Конспект урока "Веницианский купец" 9 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Морозова Юлия Вячеславовна

Конспект урока "Веницианский купец" 9 класс, учебник Spotlight"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Choose the correct word to describe Shylocks feelings during the court.

Shylock is feeling very (powerful/strong) in the beginning.  He believes he is right and the lawyer is on his (side/place). But then, he must fill very afraid when the lawyer says he will die and (lose/ pay back) everything when he says, if you spill one drop of blood you will die. Shylock feels shocked and confused because he doesn’t (know/recognize) the law when he asks, is that the law? He seems very desperate when he tries to convince to lawyer to give him the money and forget the (part/pound) of flesh.    

Choose the correct word to describe Shylocks feelings during the court.

Shylock is feeling very (powerful/strong) in the beginning.  He believes he is right and the lawyer is on his (side/place). But then, he must fill very afraid when the lawyer says he will die and (lose/ pay back) everything when he says, if you spill one drop of blood you will die. Shylock feels shocked and confused because he doesn’t (know/recognize) the law when he asks, is that the law? He seems very desperate when he tries to convince to lawyer to give him the money and forget the (part/pound) of flesh.    ___________________________________________________________

Choose the correct word to describe Shylocks feelings during the court.

Shylock is feeling very (powerful/strong) in the beginning.  He believes he is right and the lawyer is on his (side/place). But then, he must fill very afraid when the lawyer says he will die and (lose/ pay back) everything when he says, if you spill one drop of blood you will die. Shylock feels shocked and confused because he doesn’t (know/recognize) the law when he asks, is that the law? He seems very desperate when he tries to convince to lawyer to give him the money and forget the (part/pound) of flesh.    


Choose the correct word to describe Shylocks feelings during the court.

Shylock is feeling very (powerful/strong) in the beginning.  He believes he is right and the lawyer is on his (side/place). But then, he must fill very afraid when the lawyer says he will die and (lose/ pay back) everything when he says, if you spill one drop of blood you will die. Shylock feels shocked and confused because he doesn’t (know/recognize) the law when he asks, is that the law? He seems very desperate when he tries to convince to lawyer to give him the money and forget the (part/pound) of flesh.    

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