Тренировочные упражнения
тренажёр по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Шатурная Наталья Дмитриевна

Tag Questions


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. The students don’t speak French, ……….?
  2. She can’t play the violin, ……….?
  3. They can see the mountains from the window, ……….?
  4. Your boyfriend doesn’t earn much, ……….?
  5. We must talk to our neighbors, ……….?
  6. The train must not arrive late, ……….?
  7. He is here, … ?
  8. is he b) isn’t he c) does he d) doesn’t he
  9. My sister asked me, …?
  10. doesn’t he b) didn’t he c) doesn’t she d) didn’t she
  11. We could not go out, … ?
  12. doesn’t we b) can we c) could we d) couldn’t we
  13. The children were very glad, … ?
  14. were the children b) were they c) weren’t they d) weren’t the children
  15. The students have written the test this year, … ?
  16. haven’t they b) haven’t the students c) have they d) have the students
  17. The girl listens to the story, … ?
  18. do she b) does she c) doesn’t the girl d) doesn’t she
  19. The Browns go to the shop, … ?
  20. do they b) don’t they c) do the Browns d) don’t the Browns
  21. They are kind, … ?
  22. are they b) don’t they c) aren’t they d) weren’t they
  23. Jane wasn’t in the library, … ?
  24. was she b) wasn’t she c) was Jane d) wasn’t Jane
  25. Jane was in the library, … ?
  26. was she b) wasn’t she c) was Jane d) wasn’t Jane
  27. The children weren’t very glad, … ?
  28. were the children b) were they c) weren’t they d) weren’t the children
  29. He didn’t come to the club, … ?
  30. did he b) didn’t he c) does he d) doesn’t he
  31. They don’t go to the shop, … ?
  32. do they b) don’t they c) does they d) doesn’t they
  33. The cat doesn’t drink juice , … ?
  34. doesn’t the cat b) doesn’t it c) does the cat d) does it
  35. It isn’t dangerous, … ?
  36. is it b) isn’t it c) does it d) doesn’t it
  37. The boys aren’t in the work, … ?
  38. aren’t the boys b) aren’t they c) are they d) are we
  39. We must study at school, … ?
  40. do we b) mustn’t we c) doesn’t we d) must we
  41. You mustn’t go there, … ?
  42. do you b) mustn’t you c) doesn’t you d) must you
  43. He has just looked at the blackboard, … ?
  44. has he b) does he c) hasn’t he d) doesn’t he
  45. We could go out, … ?
  46. doesn’t we b) can we c) could we d) couldn’t we
  47. Nick would buy a card, … ?
  48. would Nick b) would he c) wouldn’t Nick d) wouldn’t he
  49. Nick wouldn’t buy a card, … ?
  50. would Nick b) would he c) wouldn’t Nick d) wouldn’t he
  51. Mike hasn’t left the hostel yet, … ?
  52. has he b) hasn’t he c) has Mike d) hasn’t Mike
  53. Mike hadn’t left the hostel by 6 o’clock yesterday, … ?
  54. had he b) hadn’t he c) had Mike d) hadn’t Mike
  55. Mike had left the hostel by 6 o’clock yesterday, … ?
  56. had he b) hadn’t he c) had Mike d) hadn’t Mike
  57. The students haven’t written the test this year, … ?
  58. haven’t they b) haven’t the students c) have they d) have the students
  59. Mike can’t leave the hostel by 6 o’clock , … ?
  60. had he b) can’t he c) can Mike d) can he
  61. She will take care of her granny in the future, … ?
  62. will she b) will not she c) won’t she d) would she
  63. They should play in the yard, … ?
  64. should they b) shouldn’t they c) don’t they d) shall not they
  65. Kate can run fast, … ?
  66. can’t she b) can’t Kate c) can she d) can Kate

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