Внеклассное мероприятие " Halloween"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Дмитреева Лариса Федоровна



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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Турунтаевская средняя общеобразовательная школа№1»

Прибайкальского района

Республика Бурятия

Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке

 «Halloween party».

Цель и задачи:

Расширить знания учащихся о традициях и обычаях страны изучаемого языка празднования Хэллоуин.

Развивать познавательный интерес детей к традициям и обычаям страны изучаемого языка.

Расширить словарный запас учащихся по теме.

Развивать умение работать в команде.

Развивать творческие способности детей.


Костюмы и маски приведений, ведьм, летучих мышей и прочей «нечисти».

Оформление зала паутиной,свечами, фонарями из тыкв, гирляндами и др.

Музыкальное сопровождение вечеринки.

Песни на английском, музыкальные композиции и презентация по теме.

Тазики с водой и яблоки. Три горшка с водой разного цвета.

Корзинка конфет, торт в виде тыквы и другие призы.

Грамоты за лучший костюм и фонарь из тыквы.

Сценарий вечера:

Музыка №1 ( фон)

Ученик 1 

Tonight is the night

When dead leaves fly

Like witches on switches

Across the sky,

When elf and sprite

Flit through the night

On a moony sheen.


Tonight is the night

When leaves make a sound

Like a gnome in his home

Under the ground,

When spooks and trolls

Creep out of holes

Mossy and green

 Ученик 3

Tonight is the night

When pumpkins stare

Through sheaves and leaves


When ghouls and ghost

And goblin host

Dance round their queen

It's Halloween ! 


Hello, everybody! Welcome to our Halloween party!

Halloween was first celebrated many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland by Celtic priests called Druids. The Celts believed that spirits of fruits and vegetables, and also the ghosts of people, visited the earth on October 31st, the night before All Hallows Day.

The Celts called the night before All Hallows E'en, or holy evening, which was later shortened to HALLOWEEN. They observed the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. The Druids thought that Halloween was the night when witches and ghosts came out.

Hash! It seems to me, somebody is coming…

Появление группы в костюмах привидений . Выход сопровождается стихотворением.

 Ученик 4

Ghosts and witches! Ghosts and witches!

Gather here! Gather here!

Halloween is coming! Halloween is coming!

Can't you hear? Can't you hear?

What's this howling? What's this screaming?

Is this true or am I dreaming?

Ghosts and witches dance around.

Swish and creak - the scary sound.

Bats and rats and witches' cats,

Skeletons in bowler hats.

Don't be scared! It's Halloween –

Ghosts and witches can be seen!

Ведущий 2

It was great! But, to tell the truth, I was afraid a little!

As people were afraid of witches and ghosts they put on different clothers and painted their faces to deceive the evil spirits. They also placed food and small gifts for witches by the doors of their houses. That was the beginning of the "trick or treat". Many of the old customs have been carried over to the present time.

Ведущий 1

Now Halloween is a dress-up time. Children parade in costumes and go from door to door ringing doorbells and saying, "trick or treat". They carry jack-o'-lanterns up and down the streets. Games are enjoyed in the household. Popcorn is popped; chestnuts are roasted; and apples are shared, just as in the olden days of the Druids. From this sharing came the sharing of treats.

Ведущий 2 Halloween is a nice, funny and tasty holiday, isn’t it? There are some treats in this basket- jack-o'- lantern. Guess how many candies are there?

Ведущие 1, 2 играют со зрителями.

Sorry, you are mistaken!   Yes! You are quite right!

Ведущие 1, 2 Help yourself!

Угощение участников конкурса. Награждение победителя корзинкой конфет

Knocking…Стучат …

Выход группы младших школьников с песенкой- колядкой

 Trick or treat?

Trick or treat? Trick or treat?

Give me something good to eat.

Apples, peaches, tangerines.

Happy, Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat? Trick or treat?

Give me something sweet to eat.

Cookies, chocolate, jelly beans.

Happy , Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat? Trick or treat?

Give me something sour to eat.

Lemons, grapefruits, limes so green.

Happy, Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat?Trick or treat?

Give me something good to eat.

Nuts and candy. Lollipops.

Now it’s time for us to stop.

Ученик 2

 Стихотворение « Treat» by Jack Prelutsky

Trick or treat, trick or treat,

Give us something good to eat.

Give us candy, give us cake,

Give us something sweet to take.

Give us cookies, fruit and gum,

Hurry up and give us some.

You had better do it quick

Or we'll surely play a trick.

Trick or treat, trick or treat,

Give us something good to eat.

Ведущие, участники, гости обмениваются угощениями.

Ведущий 1

Pumpkin is also the main symbol of Halloween. Oh! Who are you? You are little Pumpkins, aren’t youHow pretty you are! Hi! Meet 5 little pumpkins!!! (Инсценировка« 5 маленьких тыкв.» )

Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate,

The first one said,

"Oh my, it's getting late." 

The second one said,

"But we don't care."

The third one said"I see witches in the air." 

The fourth one said,

"Let's run, and run, and run." 

The fifth one said, "Get ready for some fun." 


Long long ago there was a legend about a man named Jack who was so stingy that he was not allowed into heaven when he died. Poor Jack had played pranks on the devil, so he was not allowed into hell, either. His spirit was doomed to wander around the countryside, holding a lantern to light his way.

The Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips, representing "Jack of the Lantern", or jack-o'-lantern. Later the Irish brought their custom to the USA, but they carved faces on pumpkins because in the autumn they were more plentiful than turnips.

And now it is a favorite Halloween custom to make a jack-o'-lanterns to scare friends. Here you can see nice jack-o'-lanterns made of pumpkins by our girls and boys!

But I see more jack-o'-lanterns are coming to our party …( вглядеться вдаль) Look!


Ученик 3 


Jack-o-lantern, Jack-o-lantern,

you are such a funny sight

As you sit there by the window

looking out at the night

You were once a sturdy pumpkin

growing on a vine

Now you are a Jack-o-lantern,

see the light shine

Ведущий 2

  Halloween celebration is closely connected with apples. Why apples? Apples were once thought to be the link between men and gods. The Druids believed in an apple island, called Avalon. Eating apple is believed to bring good luck.

By putting an apple under your pillow this night, you can dream a wish and eat apple in the morning.


Ведущие 1 проводит игру «Bobbing apples».

Halloween traditional games are very old. Now let’s play one of them «Bobbing apples».

Ведущий 2 приглашает на общий танец всех в круг. Come up here! Make a ring! Let’sdance « LOOBY-LOO !

И завершается вечеринка парадом – конкурсом костюмов «страшилок». 
Наряженные «страшилки» под аплодисменты зрителей проходят круг почета или танцуют в кругу.

Жюри комментирует костюмы, отмечая в них «прелестную мерзость», «обаятельную гадость» и т.д.

Всем вручаются «сладкие» призы.

C:\Users\10\Desktop\фото Halloween\IMG_0255.JPG

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