Spotlight 10 контрольная работа 5
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа к учебнику Spotlight 10 Module 5


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Предварительный просмотр:

Control work Form 10 Module 5

№1. Fill in: absolute, spectacular, road, foot, seaside, cheap, nasty, experience, breathtaking, local

  1. My uncle caught a … virus when he was in Thailand.
  2. The west … of Ireland is beautiful.
  3. We like to stay at … campsites.
  4. Tibet has some of the most … scenery in the world.
  5. I’ll always remember the … view from the top of  Mont Blanc.
  6. When we go abroad we always taste … dishes.
  7. It’s getting late. We’d better hit the … .
  8. It was a (an) … nightmare. Everything went wrong.
  9. Many emigrants dream of the day they’ll set … on their native soil again.
  10.  Travelling to China was truly a (an) … of a lifetime.

№2. Fill in: by, with, around, on with, by, in, across, on

  1. He looked at me … astonishment when I told him the news.
  2. I don’t get … Tim. I don’t like his attitude.
  3. We’ll have to go … boat. There’s no road.
  4. It’s hard to get … on a such low salary.
  5. We arrived  … Paris late.
  6. It’s really interesting to travel … the ocean.
  7. It’s not far. Let’s go … foot.
  8. How does she get … without a car?

№3. Put the verbs into the correct form of the past tenses

  1. I (drive) to the work when I heard the news on the radio.
  2. What you (do)  when your mum (come) home?
  3. She said she (already/do) her homework.
  4. Tom (do) that task for 3 hours before he found the answer.
  5. You (see) the accident last night?
  6. I (not/hear) what you said. I (listen) to the radio too loudly.
  7. We  (be) very tired. We (work) since the morning.
  8. The boys (play) while their mums (chat).

№4. Match the words and translate the combinations into Russian:

1.  guided

2.  street

3. delayed

4. rocky

5. ancient

6. rent

7. prolong

8. digestive

a. system

b. vendors

c. mountains

d. ruins

e. the contract

f. a car

g. tour

h. flifht

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