Викторина "Что вы знаете об Америке"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5, 6, 7 класс)

Тянутова Елена Николаевна

Викторина поможет Вам расширить и углубить свои знания об англоговорящей стране. Презентация пригодится как  для внеклассного мероприятия, так и для урока.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2


Слайд 3

What was the first holiday, celebrated by American colonies? a) Thanksgiving; b) The New Year; c) Easter; d) Christmas

Слайд 4

Who was the first President of the USA? d) George Washington. a)Franklin Roosevelt; b)Benjamin Franklin ; c)Thomas Jefferson;

Слайд 5

What tea party is historical event? Franklin and Washington tea party; Roosevelt and Churchill tea party; Boston tea party; Atlanta tea party.

Слайд 6

What was the number of the first English colonies in America? 14; 27; 45; 13.

Слайд 7

When was the Declaration of Independence issued? On July 4 th ,1776; On July 14 th ,1776; On July 4 th ,1778 ; d) On July 4 th ,1789 .

Слайд 8

Where was the Constitution of the USA worked out? In Atlanta; b) In New York; с) In Washington; d) In Philadelphia.

Слайд 9

Why did the piligrims come to America? a) For religious freedom; b) For great money с) For a newland; d) For great love

Слайд 10


Слайд 11

Who wrote the story”The old man and the sea”? Ernest Hemingway; b) Mark Twain; c) Edgar Poe ; d) Walter Scott.

Слайд 12

Who wrote “An American tragedy”? a) Walter Scott; b) Ernest Hemingway; c) Mark Twain; d) Theodore Dreiser.

Слайд 13

Who is the founder of the modern detective story? a) Arthur Conan-Doyle; b) Walter Scott; c) Ernest Hemingway; d) Edgar Poe.

Слайд 14

What is the real name of Mark Twain? a) Samuel James Clemens; b) Samuel Langhorn Clemens; c) Sidney James Clemens; d) William Sidney Porter

Слайд 15

What is the pen-name of William Sidney Porter? a) Mark Twain; b) Edgar Poe ; c) O’Henry; d) Walter Scott.

Слайд 16

Education, culture, science. 3 ROUND

Слайд 17

What is the national anthem of the USA? a ) The star-spangled banner; b) America, the beautiful; c) Silent night; d) Yesterday

Слайд 18

What was the first American University? a) Harvard college; c) Massachusetts college; b)Wisconsin college; d)Yelle college

Слайд 19

What is the famous library in Washington? a) Library of the White House; c)Library of Capitol; b ) Library of the Supreme Court; d) Library of Congress

Слайд 20

Who is the “King of rock-and-roll”? a) Walt Disney; c) Louis Armstrong b) Elvis Presley; d) Stephen Spielberg.

Слайд 21

Who is the father of the telephone? a)Alexander Bell; c ) Orville Wright b) Henry Ford d) Norman Rockwell.

Слайд 22

What is the center of the cinema production in the USA? a) New York; b) Washington c) Boston d) Hollywood

Слайд 23

Famous people 4 Round

Слайд 24

Who created the best animated cartoons in the USA? a) Walt Disney; c) Norman Rockwell; b) Tommy Jones;

Слайд 25

Which of the US President was a Hollywood actor? a) Ronald Reagan; c) George Bush; b) Benjamin Franklin; d) Abraham Lincoln.

Слайд 26

Who is the 43d President of the USA? a) Bill Clinton; c) George Bush; b) Ronald Reagan; d) Franklin Roosevelt.

Слайд 27

Who is the greatest American architect of all times? a) John Adams; c) Louis Armstrong; b) Stephen Spielberg; d) Frank Lloyd Wright.

Слайд 28

Who was known as the “King of jazz” a) Elvis Presley; c) Brayan Adams; b) Orville Wright; d) Louis Armstrong.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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