тренажёр по английскому языку (8, 9, 10 класс) на тему

Кисель Нина Валерьевна

Проверка навыков чтения и понимания текста.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Read the text about “Sister Wendy” and then do the task.

Sister Wendy, TV Star!

Sister Wendy Beckett has been a nun for nearly 50 years, since she was 16. Most of the time she lives in solitary confinement in a caravan in the grounds of a Carmelite monastery in Norfolk, often not speaking to anyone for 22 hours a day. But every few months she leaves her caravan and travels round Europe, staying in international hotels and eating in famous restaurants. Why is she leading this double life? How does a nun who has devoted her life to solitude and prayer become a visitor to the Ritz?

Sister Wendy has a remarkable other life. She writes and presents an arts programme for BBC television called “Sister Wendy`s Grand Tour”. In it, she visits European art capitals and gives her personal opinions on some of the world`s most famous works of art. She begins each programme with these words: “For over 20 years I lived in solitude. Now I`m  seeing Europe for the first time. I`m visiting the world`s most famous art treasures.”

She speaks clearly and plainly, with none of the academic verbosity of art historians. TV viewers love her common-sense wisdom, and are fascinated to watch a kind, elderly, bespectacled, nun who is obviously delighted by all she sees. They are infected by her enthusiasm. Sister Wendy believes that although God wants her to have a life of prayer and solitary contemplation, he has also given her a mission to explain art in a simple manner to ordinary people. She says: “I think God has been very good to me. Really I am a disaster as a person. Solitude is right for me because I`m not good at being with other people. But of course I enjoy going on tour. I have a comfortable bed, a luxurious bath and good meals, but the joy is mild compared with the joy of solitude and silent prayer. I always rush back to my caravan. People find this hard to understand. I have never wanted anything else; I am a blisfully happy woman.”

Sister Wendy`s love of God and art is matched only by her love of good food and wine. She takes delight in poring over menus, choosing a good wine and wondering whether the steak is tender enough for her to eat because she has no back teeth. However, she is not delighted by her performance on television.

“I can`t bear to watch myself on television. I feel that I look so silly – a ridiculous blackclothed figure. Thank God we don`t have a television at the monastery. I suppose I am famous in a way, but as 95% of my time is spent alone in my caravan, it really doesn`t affect me. I`m unimportant.”

Sister Wendy earned £1, 200 for the first series. The success of this resulted in an increase for the second series. The money is being used to provide new shower rooms for the Carmelite monastery.

Say if the sentence is true or false:

  1. Sister Wendy spends a lot of time alone.
  2. She travels to art capitals all over the world.
  3. Her television programmes are popular because she meets famous art historians and interviews them.
  4. She believes that God wants her to lead this double life.
  5. She doesn`t enjoy being alone in her caravan any more.
  6. She only eats plain food and she doesn`t drink alcohol.
  7. Some of her teeth are missing.
  8. She loves watching herself on television.
  9. The other nuns at the monastery always watch her programmes on television.
  10. Sister Wendy is using the money she has earned to improve the monastery.

I. Вопросы по страноведению.

1. What is the national emblem of England?

2. What is oldest university of  Great Britain?

3. What is real English football called?

4. What is nickname of the flag of UK?

5. What part of Britain is called “land of song”?

6. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?

7. How many states are there in the USA?

8. In which city is Hollywood?

9. Where does the President of the USA live and work?

10. What is the home – town of  “The Beatles”?

Напишите 3 формы глаголов:

Do, make, give, tell, buy, bring, come, drive, hide, go, have, know.

Переведите подчёркнутый глагол в нужном времени:

1. Я учу английские слова обычно на ночь.

2. Я учу английский язык уже несколько лет, с 1994 года.

3. Сейчас я учу английский язык.

4. Вчера я в это время готовилась к тесту.

5. Я уже прочитала 2 английские книги.

6. К концу года я выучу 1200 английских слов.

7. Я окончу школу  в 20… году.

8. Мой брат окончил школу 2 года тому назад.

9. Он работал перед тем, как поступил в институт.

Составьте все возможные вопросы разного типа к предложению.

The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.

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