends too.


  • And, finally you, Carl. What are you interested in?
  • Actually, 1 like collecting things. And I'm interested in cars. Oh, I like watching sports on TV, especially football and tennis. I never miss a match, but I don't play very often.

Key:  I

I-D 2-A, 3-B, 4-C

4 б.


1 a family

2 a pet

3 a wild animal

4 seasons

5 the weather

5 б.



1. do, do

2. does, does

3. is

4. does

5. are

6. do

8 б.


1. feeding

2. doing

3. walking

4. washing

5. playing

5 б.


50 слов, 5б. макс.


5 – 27 - 22 б.

4 – 21 – 18 б.

3 – 17 – 14 б

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