Spotlight 10 контрольная работа 4
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Контрольная работа к учебнику Spotlight 10 Module 4


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Предварительный просмотр:

Control work Form 11 Module 4

№1. Complete the sentences with the words:

colour, narrow, overcrowded, clock, crawl, splitting, hosepipe, miraculously, internal, commemorate, hoarse, stiff

1) Mary is looking off- … ; she must be exhausted from working.

2) My nose is runny and my voice is still … .

3) Tim used a … to water the plants in the garden.

4) To … means to move on hands and knees.

5) Phew! What a … escape!

6) He slept on a hard pillow last night, so he has a … neck today.

7) The firefighters worked around the … to stop the fire from spreading any further.

8) I have a … headache.

9) He suffered seriously, but fortunately no … bleeding.

10)Against all odds, I … recovered from my serious illness.

11) The city streets are always … on market day.

12) Thailand is planning to build a memorial to … the 2004 tsunami tragedy.


№2.  Complete The sentences with appropriate prepositions: into, through, for, to, on, at, from.

1) If you go … cycling without a helmet, I’ll tell your mum.

2) It took her weeks to recover … the surgery.

3) After the diagnosis, Tim went … several painful treatments.

4) He didn’t understand … first, but she explained the rule once again.

5) Go …! I want to be left alone.

6) Mike went … the details of his project.

7) the boys were responsible … that case.

8) Tina is allergic … cats.

№3. Write the sentences in Passive.

1) The workers will pull down the old building tomorrow.

2) The employee asked them to sign the contract.

3) The optician is checking Sylvia’s eyes.

4) Tina hasn’t written the invitation yet.

5) Tom always invites Tim to parties.

№4. Complete the sentences using the passive voice.

1) New year / celebrate / all over the world.

2) A report / write / Tina / at the moment.

3) The house / decorate / last week.

4) The tasks / must / do / in 3 days.

5) The book / read / by 3 pm yesterday.

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